
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Thursday, 25 December 2014

Lesson 13 (Dec 20-26), The Everlasting Gospel

The Gospel in the Old Testament

  1. Why did God make an "Old Covenant" with humans if it could not be kept by them and if a New Covenant would replace it?
  2. Why do humans, such as illustrated in the Old Testament, have difficulty believing that salvation can be really free? 
  3. Why did the Jews wish to do something to deserve salvation? How do Adventists measure compared to the Jews? 
The Gospel Made Flesh
  1. Could God have taken human flesh without being born as a baby?
  2. Is salvation free?  What did it cost Jesus in the light that He was resurrected from the dead?
  3. Could God have arranged a birth that would have convinced more people that Jesus was really the son of God? If so why was it not done that way?
The Gospel in Paul
  1. If Paul had died during the days he persecuted the followers of Jesus would he have been saved by his sincerity?  Can you give some support from the words of Jesus for your answer?
  2. What made Paul successful in his evangelism to the gentiles?  What lessons can we learn from Paul's ministry?
The "New Covenant"
  1. Why is the "new covenant" called "new" if it was established at Eden?
  2. What was faulty in the "Old Covenant?"
  3. Can Christians choose to be saved under the provisions of the "Old Covenant? Will anyone be saved that way?
The Climax of the Gospel
  1. Since Adventists keep returning to texts that remind us about keeping the commandments, does that in any way hinder us from accepting salvation by grace?
  2. What is the best way to present commandment keeping to prospective Christians while teaching them about the gospel?
  3.  How can we present the truths about the blessings of commandment keeping especially with reference to the Sabbath?  Do we as Adventists keep the Sabbath purely out of love for Jesus or as a duty of keeping the commandment?  How can I know what my motive really is? 

Friday, 19 December 2014

Lesson 12 (Dec 13-19) Prayer, Healing and Restoration

Why are people fascinated by what they cannot explain?

The Essential Christian Toolkit

  1. Are Adventists less reverent during singing than during prayer?
  2. When waiting for members to assemble worship why do leaders use singing to pass the time rather than praying?
  3. Is it worse to walk into or out of church during prayer than during singing?

Prayer for the Sick

  1. What is the value of anointing a sick person besides praying for him or her?
  2. Should only olive oil be used for anointing or will any oil work equally well?
  3. Why does God not heal all who are anointed?

Healing for the Soul

  1. Why did Jesus address some sick people by granting them forgiveness of sins?
  2. Can sins be forgiven without confession, repentance and call for forgiveness?
  3. Does sin cause sickness?

Models of Prayer

  1. Of what value is one person's prayer on behalf of another person?
  2. What made Elijah so effective in prayer? Can we have the same ability?

Restoration and Forgiveness

  1. Was Elijah's experience on Mt Carmel more important than his ministry to individuals? If so why?
  2. Can one train to be a prophet? What do you think they accomplished in the schools of the prophets?
  3. What is the Elijah message that is to be preached before the advent of Jesus?

Saturday, 6 December 2014

Lesson 11 (Dec 6-12) Getting Ready for the Harvest

Since not many people today have expereince with literal harvests, is there a better metaphor that can be used?

Waiting for Rain

  1. How dependent are farmers on weather these days?
  2. Are the early and latter rains for the benefit of the church or for the individual, or both?  Can they be at different times for each?
  3. What is the meaning of the parable of the wheat and the tares? Why can one not distinguish between the two till they have matured?
How Near is "Near?"
  1. What is the best word ör phrase to describe the "nearness of Christ's coming--around the corner, imminent, soon, at the door?
  2. Has the church erred through the centuries by pastors preaching that Christ's coming is near?
  3.  Is the time of the second coming fixed or flexible?
Grumbling, Groaning, and Growing
  1. Is the second coming delayed or still on schedule?
  2. If the Lord is delaying His coming, what could be the purpose?  Are some people who might have been saved going to be lost because the second coming is delayed?
  3. What lesson can we apply from the Israelites having to turn back from the door of Canaan to wander forty years?  
Models of Patient Endurance
  1. Is patience inherited or cultivated?
  2.  Is there a limit to patience? If so what is it?
  3. Can one get patience as a gift through the Holy Spirit?
Transparent as the Sunlight
  1. What is the meaning of "swear? "Is it wrong to swear?
  2. Is it wrong to make an oath?
  3. What does James mean "Let your yes be yes, and your no be no?' Is it wrong to be ambivalent or to please everyone?  What did Paul mean when he said Ï am all things to all people?

Saturday, 29 November 2014

Lesson 10 (Nov 29-Dec 5), Weep and Howl

Justice Will Be Done

  1. Why can God not punish the wicked and reward the righteous before they die?
  2. Why are the rich in general condemned when there are many good rich people?
  3. Are rich people more selfish than the poor?

When Wealth Becomes Worthless

  1. Why do people hang on to stuff that they do not use?
  2. Why do people not use things they hang on to?
  3. How does sudden wealth affect a person? Can those effects be avoided?

