
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Thursday, 24 December 2015

Lesson 13 (Dec 19-25), Lessons from Jeremiah

Jeremiah's Lord

  1. Why do you think it is that Satan does not have his own Bible to tell his side of the story? Is it possible for him to make us think what he wants us to think like God inspiring Bible writers with thoughts?
  2. Does the sea disobey God by sometimes crossing the sandy beach?
  3. Does God ever mete out punishment in this life itself or is that reserved for the end of time?
Rituals and Sin

  1. What are the disadvantages of advantages of organised religion? What are the disadvantages and advantages of unorganised religion?
  2. Have founders of religions sought to organise religion or was it their followers who did it?
  3. Are there any conditions for forgiveness? If so what are they?
Religion of the Heart
  1. Are we responsible only for our individual salvation or can we be held accountable for others too, or is that their lookout?
  2. If the church fails who will be held responsible? Are we accountable as a church or individuals?
  3. What does it mean to be circumcised in the heart?
Twilight of the Idols
  1. Why do some people need concrete images of the God they worship? 
  2. Is it okay to have pictures of Jesus in our homes, churches or offices?
  3. Is it wrong to have images of Jesus on the cross in church or at home? What about 3D nativity scenes with baby Jesus? Can that be an idol?
The Remnant
  1. What did Jeremiah mean by referring to remnant in "all the countries?" Were they in mor than just Babylon?
  2. Did Jesus descend from the Israelites in captivity or the ones left behind in Judah?
  3. Who is the remnant today?

Monday, 14 December 2015

Lesson 12 (Dec 12-18) Back to Egypt

Political Anarchy

  1. Was the remnant of Israel left behind in Judah or the ones taken to captivity in Babylon? Where was it better to be?
  2. How could Gedaliah know whether to believe Jonathan when Jonathan brought him a report that Ishmael had been sent to assassinate him? 
  3. Did Ishmael have a right to leadership because he was of royal blood? What is royal blood? How does one acquire it?
  4. Why did people who had nothing to do with the assassination of Gedaliah flee from the country?
Seeking Divine Guidance
  1. How can we obtain guidance from God in this day and age if we want to be sure we are choosing the right course of action?
  2. Does God prefer for us to live in the land in which he caused us to be born or is it okay to migrate to another country? How can we know where God intends for us to live?
  3. Does God take sides in a war?
Returning to Egypt
  1. What does God really mean when he sent a message to the people through Jeremiah, "I repent of the evil I have done to you?" 
  2. Does the message of a prophet always from God or sometimes are they influenced by other sources?
  3. What liberties did a scribe have in writing out the message of a prophet?
Taken into Exile
  1. Why did Jeremiah go with the multitude to Egypt against his own counsel?
  2. Why was it wrong for the group left in Judah to take refuge in Egypt and right for Joseph and Mary to flee there? Could God have not protected them wherever they were?
  3. Why did God not want the Israelites to leave the land of Judah?
Open Defiance
  1. How can we account for Israelites offering incense to other gods in Egypt when they had been so severely punished for doing the same in Judah?
  2. What kinds of factors cause people who have worshipped the true God to change and worship other gods? What causes people to leave the church? What brings them back? 

Monday, 7 December 2015

Lesson 11 (Dec 5-11) The Covenant

God's Covenant With All Humanity
  1. Did Noah have any part in God's covenant symbolized by the rainbow? Can a covenant be made by one party with another without the agreement of the second party? How can we who were not present be included?
  2. Does 2 Peter 3:6 " Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished," imply that Noah's flood need not have been global?  How would that impact God's covenant symbolized by the rainbow?
  3. Can God's promise not to destroy the earth by flood again be conditional?
God's Covenant with Abraham
  1. Is Abraham's seed Jesus or all of us?
  2. Was Abraham considered righteous because of his faith or because of his work?
  3. How can Abraham be called the father of those who have faith when he lied twice demonstrating lack of faith?
The Covenant at Sinai
  1. Would the covenant made at Sinai still have been made if Israel had not promised to obey?
  2. Did all Israel promise to obey? If some did not would it have applied to them? On what basis did the covenant apply to the following generations?
  3. Are we falling into the same trap if we vow to be good?
The New Covenant
  1. Did some Israelites before the time of Jesus have God's law written on their hearts?
  2. Was Jeremiah"s promise of the new covenant meant to be fulfilled after the cross or in the context of the return from Babylon?
  3. What is the effect on a person when God's law is written on his or her heart? What difference can we expect?
  4. Is memorizing the ten commandments part of having the law written on our heart? Can the law be written in our heart if we do not know it?
  5. Would it be wrong to celebrate communion more than once a quarter? Should one feel guilty for not participating in the communion service?
  6. Why is Jesus abstaining from drinking of the vine till his second coming?