Cries of the Poor

  1. Are the rich obliged to help the poor? If so, how?
  2. Is an employer obliged to give advances on salary to a poor employee?
  3. Is it possible to get rich without being greedy? 
  4. Is it possible to get rich without being oppressing others? 

Fat and Happy (for Now)

  1. Why are fat people considered prosperous? Aren't there many rich people who are fit, ad many poor who are fat?
  2. Can wealth be created and destroyed or does it just move around?
  3. Why was the lesson Jesus told of the parable of the rich man and Lazarus?

Blame the Victim

  1. Why are the poor poor? 
  2. Is there aways someone to blame when something goes wrong?
  3. Why are people anxious to avoid being blamed?
  4. Why do try to place the blame on others?

Thursday, 27 November 2014

Lesson 9 (Nov 22-28), One Lawgiver and Judge

Judgement or Discernment

  1. Is it possible or even if it is, is it advisable to live without judging? Isn't it dangerous to trust everyone?
  2. Isn't the ability to judge people's motives a gift from God? Is that what discernment means?

The Lawgiver is Judge

  1. Is God neutral as a judge or is He biased?  
  2. Why do people mistrust lawyers? 

Planning Ahead

  1. Should believers sell all they have for the sake of the gospel?
  2. For how many years ahead should one plan? Can we safely assume Jesus will probably not come within a year?

A Mist

  1. In what way is vapour or mist or cloud not a good analogy of life?
  2. What makes time pass quickly or slowly?
  3. Why did Solomon say life is meaningless?

Knowing and Doing What is Good?

  1. We condemn fat people for not changing their eating habits, but why do most of us not exercise when we know we will live longer if we keep fit?  Is it a sin not to exercise?
  2. Can prayer strengthen our resolve to change behaviour? Can one change behaviour for the better independent of God?

Saturday, 15 November 2014

Lesson 8 (Nov 15-21), The Humility of Heavenly Wisdom

The Meekness of Wisdom

  1. How does one acquire wisdom?
  2. Does much learning make one proud or humble? Or does it not make as much difference as other factors?

Two Kinds of Wisdom

  1. Are children born selfish and assertive or do they become that way?
  2. What makes some people meek and others assertive? Is it possible to change frm one to the other? 
  3. Can one be too meek? Moses was said to be the meekest one who ever lived: was he always that way? If not, what changed him?

Cause of Conflict and Quarrels

  1. Why have so many wars been fought in the name of religion? Is it justified?
  2. Was Buddha right in teaching that desire causes suffering? What will be the result if one gets rid of desire?  
  3. What does Paul mean by exhorting us to covet earnestly the best gifts?

Friendship with the World

  1. Why does God ask us to live in the world but not love it? Why can't we abandon the world and live in the wilderness away from sin and temptations?
  2. Why does God ask us not to love both Him and the world? Is it possible to love both?

Submission to God

  1. Why is it hard to resist the devil? Would it be easier if we could see him and know who  was tempting us? Would we knowingly follow behind the devil if we could see him and know who he was? 
  2. Why do both God and the devil work unseen through our minds?

Saturday, 8 November 2014

Lesson 7 (Nov 8-14), Taming the Tongue

Why is "tongue" used s a synonym for speech rather than "mouth?"


  1. Why is a teacher called a "master" in the KJV?
  2. Who makes better teachers, smart students or students who had to struggle to get by? Why?
  3. Why are teachers trusted more than parents by children?

Word Power

  1. Though we treasure words of praise, why are we slower to praise than to criticise?
  2. What lingers longer in our minds, commendation o condemnation?

"Little" Things that are the Big Things

  1. On what basis can James state that controlling the tongue is the hardest body part to control?
  2. Is it true that if one can control his or her tongue, one can control his or her eyes, stomach, etc?
  3. If a soft answer can turn away wrath why do we not use it more often?

Damage control

  1. Can ideas like "sorry" and "thank you" be expressed equally well non-verbally as verbally?
  2. Should a person who apologises be forgiven even if he is not sincere?

Blessing and Cursing

  1. Why do you think the word for "curse" in Hebrew is the intensive form of the word "bless?" Can one discern any relationship?
  2. Can one person's mouth dispense spiritual truth at one time and filth at another time?
  3. How completely true is it that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks? 

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Lesson 6 (Nov 1-7), Faith That Works

Dead Faith

  1. Since all sin and must die daily, how much good works must be done in order to demonstrate that one's faith is not dead?
  2. What kind of works demonstrates that our faith is alive?
  3. Is works only in deeds or can it be in the head too?

Saving Faith

  1. If we have to demonstrate our faith through some works does it mean that Christ's atonement was not adequate?
  2. How do we explain that even though we are not saved by works, but we can be lost by the absence of works?

The Faith of Demons

  1. What is the difference between "faith," and "belief?"
  2. Why cannot the demons who believe be allowed to rejoin God's side?

Abraham's Faith

  1. Why did God rescue Abraham and Sarah the times when they failed to exercise faith?
  2. What were the "works" of Abraham that illustrated his faith?
  3. What causes humans who have at times shown remarkable faith, to doubt God at other times?

The Faith of Rahab

  1. Is prostitution sin?
  2. Was it okay for Rahab to lie to the soldiers?
  3. Was Rahab's example as described in the Bible a good model for for us, or do we have to assume that she lived a sanctified life after her rescue, in order to get to heaven?   

Saturday, 25 October 2014

Lesson 5 (Oct 25-31), Love and the Law

Is the parable of the Good Samaritan true to life? Do the social outcasts show more compassion than church leaders?

The Man in Gold

  1. Why do we treat rich people better than the poor? Is it wrong to give the upper class preferential treatment?
  2. Why did Jesus say it would be hard for a rich man to enter heaven? What are the practical obstacles?

Class Struggle

  1. Are the rich more stingy than the poor or more generous?
  2. Why are the poor more receptive to the gospel? Since the poor are more receptive to the gospel are we justified in devoting more time and more resources to evangelizing that group?
  3. In the church are the rich obliged to share their wealth with the poor?

Loving Our Neighbours

  1. Does the injunction of Jesus imply that we must love ourselves first? What are ways in which we are wrong to despise ourselves?
  2. Are we obliged to love our fellow Christians more than those outside the Christian community?
  3. What did Jesus do to demonstrate He loved His neighbours?

The Whole Law

  1. Is a person who breaks two commandments worse than the person who breaks only one?
  2. What did Jesus mean when He said not even a "jot and tittle" of the law could be dropped?
  3. What is the fundamental principle of the law that makes a person who breaks any one law guilty of breaking the whole?

Judged by the Law

  1. How true is the statement that "if we have to do anything for our salvation, it means that what Jesus did was inadequate?"
  2. Is it easier to give grace or receive grace?
  3. Why do people like James feel the need to emphasize the value of works?

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Lesson 4 (Oct 18-24), Being and Doing

What is the difference between hearing and listening?

Knowing Your Enemy
  1. What is the deeper motive of looking into a mirror?
  2. Why did Mark Twain say "If you like what you see in a mirror you have a good sense of humor?" What does that mean?
  3. How well are we able to assess our spiritual condition?

Being a Doer

  1. What actions are expected after hearing the Word, such as through a sermon?
  2. What are various ways the Word comes to us? How can we tell if instruction or advice is from God or just the human? 
  3. To what extent can we really do what is expected of us?

The Law of Freedom

  1. How can laws be understood to bring freedom when from school days we have understood rules to curtail freedom?
  2. Are doers of the law attempting salvation by works?
  3. If we could live as we liked, breaking any laws without consequence, how would we live?
  4. Would Christians live better if we could be saved only through works and not grace?

Useful or Useless

  1. Why must we do good deeds, helping others in order to be saved, such as the "sheep" are commended for?
  2. In today's culture and society are we still obliged to care for widows? Why did Jesus and other Bible writers not include widowers?

Unlike the World

  1. How are we to remain unspotted? How good a solution is it to live like a hermit beyond the reach of  temptation?
  2. Why is it not enough to avoid doing evil? 

Friday, 17 October 2014

Lesson 3 (October 11-18),, Enduring Temptation

What is the purpose of allowing humans to be tempted and then giving them power to overcome it?  What might the devil think about this?

The Root of Temptation

  1. Why do we call the devil's work temptation, but not God's?
  2. If we could see the devil when we are tempted would it be easier to resist his temptation?
  3. Can we resist temptation in our own strength? If not, how can we say that we have the power of choice?

When Lust Conceives

  1. We understand that temptation is not sin, but since Jesus said such things as hate and lust were sin, at what point does temptation become sin? 
  2. At what point did Eve commit the first sin? What about Adam?

Every Good and Perfect Gift

  1. Does the new birth occur before or after or during baptism?
  2. Why do we take fortunes for granted rather than our misfortunes?

Slow to Speak

  1. Why do you think, God didn't provide an "undo" button for our words and actions? 
  2. How is "slow to speak" a Christian virtue?

Saved by Receiving

  1. Why do you think Jesus chose the term "Word," to describe Him and His work?
  2. Do we put Christ' spotless robe over our filthy garments or in exchange for them? What difference does it make?

Saturday, 4 October 2014

Lesson 2 (October 4-10) The Perfecting of Our Faith

Faith Lasts
  1. What does "not being tempted above what we are able" mean? If we fail does that not mean we were not able?
  2. How is it possible to rejoice in our trials?   Why do we trouble ourselves by taking tests that are not compulsory?
  1. Why did God permit the devil to tempt Adam and Eve?
  2. Why do we need to prove that we can resist temptation? Doesn't God know the heart of each person?
  3. What does perfection mean? Was Paul perfect? 
Asking in Faith
  1. How did God answer Solomon's prayer for wisdom?  Did he raise his IQ? 
  2. When we pray for better performance in exams, does God answer? If so, how does he do it?
  3. Does it help to pray for another person? 
The Flip Side of Faith
  1. What is worse, presumption or doubt?
  2. If tiny faith like a mustard seed can move mountains, is that all we need? If the mountain does not move, does it mean we had no faith?
  3. Is there no chance for our prayers to be answered if there is an element of doubt in our minds?  What is the real connection between faith and answer to prayer?
The Rich and the Poor
  1. Why are church people so negative about rich people? What are the dangers of accumulating wealth?  Under what circumstances, if any, is being wealthy healthy?     
  2. To what extent are expected to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and house the homeless?