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Lesson 10 (Nov 28-Dec 4), The Destruction of Jerusalem

Weeping For Tamuz

  1. What do you think is the purpose for God to call two prophets (Jeremiah and Ezekiel) at the same time? Why should God show Ezekiel in Babylon what was happening in the temple in Jerusalem when Jeremiah was right there?
  2. How correct were the elders of Israel in stating that the Lord had abandoned their nation?
  3. What effect on spirituality of Israel would you expect among the Israelites after the Babylonian army attacked them and carried off the cream of the nation?
  4. Is it okay to adapt pagan festivals for use by Christians if we completely discard the pagan aspects?
The Unhappy Reign of King Zedekiah
  1. How would you expect a king or any leader to react when told that he would be the last leader--that the nation or organization would collapse and cease to exist with the end of his tenure?
  2. What reaction from the king and/or the people would you expect to the directive "surrender to the enemy" who was lurking outside?
  3. Why are those who are from minorities more sensitive to those who are being persecuted? Was it not risky to employ a Cushite as an official in the Israelite palace?
The Fall of Jerusalem
  1. Why do you think the enemy was willing to lay siege for two years outside Jerusalem when the rest of the nation had collapsed?
  2. Why was the Babylonian commander kind to Jeremiah? How much did they know about God's purposes?
  3. How safe was it to live in Israel after the Babylonians left? Why do you think so many Israelites moved back to their homeland? Why do people of one country migrate to another? What brings them back home? What prevents others from returning?
All Your Heart
  1. Is it possible to seek God with "all your heart?
  2. Was it better to be in Israel or in Babylon after the conquest?
  3. Why did God instruct the Israelites to marry, build houses, and settle down in Babylon? Could they not get too comfortable there?
The Seventy Years
  1. Why do you think God kept Israelites in captivity for seventy years? During the Exodus why did the Israelites have to wander in the wilderness for forty years? Wouldn't punishment be fresher in the mind if the time gap was not so much?
  2. Is there any significance in Biblical numbers? 
  3. How can we tell which is the real fulfillment of a prophecy?
  4. Is prophecy being fulfilled today?

Monday, 23 November 2015

Lesson 9 (November 21-27), Jeremiah's Yoke

A Solitary Life

  1. Is it better for a pastor not to have children, or to not even marry, so that he/she can concentrate more on the ministry?
  2. Is it possible for a pastor to do his/her work properly and still devote adequate time for the spouse and family?
  3. Has humanity fulfilled the command to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth? Should we now make efforts to reduce the population?
Jeremiah's Yoke
  1. To what extent does God expect people to support governments when they are corrupt? To what extent does God expect church members to support church administrators when they are corrupt?
  2. Could Jeremiah have presented the message of of the Babylonian conquest and captivity in such a way that he would not have seemed disloyal to the nation?
  3. Was it practical for Jeremiah to actually act out all the signs he describes or could he have just used them as parables?
War of the Prophets
  1. Can we distinguish between a true and a false prophet without having to wait for the prophecy comes to pass?
  2. Will God hold us responsible for believing a false prophet if we do so innocently?
  3. Why are prophecies mostly bad news and condemnatory?
The Yoke of Iron
  1. Why did Hananiah preface his prophecy with "Thus saith the Lord?" Do false prophets believe their messages are from God?
  2. Is it possible to stop a genuine prophecy from being fulfilled?
  3. Does the Bible (see Exodus 22:28 and Acts 23:5) teach that it is wrong to speak ill of a church leader?

Trusting in Lies

  1. Why would God have wanted for Hananiah the false prophet to die within the year? Wouldn't failure of his prophecy to be fulfilled within the two years he prophecied be adequate self-condemnation?
  2. Does the damage done by a false prophet end with his or her death? 
  3. Which is more serious, to believe a false prophet or to doubt a genuine one?

Saturday, 14 November 2015

Lesson 8 (Nov 14-20), Josiah's Reforms

What is the greatest determinator that decides whether a child will grow up good or bad?