Saturday, 27 September 2014

Lesson 1 (Sept 27-Oct 3), James, The Lord's Brother

What does it mean "blood is thicker than water?" How do you match that with "there is a friend that sticks closer than a brother?" How do you rate James as a brother of Jesus?

James, The Brother of Jesus

  1. At the cross why did Jesus ask John and not his brother James to look after his mother?
  2. Why were Jesus family members embarrassed with His ministry?  Should they not have been proud of Him?
James the Believer
  1. How easy is it to be converted from one opinion to another? What could have made James a believer in Jesus?
  2. Why would the followers of Jesus look up to James as a leader? 

James and the Gospel

  1. As we get older do we get more legalistic or more liberal? What influences our change if any?
  2. Though James emphasizes faith more times than works why do we remember him for what he says only about works?

To the Twelve Tribes Scattered Abroad

  1. Why would Christians wish to be identified with the Jews? Why might they resent being identified with the twelve tribes?
  2. What can Adventists learn from Jews? What Jewish characteristics should we avoid?

James and Jesus

  1. Why do you think the author does not identify himself as the brother of Jesus? Would people accept his authority more?
  2. Is it harder or easier for a close relative to accept the importance of a person?

Saturday, 20 September 2014

Lesson 13 (Sept 20-26), The Second Coming of Jesus

Why did Jesus have to come twice? Couldn't God have taken people to heaven soon after Jesus paid the price?

The Promise

  1. Why did the disciples believe that Jesus would return in their lifetime? Was that possible?
  2. Why has every generation believed that theirs was the last? Was that intentional?

The Purpose of Jesus' Second Coming

  1. Why cannot rewards be given in this life, suffering when we choose wrong, and prospering when we do righteously?  Why should this life be unfair?
  2. What can people not go to heaven or hell at death?

How Will Jesus Come?

  1. How many saw Jesus ascend to heaven after His resurrection? Why do you think Jesus did not make that event a greater show?
  2. Why does Jesus want every eye to see His return?

When Will Jesus Come?

  1. Is there a purpose in allowing every generation to beleive theirs is the last one?
  2. How do we know that the second coming is really near if so many previoous generations were wrong?

Watch and Be Ready

  1. How can we balance our watching and being ready, with our need to earn a living? 
  2. If Jesus comes as a thief in the night how can we be prepared to meet Him?

Sunday, 14 September 2014

Lesson 12 (Sept 13-19) Death and Resurrection

Is it okay for Christians to be cremated?

The State of the Dead

  1. What is it that returns to God at death?
  2. Do animals have spirits? 
  3. If death is a sleep, can the dead have dreams?
  4. How can we explain the near death experiences of those who describe visiting heaven?

The Hope of Resurrection

  1. Is there a resurrection for animals? Why or why not?
  2. What is the difference between resurrection and resuscitation? 
  3. If there is no such thing as a soul that survives death, what connects the reurrected person with the one that died?

The Resurrection and the Judgement

  1. Why should the wicked be resurrected if they are going to be killed again? Why not leave them dead!?
  2. Why can't God take good people to heaven as soon as they die, since their destiny is sealed, and Jesus has paid the penalty?

What Jesus Said About Hell

  1. Why did Jesus tell a parable of Lazarus and the rich man using a wrong doctrine of immediate rewards?
  2. Why did't Jesus correct misconceptions of the state of the dead?
  3. What is the purpose of hell being such a frightful place? Is it okay to frighten people out of joining the devil's side?

What Jesus said about Death and Resurrectio

  1. Why did Jesus resurrect Lazarus? Why did He not resurrect more people?
  2. Having witnessed resurrection, why did not more people follow Jesus?
  3. Why did the disciples not comprehend Jesus teacing about his own resurrection?

Saturday, 6 September 2014

Lesson 11 (Sept 6-12), The Sabbath

Why do you think Jesus did not make the fourth commandment heavier like he did for the other commandments especially adultery and killing?

Christ, the Creator of Sabbath

  1. Do you think it intentional hat John started his gospel like the book of Genesis?  
  2. Does the parallel of Jn 1:1,2 provide any insight into Gen 1:1,2?   
  3. Can we use the parallel to indicate that just as the Word was not part of the creation week, that the heaven and earth were not created within the six days of creation?

Christ, the Lord of the Sabbath

  1. Why are people so strict with Sabbath observance? 
  2. Why was Jesus not so strict with Sabbath observance?

The Example of Jesus

  1. Why did Jesus go to the synagogue? 
  2. Why did God through Moses instruct the Israelites not to leave their house on Sabbath?
  3. How could the Jews know which was the original seventh day since we cannot tell that from nature and astronomy?

Miracles on the Sabbath

  1. Why is it okay to heal a person on Sabbath even if his life is not in danger? 
  2. Is it  okay for aperson to work in a hospital on Sabath as a doctor or nurse! What about as an anaesthetist or maintenance engineer?
  3. Does God rest on Sabbath?

The Sabbath After Resurrection

  1. Why would Jesus have his followers keep a day to remember creation rather than to commemorate His resurrection?
  2. Would it be wrong to worship on both Saturday and Sunday?

Saturday, 30 August 2014

Lesson 10 (Aug 30-Sept 5), The Law of God

Did the ten commandments exist before creation?

Jesus Did Not Change the Law

  1. How can you harmonize the statements (1) Jesus did not change the law, but fulfilled it. (2) Jesus said "a new commandment give I unto you."
  2. Why did God write the ten commandments on stone? Why didn't He see fit to have the tablets preserved for all time?
  3. If you could change anything in the ten commandments, what would it be?

Jesus Deepened the Meaning of the Law

  1. Could the Scribes and Pharisees have been sincere in the way they tried to keep the law? Why do we look down on them? How much worse were they than we?
  2. Could the rich young ruler have been sincere in the way he tried keeping the commandments? Why was it not enough?

Jesus and the Seventh Commandment

  1. Is it wrong to masturbate? Why or why not? How might Jesus' interpretation of the seventh commandment shed light on this question? 
  2. How can one overcome lust? Will plucking out the eyes be a solution? 
  3. What are some reasons that some women dress provocatively?

Jesus and the Fifth Commandment

  1. What is the difference in "honouring parents" and "making parents feel honoured," as is commanded?
  2. Why did Jesus' disciples not wash their hands before eating?
  3. Why would anyone dedicate something to God in order to avoid having to use it for parents?

Jesus and the Essence of the Law

  1. Should the way Jesus interpreted the fifth, sixth, and seventh commandments be applied to heighten the intention of all the commandments?
  2. Can you give similar interpretations for the eight, ninth, and tenth commandments? What about the third and fourth?

Saturday, 23 August 2014

Lesson 9 (Aug 23-29), Our Mission

To Be the Light of the World

  1. What is the connection between truth and light? Why is falsehood equated with darkness and blackness?
  2. Does God need light? Will we need light in the new earth?
  3. Is there more light or more darkness in the universe?

To be Witnesses
  1. How can we today be witnesses if we were not there to see things as they happened? Can eye-winessing be handed down? 
  2. If the witnesses wrote down their account, why are others needed to witness?
  3. To what about the gospel can we today witness to others?

So Send I You
  1. Are we each called personally to witness, or can we send someone in our place with our money?
  2. Are we failures as witnesses if we neglect to share our faith with others around us?

To Make Disciples
  1. Does the God-given power to make disciples interfere with a non-Christian's freedom of religion?
  2. Does the right to propogate religion belong on the same level as the right to follow any religion?
  3. Are Christians sometimes guilty of offering incentives for conversion? Is this excusable in the light that each person is intelligent enough to accept or reject?

The Early Explosion
  1. What challenges does explosive growth bring to a church?
  2. What mission, if any, are we responsible for besides baptizing and teaching?

Sunday, 17 August 2014

Lesson 8 (Aug 16-22), The Church

Why didn't Israelites in the Old Testament asemble for church on Sabbath?

The Foundation of the Church

  1. Why are some scholars reluctant to accept Peter as the rock on which the church is built? Can humans not participate in the foundation of the church?
  2. Why do some scholars promote the idea that Peter wasnthe roxk on which the church is built?
  3. If leaders are corrupt does it mean the church is false?

Christ's Prayer for Unity

  1. Since there are wheat and tares in the church can unity be achieved?
  2. What threatened unity among the apostles? Or was Jesus concerned about the last days?
  3. Has Jesus prayer for unity among His followers been answered or not?

Christ's Provision for Unity

  1. Is the "I in you, and you in me" relationship limited to God-humans or can human-human experience it too?
  2. What is the relationship of selfishness and pride? Which comes first?
  3. What is the relationship of mind and heart? What do we mean by "heart?" Since the physical heart feels nothing?

A Great Obstacle for Unity

  1. Why do humans enjoy gossiping?
  2. Why might it be wrong to share gossip if it is true?
  3. Is there any good reason to talk about others' misdeeds?
  4. Why is it not gossip if what we are sharing is good news, or neutral information?

The Restoration of Unity

  1. How does an animal sacrifice restore relationships? Do pagan religions teach the same thing about the function of animal sacrifices?
  2. If another person has a grudge against me and does not relent, how much do I need to do before God accepts my tithes and offerings?

Friday, 15 August 2014

Lesson 7 (Aug 9-15) Living Like Christ

Can another person be my example if it is iimpossible for me to be like that person?

How Jesus Lived

  1. Is it easier to be selfless when we have no personal family? Why could Jesus love better than we can?
  2. Is love built into humans or is it to be learnt?