The Reigns of Manasseh and Ammon

  1. Can one excuse their poor behaviour on evil parents, and bad environment?
  2. When an evil person repents and reforms how much is he or she still responsible for others who were led astray?
  3. Why must a reformed person still suffer the consequences of earlier misdeeds? Can those not be forgiven and forgotten?
A New King

  1. Was the experiment of having kings a total failure for Israel and Judah? Could God have changed the system of governance again?
  2.  Do children of leaders make better leaders than others?
  3. Are young people less corrupt than older ones?
  4. How can we account for sons of bad kings turning out to be good kings?
Josiah on the Throne
  1. Why do you think the names of the mothers of kings have been recorded in the Bible? How much influence did a mother have over the training of a prince?
  2. How important is it to keep a church in good repair? On a scale of 1 - 10 how would you score (a) the condition of Adventist churches, and (b) the condition of your home church? 
  3. Is it okay to spend fabulous sums of money on renovation of a church when the same money could be used for evangelism and provision of churches for people who have no place to worship?
  4.  What can a pastor do to get the members to assist with the maintenance of a church?
The Book of the Law
  1. How long does it take to lose a Bible, to forget where it is? 
  2. What is the proper way to dispose of a Bible that is no longer needed because it has become old and we have acquired a new one?
  3. Do we show / Should we show the same reverence for an electronic Bible as we do for the printed one?
Josiah's Reforms
  1. What is the worth of reforming when disaster cannot be averted?
  2. Why were there festivals in the Old Testament system? Should we have regular festivals in the Adventist church to maintain the spirit? 
  3. What is the proper attitude during communion service--funereal or celebratory?

Monday, 9 November 2015

Lesson 7 (Nov 7-13), The Crisis Continues

Let Him Who Boasts . . .

  1. If it pained God so much to send enemies to take His people captive, why did He do it? Was such a measure successful?
  2. Think carefully. Who were the remnant, the ones left behind by the enemy, or the ones taken captive? What happened to each group in the days to come and eventually? Which group was more liable to repent and be faithful to God?
  3. Is it all right to brag about knowing God?
Creatures or the Creator
  1. Why did God command His people not to make an image to represent Him for worship? Does it have any strengths or only weaknesses? Why do people bow down to idols they have made themselves?
  2. Is there a difference in bowing down to an image one has made to bowing before a god imagined in our mind? Can a god be a figment of imagination?
  3. Can we worship the true God but with characteristics that are of our own making?
A Call to Repentance
  1. How can a threat be seen as sign of hope? Can a threat be delivered in a non-threatening manner or will it become ineffective?
  2. Are we ever beyond forgiveness?
  3. If we cannot remember our faults to confess them and repent are we excused?
The Call for Death
  1. Why do people wish to put a prophet or reformer to death? Are we different today? What kind of sermons and preachers do we like?
  2. Who can be authorised to pronounce a death sentence, people, a jury, a judge, a prophet, nobody?
  3. What are some things that are worth dying for?
Jeremiah's Escape
  1. Why would the people and the officials not agree with the priests and the prophets about putting Jeremiah to death?
  2. Which group would it be natural for the king to listen to? Why do you think he sided with the people even though the prophet was condemning him?
  3. What is the best way to handle a critic?

Saturday, 31 October 2015

Lesson 6 (Oct 31-Nov 6), Symbolic Acts

Do symbols make it easier or harder to get the message?

Truth in Symbols

  1. Does God value animal life more than He does plant life? Why is it preferable to be a vegetarian?
  2. Why did God value Abel's sacrifice more than Cain's?
  3. How can the same thing (serpent, lion) symbolise God at one time and Satan at another? Is there potential for confusion?
The Potter's Clay
  1. What is more important for the destiny of a human, the potter or the clay?
  2. Are humans in reality better than dumb lifeless clay in the hand of the potter?
  3. Why did God persist with a nation that had no interest in listening to His prophets?
The Degeneration of a Nation
  1. Are the Jews today more faithful to God than before the time of Christ since they keep the Sabbath and do not worship idols?
  2. Why did the Israelites persist in their evil ways even though they were headed for destruction/degeneration? Are there parallels in our lives?
  3. Why was it okay for God to sacrifice His son and not for humans to do the same?
Smashing the Jar
  1. Why do people purchase breakable vessels when unbreakable ones are available?
  2. Why do we respond differently to a vessel being broken accidentally or deliberately?
  3. What can preachers do today to attract more attention during sermons?
The Linen Belt
  1. Why did God ask Jeremiah to go to the Euphrates when there were rives closely? Does a longer period of time heighten or detract from the message? How much time inside for cloth to get spoilt?
  2. What meaning can be drawn from the comparison of a belt to God's chosen people?