Love Your Neighbor

  1. Are we really to love everyone, or is having compassion enough? 
  2. What if I do not love myself? Am I supposed to love myself? Or am I exempted from loving others if I do not love myself?

Loving Service

  1. Is helping others like Jesus said the sheep do, really more important than keeping the commandments?
  2. Why do some people in need prefer to be left alone? How do I reach them?

Love Your Enemies

  1. What does it mean to love enemies? Is it enough to be good to them? How can I really love those who try to hurt me or my family members?
  2. Who were the enemies of Jesus and how did he show love to them?

How to Live Like Jesus

  1. Are there people we do not hate, but who hate us? What if we have nothing to make right, but they do?
  2. Is it possible to have no enemies? 
  3. What if people dislike me not for personal reasons, but professional? Is it a personal problem?

Sunday, 3 August 2014

Lesson 6 (Aug 2-8), Growing in Christ

What  would a person like Nicodemus understand about being born again? Had anyone witnessed anything like that?

To Be Born Again

  1. How does one get a new heart?
  2. Do we have more or less to do with our new birth compared with our physical birth?
  3. How will we know if we have been born again?

New Life in Christ

  1. Does the new life in Christ precede or follow baptism?
  2. Are there some people who respond more readily to the Holy Spirit?

Abiding in Christ

  1. If we spent as much time in prayer and communion with God as Jesus did would it be easier to live victorious Christian lives? 
  2. Is it practically possible to spend as time with God as Jesus did or would that be a full time job?
  3. Why cannot Christ empower us offline?


  1. What do you think prompted the disciples to ask Jesus to teach them to pray? Why did He teach them such a short prayer?
  2. If Jesus had to teach a prayer today would it be the same?
  3. Did Jesus intend for us to memorize the prayer in KJV English and recite it together? What are the dangers in doing that? What are the advantages? What if you taught your children how to speak to you and they memorized it and spoke in unison to you in those very words?

Die to Self Everyday

  1. What do you think Paul was doing wrong every day? How do we die? How do we kill our human weaknesses?
  2. Will there come a time when we may not jave to die daily?

Sunday, 27 July 2014

Lesson 5 (July 26-Aug 1), How to be Saved

Why would Israelites worship a bronze serpent when they knew it was lifeless?

Recognize Your Need
  1. Why do so many religions have rituals of spiritual cleansing that involve water? What can water accomplish spiritually?
  2. Do humans need spiritual dirt pointed out or are we aware of it?
  3. Is guilt good or bad?
  1. What is the difference if any, between regret and repent?
  2. What is the difference if any, between admitting to having done wrong and confessing?
  3. If one repeats the act does that mean there was no true repentance?
Believe in Jesus
  1. If we doubt that we have been forgiven does it meanwe do not have faith?
  2. Do humans say they have forgiven when they have not truly forgiven?
  3. What did Jesus mean when he said "your faith has saved you?"
The Wedding Garment
  1. What were the conditions for rceiving a wedding garment?
  2. Do we put the wedding garment over our dirty clothes, or do we remove the dirty clothes first?  How do we get rid of our filthy rags of self-righteousness? Is it easy or difficult?
Follow Jesus
  1. What is a disciple of Jesus expected to do today?
  2. Is it possible to be a secret follower of Jesus in order to avoid paying too high a price?

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Lesson 4 (July 19-25), Salvation

What is the best part of being saved?

Salvation is a Gift from God

  1. Does God love humans more than He loves His son?
  2. Why did God make salvation optional?

Salvation: God's Initiative

  1. Why didn't God initiate salvation for the fallen angels?  Does God love humans more than He loves angels?
  2. Is it possible for one who does not How much relief could one get from the sacrifice of an animal?
  3. Why do we sometimes doubt we have been forgiven even after praying for forgiveness?
  4. How can I be sure I have been freed from sin?know God to find Him or mus God always take the iniative? 

The Required Death

  1. Why did God require a lamb as a sin offering instead of an adult sheep?
  2. Could God have arranged salvation so that the blood of an animal would be adequate to atone for a person's sin?

Free From Sin

  1. How much relief could one get from the sacrifice of an animal?
  2. Why do we sometimes doubt we have been forgiven even after praying for forgiveness?
  3. How can I be sure I have been freed from sin?

Christ Gives Us Eternal Life
Is it fair for God to forgive us on the basis of Christ's sacrifice?
How could the death of Christ free more than one person?

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Lesson 3 (July 12-18), The Holy Spirit

The Representative of Christ

  1. Why did Jesus refer to the Holy Spirit as the Comforter? Is that His main work?
  2. How does the Holy Spirit comfort us?
  3. Why is the Holy Spirit the representative of Jesus and not of the Father?
  4. Does being a representative make one inferior to the sender?

The Holy Spirit is a Person

  1. What do we mean by person? What makes the Holy Spirit a person?
  2. Is the nature of the Holy Spirit a greater mystery than that of Jesus or of the Father?
  3. If we could see the Holy Spirit would we grieve Him less, sin less? Why does He remain invisible?

The Holy Spirit is Divine

  1. Is the work of the Holy Spirit as an advocate similar to or disimilar to that of Jesus as Advocate?
  2. How much connection with the Spirit did Jesus have when on earth compared with between Him and the Father?
  3. Can we have the same power of the Holy Spirit as Jesus had?

The Work of the Holy Spirit

  1. If we pray to be reminded of sin, will the Holy Spirit bring to mind some sins that He would not have otherwise convicted us of?
  2. What is the difference between humans being born of the Spirit and the birth of Jesus?  What is similar?

Filled With the Spirit

  1.  Is there any difference between being filled with the Spirit and being full of the Spirit? 
  2. Can a person be only half-filled with the Spirit?
  3. Are Adventists too reluctant to be filled with the Spirit?

Monday, 7 July 2014

Lesson 2 (July 5-11), The Son

Do humans today have enough evidences to answer Jesus' question to His disciples: "Who do you say I am?" On what bases do we give our answer?

The Son of Man

  1. Why would Jesus prefer to refer to Himself as the "Son of Man," rather than "Son of God?" Why was it important to Him?
  2. What were the dangers in emphasizing Jesus' humanness? How could those who abused Jesus have known He was more than just another human?

The Son of God
  1. Of all the options avaialable why would God have selected a father-son relationship, rather brother, mother, sister, uncle, etc.
  2. Are there any dangers in emphasizing the Father-son relationship?

Christ's Divine Nature -1

  1. What evidences to humans was there that Jesus was divine?
  2. What more could God have done to prove to humans that Jesus was indeed God? If there was more that could have been done, why wasn't it done?
  3. How completely convinced were the disciples that Jesus was God
  4. Could the Father have chosen to die for humans and then be known as the Son?

    Christ's Divine Nature -2
    1. Why did Jesus retain His power to do miracles during His incarnation? 
    2. Did Jesus perform miracles in His own strength or in His Father's?

    Christ's Mission
    1. Whom did Jesus mean when he referred to the "lost?" What makes someone "lost?"
    2. How do we apply the parables of the lost coin, the lost sheep, and the lost son?
    3. What is invovled in being "found?" If there are different categories of "lost," how are each "found?" 

    Thursday, 3 July 2014

    Lesson 1 (June 28-July 4), Our Loving Heavenly Father

    Would Jesus have used the term "mother," to refer to His father in a matriarchal or mateilineal society?

    Our Father in Heaven
    Did Jesus select the term "father," to represent God because it fitted or did God create men with godlike qualities?
    Why did God create mothers and fathers with different qualities?

    Revealed By the Son
    Does the phrase "like father, like son," apply to the Godhead?
    Is it appropriate to be afraid of father?
    What do gou think of Satan's charge that God is selfish and arbitrary?

    The Love of Our Heavenly Father
    If the father loved the prodigal so much, what caused the prodigal to leave home?
    Does God love us more or less after the death of Christ? Why does Christ have to mediate?

    The Compassionate Care of Our Heavenly Father
    If the father loved the prodigal so much, what caused the prodigal to leave home?
    Does God love us more or less after the death of Christ? Why does Christ have to mediate?

    Friday, 27 June 2014

    Lesson 13 (June 22-28), Christ's Kingdom and the Law

    The Kingdom of God

    1. Why did Adam have to surrender leadership of this planet when he sinned, and why it transfer to Satan?
    2. When Satan offered rulership of this earth to Jesus, what was he really offering to do if Jesus worshipped him? What would it have meant if Jesus complied?

    Citizens of the Kingdom

    1. Is wanting to be a citizen of heaven enough to get us there?
    2. Why do some countries offer dual citizenship? Wht are the benefits for the individual,  for the country?
    3. Should the Adventist church allow membership in churches of the home country as well as another to which a member might have emigrated?

    Faith and the Law

    1. Why does God not allow wicked people into His kingdom?
    2. Why do we claim that wicked people would not be happy in heaven? Are they happy here on earth?
    3. Is it possible that one could get to heaven without hearing of Jesus?

    The Everlasting Kingdom

    1. Why will sin not rise again? Will there be temptations?
    2. Do you think it is true as has been said that to explain the origin of sin would be to excuse it?

    The Law in the Kingdom

    1. Do you think it possible that Enoch and Elijah never sinned? Is it possible that other humans have also been perfect in obedience to God elsewhere and at other times?
    2. Where there is no death, must there also be no procreation?
    3. What things on this earth need to be burned? What does not need to be burned? What makes the difference?

    Wednesday, 18 June 2014

    Lesson 12 (June 15-21) Christ's Church and the Law

    From Adam to Noah

    1. How many of the ten commandments were meaningful to Adam and Eve? Which ones did not apply to them? 
    2. Why do you think God named the forbidden tree "knowledge of good and evil?" Did the words good and evil have any meaning for Adam and Eve?
    3. Was it necessary for God to give Adam and Eve a test to check their character? 