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Lesson 5 (Oct 24-30), More Woes

Godless Priests and Prophets
  1. What could induce prophets in Jeremiah's day to fall into such corruption as to "strengthen the hands of evildoers?" 
  2. Is it wrong for prophets to become rich, such as Jeremiah is denouncing?
  3. Is the church doing enough to care for orphans today?
Jeremiah in the Stocks
  1. Why do so few people respond positively to prophets?
  2. Do genuine prophets have to be unpopular? Are prophets sent by God only when people have strayed from Him, or are they sent in good times also with happy messages?
  3. Do passages of the Bible have to be in chronological order?
A Fire in His Bones
  1. Is any part of a prophet's message his own, or does it all come from God? Can a prophet add anything to what God asks him/her to say?
  2. If a prophet declines to deliver a message given by God will he/she be punished for that? How free is a prophet to accept or decline a call from God to be a prophet?
  3. Why would Jeremiah accuse God of deceiving him (when people opposed him) since God had warned him that he would face opposition?
"Cursed Be the Day"
  1. Is it okay to curse the day one was born such as Job and Jeremiah did?
  2. Is it okay for Jeremiah to dodge the actual prohibition (cursing father and mother) by cursing the happy man who brought the glad news of his birth from his mother to his father?
  3. Can people who commit suicide be in heaven?
Plans Against the Prophet
  1. Does the illustration of the potter who can remake a pot that is marred in his hand teach that there is always hope for a person or nation? Or is there a point beyond which there is no hope? Could Judas have repented and been saved? 
  2. Is guilty feelings an indication that there is still opportunity to repent?
  3. Are prophecies conditional even if no condition is stated?

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Lesson 4 (October 17-23), Rebuke and Retribution

The Two Ways

  1. Why do you think God does not respect a middle, neutral path? Why is it is that one who is not "with Him" is counted as "against Him?" 
  2. In the light that there may not be fairness in this life, what could Jeremiah mean when he said that he who is faithful to God is like a tree planted by the water and flourishing? In what ways is that true?
  3. Does God ask us to trust Him blindly?
The Sin of Judah
  1. Is it our duty to point out sin in other people?
  2. Is there such a thing as an unpardonable sin? Is so, what are some examples?
  3. Is it easier to form bad habits or good ones? What makes it so?
The Warning to Jeremiah
  1. Is sinning more fun than being good?
  2. Why do people ignore the warnings of a prophet?
  3. What does silencing a prophet accomplish?
A Lament
  1. What does a prophet get for his/her thankless work? Is it worth being a prophet?
  2. What are things in life that a prophet sacrifices?
  3. Why does a prophet have to lament when he/she is ignored? Can he/she not do the work objectively?
A Desperate Situation
  1. Is a lack of water or famine a deliberate act of God to bring people back to Him?
  2. Does it help to pray for rain?
  3. Does there really come a point in our lives when God will not hear our prayers any more?

Sunday, 11 October 2015

Lesson 3 (Oct 10-16), The Last Five Kings

Under the Rule of Josiah

  1. How could an eight-year old be so good when his father and grandfather were so wicked? Are youngsters less corrupt than elders?
  2. What could evil kings gain from leading people into idolatry?  How much would the general people have believed in the idols they were worshipping?
  3. How long does it take to convert people?
Jehoahaz and Jehoiakim
  1. After seeing the benefits of faithfulness to God why would a king wish to be wicked?
  2. How much does a king have to favour those who helped him get the throne? Can a leader cast off campaign leaders after assuming the top position? How much die Jehoiakim have to bow to Egypt's wishes when he became king since they took away his brother paving the way for him to be king?
  3. Is it okay for a king/leader to accumulate personal wealth by initiating various schemes as long it is not stolen from the people? 
The Short Reign of Jehoiachin
  1. What is the minimum period a ruler needs in order to be effective?
  2. What is the maximum period a ruler should be given after which he changes for the worse?
  3. Why do you think a foreign king could be treated royally even in captivity?
At the End of the Dead End
  1. What thoughts could occupy a leader knowing that he/she would be the very last?
  2. Could it have been Zedekiah's fault that the kingdom ended with him? Could he have done anything to extend it?
  3. Were the any bright spots in the captivity of Jerusalem?
The Dark Years
  1. Who were the remnant of Israel, the ones in captivity or the ones left behind?
  2. Why did Jeremiah have to advise the people to settle down in captivity for the long haul? Was it wrong to long to return to the promised land?
  3. Was the period of captivity fixed or did it depend on the relationship of the people to God?

Saturday, 3 October 2015

Lesson 2 (Oct 3-9), The Crisis (Within and Without)

When does a bad situation turn into a crisis?

A Quick History

  1. When there seemed such a direct connection during the history of Israel between their faithfulness to God and their success, how can we explain their repeated lapse into unfaithfulness and disaster?
  2. What benefits did the organization of Israel into tribes offer? What evils if any, came with such organization?
  3. Can one generation pass on values successfully to the next or do they have to learn it for themselves? 

The Two Kingdoms

  1. What benefits did the division of Israel into two kingdoms bring? What if any were the unfortunate results?
  2. Is it true that countries of related peoples become the worst enemies?  If so, why?
  3. Why did God wish to persist with the line of David? Could he have found a better king outside?
Two Evils
  1. What do you think Jeremiah means by the two evils: (1) "forsaking spring of living water," and (2) "digging their own cisterns that cannot hold water?" 
  2. What is so attractive about idolatry?
  3. Why do so many follow the example of a leader?
The Babylonian Threat
  1. Did God use existing world powers to accomplish the punishment of Israel and Judah or did He raise up powers to do that?
  2. Is it wrong to form an alliance with a superpower to gain protection from another superpower?
  3. Why do kings not heed the advice of prophets?
Swearing Falsely
  1. How can we determine wether we are true or false believers in God since we all believe we are true, but some will be told when Jesus comes, "I know you not"?
  2. Does God hesitate to allow destruction to come to his church building, church headquarters, or institution, more than he hesitates to allow destruction on the general population? 
  3. Is there any true comfort in believing that we are the remnant church?

Saturday, 26 September 2015

Lesson 1 (Sept 26-Oct 2), The Prophetic Calling of Jeremiah

The Prophets

  1. What makes a prophet a prophet? What makes a prophet a "major prophet?"
  2. What qualities make a person eligible to be called by God to be a prophet? Is it a privilege or a burden to be called to prophetic ministry? 
  3. What profession today is nearest to fulfilling the role of a prophet?
  4. For how long is a prophet's message valid? Does it have any validity beyond its fulfillment?
Jeremiah's Family Background
  1. Why was calling a priest as a prophet not conflict of interest? How does the work of a priest compare with that of a prophet?
  2. Is a pastor today closer to the function of a priest or prophet?
  3. Are children of pastors worse than other kids? 
  4. What positives or negatives are there for a pastor's kid to enter the ministry?
Reluctant Prophets
  1. Why were so many prophets who were called, reluctant to accept the call?  
  2. Should a person who is elected as a church administrator today feel "ready and worthy," or is it preferable to have one who feels "unworthy?
  3. Why did they have "schools of the prophets" in Samuel's day? Can one choose to be a prophet?
The Almond Branch
  1. Can one be a part-time prophet?
  2. Are prophet's normal people?
  3. Is the fact of God watching us constantly comforting or discomforting?
  4. Why is a prophet not accepted in his own hometown?

Saturday, 19 September 2015

Lesson 13 (Sept 19-25) Must the Whole World

No Other Name Under Heaven

  1. Can non-Adventist Christians get to heaven? If so, under what conditions? What about non-Christians, can they too get to heaven without becoming Christians? If so, what enables them to be saved?
  2. Can one who believes in idols and and another who prays to the saints and Mary be heard by God? Is it possible to worship the true God through other religions/
How Much Must One Know
  1. If God has sheep in other folds, why must we call them out?
  2. Will God send rain in answer to prayers addressed to false gods?
  3. Can a person discover the true God without help from others, or in isolation?
Universalism and Pluralism
  1. What is the minimum one must do in order to be saved? What is the minimum one must do in order to be lost? Is it easier to be saved or to be lost? 
  2. Why are various factors that cause a person to convert to another religion? Can a person defend staying in a religion because they were born into it, and how strong is such an argument?
  3. Since most religions teach good behaviour, what makes a religion false?
Sinners in Need of Grace
  1. Are we saved by grace or by faith? What is the difference between the two?
  2. Does God accept penance? Why or why not?
  3. What does a person have to do to be considered a rebel against God?
  4. Is there a difference between open and secret rebellion?
The Mission Call
  1. How far do we need to go like Paul to become "all things to all people that I might save some" such as prostitutes, gays, addicts, or forest dwellers, sadhus, or whatever?
  2. Which are more effective in spreading the gospel, angels or humans? Why?
  3. Were pioneer missionaries more dedicated than current ones?