    From Noah to Abraham

    1. Is it possible for God to regret having done something? Do you think God really wished when He looked at humans before the flood, that He had not created humans?
    2. Why do you think the Bible mentions good men marrying evil women and not vice versa?
    3. Which of the ten commandments were the people breaking just before the flood?

    1. From Abraham to Moses
    2. How could such a stalwart of faith like Abraham doubt God's ability to protect him from Pharaoh and again in almost identical circumstances, from Abimelech? 
    3. Why was Abraham not punished for telling lies? Is it okay to tell white lies to save ourselves?
    4. How could there be true worshippers of God outside of Israel, God's covenant people? What was special about Israel if there were remnant outside of them?  
    5. Are there people outside of the Adventist church who keep the ten commandments? 

    From Moses to Jesus

    1. is it fair to treat people with favour because their parents or ancestors were good?  
    2. Why was Israel chosen even though they proved disobedient so many times?
    3. Did Israel succeed or fail in the mission God had for them?

    From Jesus to the Remnant

    1. Was the example of Jesus with reference to the law practical for human beings? Can we emulate His performance? Are we expected to?
    2. What did the life of Christ do for us? What did it prove as far as the law goes?

    Wednesday, 11 June 2014

    Lesson 11 (June 8-14), The Apostles and the Law

    Paul and the Law

    1. Why is it so hard to understand law and grace for salvation?  Why do people have different interpretations?
    2. Did Paul's background as a Pharisee help him or hurt him in keeping the law?

    Peter and the Law

    1. Why did Peter refuse to eat the meat that was shown him? Is it a sin to eat pork or is it just unhealthy? Is it a sin to eat meat with blood and fat which the Jerusalem Council decreed ought to be avoided?
    2. What did it mean when Peter was told not to call food unclean what God had pronounced clean?

    John and the Law
    1. Why does John connect his theme "love," with keeping the commandments? What is the connection?
    2. If we are to love othes as we love ourselves, what does that say about loving ourselves? How should we love ourselves?

    James and the Law
    1. Assuming it was the brother of Jesus who wrote the book in the Bible, how can we imagine he viewed Jesus and obedience to the law when they were kids?  What do you think brought him to follow Jesus eventually?
    2. When James says that faith without works is dead, what does he mean by "works?" 

    Jude and the Law
    1. How can we counter the claim that grace gives license to break the law?
    2. Does the provision of grace prove that God's law is too difficult to keep? Why or why not?

    Friday, 30 May 2014

    Lesson 10 (June 1-6, 2014), Christ, the Law and the Covenants

    Covenant Signs

    1. Why do we not use the word "covenant" in ordinary speech nowadays? Is the word outdated? If so, what would be a better equivalent?
    2. What is the difference between a covenant and a contract?
    3. What is the purpose of signs and symbols of a covenant?
    4. Does the rainbow still have covenant significance today?  Considering that there have been so many destructive floods, has God not kept His word?
    Covenant Promises
    1. What is the purpose of promises? Why not just proceed to keep it without the promise?
    2. How can we say that God has made a covenant with all humanity when the vast majority of them have no idea  about it?
    Tablet of the Covenant
    1. If one fails to enumerate conditions at the time of making a promise, does that make it wrong to inform about conditions later?
    2. Why would God prefer to express the ten commandments in negative terms rather than positive.
    3. What would be modern English substitutes for "Thou shalt not?"
    The Covenant and the Gospel
    1. Why was God so quick to punish certain wrongdoings immediately, like sabbath breaking and adultery, and delayed for others?
    2. Why would God use circumcision as a sign between Him and His people? What are some other options?
    3. What is t he equivalent of circumcision today?
    Covenant Benefits
    1. Is it right to enjoy something before it is paid for?
    2. In what sense can one enjoy heaven now? Can hell be experienced now too?
    3. What is the necessity for a symbol of ratification of a contract?

    Lesson 9 (May 25-31), Christ, the Law and the Gospel

    Sin and the Law

    1. Does ignorance of a rule excuse breaking it? Can an institution punish someone for breaking a rule it has not announced?
    2. Did angels in heaven know God had a law? Did Adam and Eve know about the ten commandments or only about the tree?

    The Law and Israel
    1. Why did God give the ten commandments only to Israel?
    2. Was Israel more accountable for keeping the law than other nations were?
    3. Did Israel have greater accountability and therefore greater punishment for sin than othe nations?
    4. If God knew the future--that Israel would fail, why did He still select them?

    The Law and the Nations
    1. How much of the ten commandments is sensed through conscience without being taught it?  How much is revealed through nature?
    2. Do gentiles have a disadvantage in salvation?

    Grace and Truth
    1. Why was the entire human race punished for Adam's sin? Is that fair?
    2. How much of that is set right by Christ's sacrifice?
    3. Is grace a "right?" Why is it offered?

    The Law and the Gospel
    1. Do we who live after Christ have any advantage over those who lived before Him?
    2. Do we Adventists understand the gospel leas than we should because of our emphasis on the law?