Saturday, 12 September 2015

Lesson 12 (Sept 12-18), Paul -- Mission and Message

Greeks and Jews

  1. Did Paul have to adjust or focus the gospel differently for Greeks and Jews? Is that recommended for reaching different cultures today?
  2. How important is it for a evangelist  to study missiology?
  3. How important is it for a preacher to know his congregation before selecting a sermon to preach?

Soldiers and Athletes

  1. Is it okay for Adventists to serve in the army? How is the church like an army? What hymns illustrate this metaphor?
  2. What sports are inadvisable for Adventists and why? What qualities of athletes are valuable for Christians?
  3. Will we play games in heaven?

Paul and the Law

  1. Why are rules unpopular with young people?
  2. Why do Adventists still observe some of the ceremonial laws?
  3. How is the fourth commandment unique? Why are so many Protestants so slow to recognise its authority?

The Cross and the Resurrection

  1. Why is Satan anxious to promote the idea of immortality of the soul?
  2. Why is the mortality of humans crucial for the gospel?
  3. What do the "near death" experiences of people who claim to have come back from the brink of death teach us?
Getting Along
  1. How important is "team spirit" compared with "zeal for evangelism" in carrying out God's commission? Which is more important in selecting church leaders today?
  2. How correct was Paul in refusing to take John Mark along on the next journey?
  3. Are we westernising our converts too much? Is there anything Adventists can do to make Christianity easier for Indians to accept? 

Saturday, 5 September 2015

Lesson 11 (Sept 5-11), Paul

What made the Apostle Paul such an outstanding figure? Is it possible to be like that today?

Saul of Tarsus
  1. How popular is the name Saul today? Why would some people still name people Saul?
  2. How important was Tarsus? Why would someone be labelled of Tarsus?
  3. Did being a pharisee help or hurt in Paul's ministry?
Paul the Man
  1. What is the difference between personality and character? Which is one born with and which is developed? How does one become zealous for something like Paul?
  2. Was Paul a proud or humble person?
From Saul to Paul
  1. Why do you think God chose to strike Saul blind rather than making him lame so he could not pursue the Christians?
  2. How easy is it to change one's mind and attitude on a subject on which we are so sure? 
  3. Can one who is born in the truth be as effective as another who was converted to it, in witnessing to people?
Paul in the Mission Field
  1. When Paul said that he had from Jerusalem to Illirycum "fully preached," what could he have meant by that? What is involved in "fully preaching?" 
  2. How much of the gospel must be imparted before a person may be baptised?
  3. Did Jesus commission us to evangelise or to make disciples? Is there a difference?
Mission and Multiculturalism
  1. Is Christianity a western or eastern religion? 
  2. Are there aspects of Western culture in Adventism in India? If there are, should these be identified and eliminated?
  3. How much of Indian culture can be incorporated into Adventism to make it more appealing to locals?

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Lesson 10 (Aug 29-Sept 4), Philip as Missionary

Philip the Evangelist
  1. What causes a person to be remembered long after death? Is it okay not to do anything in life for which we might be remembered? 
  2. What do you think Philip did to be labelled the "evangelist?" If your contribution could be summed up in one word what would it be?

Waiting on Tables
  1. What was the advantage of all early believers eating their meals together? Is it advisable for believers in one area to do the same today? Why or why not?
  2. Why did the apostles seemingly choose Greek deacons to see that the Greek widows were not neglected? Would that not increase racial tensions?

Philip in Samaria
  1. Why would Saul and his gang not pursue the Christians to other lands?
  2. Why would converts in Samaria who believed and were baptized not receive the Holy Spirit? How was it evident that they had not received the Holy Spirit? 
  3. Can the Spirit be received only by laying on of hands by an ordained pastor?

With the Ethiopian
  1. Are there any circumstances under which a deacons may baptize? Are there conditions for a eunuch to be baptized or to be ordained?
  2. How was Philip transported to the Ethiopian Eunuch?
  3. How soon after Bible studies may a person be baptized? Is being taught and believing enough, or does one have to demonstrate conversion? 
  4. Does it matter to the evangelists if converts backslide? Should we stop counting how many are baptized?
Philip as Evangelist, Father and Host

  1. How much credit or blame should parents receive for how their children turn out?
  2. How do parents raise four girls to be prophetesses?
  3. Was it easier for Saul/Paul or for the disciples of Jesus to become friends with each other? What steps can enemies today take to change animosity to love?

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Lesson 9 (August 22-28), Peter and the Gentiles

Why do you think Peter was chosen by God to open the door for Gentiles?

Peter at Pentecost

  1. Does the commission to take the gospel to the "uttermost parts of the earth" have to be fulfilled literally, or does preaching to all nationalities who gather in one place as at pentecost fulfil it? 
  2. Does taking the gospel by radio and TV into all nations satisfy the gospel commission?
  3. Was Peter appointed a leader by Jesus?
The Conversion of Cornelius
  1. Why do you think the Jews would forbid their people to "keep company or come unto one of another nation," such as Peter quoted to Cornelius?
  2. Could there be any truth in the interpretation of most Christians that the vision given to Peter also indicated that there is no longer any such thing as unclean meat?
  3. Is is there any occasion when it is okay to bow before human beings?
  4. What made the Jews avoid eating and fellowshipping with gentiles? What was wrong in Peter eating and fellowshipping with gentiles, but avoiding when Jewish Christians were around? Can such practice be defended by saying that it was to prevent placing an obstacle between Peter and the Jewish Christians?
  5. When Christians recognises that God does not discriminate, what causes Christians to discriminate?
  6. Is it necessary to reserve quotas for each community in (a) educational institutions, (b) government positions, and (c) church administration? What are the advantages and what are the disadvantages?
  7. If gentiles can be saved according to the light that they have received, why do we have to give them more light?
Peter's Vision
  1. What is involved in changing one's attitude on discrimination on the basis of race or gender? Is it increased knowledge or conviction by the Holy Spirit?
  2. What made Peter understand the interpretation of the vision? At what point was the Spirit needed most--to give the vision, to understand the vision, or to declare the message?
  3. Why would Peter's residing with a tanner (leather worker) be offensive to certain peoples?
The Jerusalem Decree
  1. Who is the final authority on how much the gospel may be contextualised--General Conference in session, General Conference Executive Committee or the Biblical Research Institute?
  2. Is the ordination of women a theological issue or a missiological one?
  3. How was the final decision made in Jerusalem, consensus, majority, or declaration by the chair? Which is the best way to make an important decision? 

Friday, 14 August 2015

Lesson 8 (August 15-21), Cross-cultural Missions

Is culture good or bad?

The Samaritan Woman

  1. Are Adventists justified in evangelising Christians first when they enter a new country, or should they target the non-Christians there?
  2. What makes women more receptive to the gospel than men? 
  3. What made the disciples marvel that Jesus would talk to a Samaritan woman? Did they not know Him that well?
The Roman Army Officer
  1. Why do higher ranking officers seem better-mannered than lower ranking soldiers? 
  2. Is it good for Adventists to support the local government and army even if they are not Christian?
  3. Did the Centurian who believed in distance healing have more faith than the widow who struggled to touch the hem of Jesus' garment?
Dealing with Demons
  1. Did Jesus demonstrate any preference for His own people? Is there room for "community" feelings among Christians?
  2. What does the devil get out of possessing people? 
  3. What did the demons gain out of causing the pigs to drown?
Ten Lepers
  1. Is the attitude of gratitude inherited or cultivated? What can parents or teachers do to promote it?
  2. Why did Jesus say that He was sent only "to the lost sheep of Israel?
  3. Is it necessary to 'like' all comments and posts on your wall on FB?
The Greeks and Jesus
  1. What makes people feel that they must approach God through a human intermediary? 
  2. Is approachability a desirable trait?
  3. Why do you think Philip talked to Andrew first before approaching Jesus with Him about the Greeks who wanted to see Jesus?
  4. Did the Greeks end up meeting Jesus?

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Lesson 7 (August 8-14), Jesus

Jesus in the Old Testament

  1. Can the Servant Songs of Isaiah be applied to others, besides Jesus, who also demonstrated the same servant leadership?
  2. What kind of assurance was Isaiah giving the king if the sign of a baby to be born would be fulfilled after six hundred years?
  3. Can Isa 42 "I will put my Spirit upon Him" be used as evidence of the Trinity in the Old Testament?
  4. Can a prophecy have multiple fulfillments?
The Desire of Ages
  1. Why did Jesus not tour all the countries of the world preaching salvation?
  2. Did the prophecies of the Messiah have to be fulfilled or could they have been considered conditional (upon the responses of people and Israel)?
  3. Why was a "cousin" selected as the forerunner of Jesus? Wouldn't it seem like conflict of interest to keep it within the family? 
Mission to the Jews
  1. Why do you think Jesus instructed the disciples on their first tour without Him, to avoid the gentiles and samaritans?
  2. How successful was Jesus in establishing a strong base in Israel as centre from which to reach out to the world?
  3. How well has the plan worked for Adventists--to establish a mission base before launching out?
Mission to the Gentiles
  1. Who was Jesus referring to as the "salt of the earth?"
  2. When Bible writers used words like "whole world" how much could they have comprehended the whole globe?
  3. Who could Jesus have meant by those "from the highways and byways" who were finally invited to the banquet? How can we say that Jesus is not partial?
The Great Commission
  1. Why do you think Jesus spent several weeks on earth after His resurrection when He could have instructed His disciples accordingly before His crucifixion?
  2. Why did Jesus appear only to His disciples after the resurrection and not to His enemies?
  3. Could the apostles have completed their mission in the first century itself? Are we closer to completing it in our generation that they were? What needs to happen if we are to finish it within our generation?

Thursday, 6 August 2015

Lesson 6 (August 1-7), Esther and Mordecai

Esther in Persia
  1. Why did Vashti refuse to appear before the king?
  2. Was it okay for Esther to join the beauty contest? Does an order from the king make such participation okay?
  3. Can Adventist girls today join beauty pageants?
Esther in the Court of the King
  1. Why did Esther and Mordecai conceal their religious and racial identity since apparently it did not matter to the king?  
  2. Were Esther and Mordecai being deceptive? 
  3. Are Adventists too secretive about their identity?
For Such a Time as This
  1. Was it wrong to bow down to Haman? Are any customs of protocol today equally wrong, such as calling a priest "father," or bowing before a king?
  2. Was it worth Mordecai endangering his entire race because of his stubborn refusal
  3. Is it acceptable for girls to use their beauty to get favours from their husbands?
Mordecai and Haman
  1. Why do you think Esther did not immediately inform the king of the plot of Haman? What were the advantages in delaying? What could have been the risks?
  2. How do you think it was possible for Mordecai to conceal his religious identity? Is it possible for a good Adventist to keep his religion secret?
  3. Is it right for Adventist believers to support the governments of their nations even if they are communist of dictatorships? 
When Some Gentiles Became Jews
  1. How can we defend the inclusion of the Book of Esther in the Bible when their is no mention of God in the entire book?
  2. If people "convert" out of fear because a king or authority has so commanded, is it valid?
  3. What makes it acceptable for people to raid possessions of people they may kill?
  4. Is it all right to kill in self defence? 

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Lesson 5 (July 25-31), Exiles as Missionaries

The Exile

  1. What qualities enable a politician to survive when taken to a foreign country and also when the government changes hands? 
  2. Can a politician be clean and survive? Does the term "politician" have negative overtones? If so, why?
  3. Would we have excused Daniel if had to compromise his principles (such as in food), in order to survive?
  1. How can a government official engage in witnessing and yet not endanger his or her position?
  2. If the three Hebrew companions had bowed to the image but prayed to their own God Yahweh in their minds, would that have been wrong?
  3. What are different ways the three Hebrews could have avoided being at the Plain of Dura where the image was? Why did they cooperate and get into a difficult situation?
Daniel in Persia
  1. Why did Daniel insist on praying in front of his open window after the decree was made? Would it have been wrong to kneel by his bedside where no one could observe him?
  2. Was it okay for the King to make a decree enforcing worship of the God of Daniel?
  3. Why did the king agree to decree that everyone should worship him? What makes a person think that he or she is better than everyone else?

Daniel and God's Eternal Kingdom
  1. Why would God have been interested to reveal the future history of the world to a heathen king?
  2. Why would God be interested to reveal the future right up to the Second Coming of Jesus?
  3. Is the formation of the European Union against the prophecy of the feet of iron and clay? Can that prophecy be conditional?
More Exiles as Missionaries
  1. Do we have as clear purpose to our lives as Daniel and Esther? How can we know if we are fulfilling God's purpose for our lives?
  2. Why should some people go as missionaries when so many in their own country have to be converted?
  3. Does India need missionaries today? Why or why not?

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Lesson 4 (July 18-24), The Jonah Saga

Does God like some countries more than others?

The Flawed Prophet
  1. Could the fact that Jonah had earlier predicted the expansion of Israel's borders have made it difficult for him to swallow the conversion of gentiles? 
  2. Could gentiles be saved as gentiles or would they have had to convert to Judaism?
  3. What were the strongest aspects of Jonah's character? Why do you think Jonah did not present his side of the story better in his book by justifying his actions and attitudes?
An Early Missionary
  1. Which is better for a missionary to introduce the gospel or for a local to learn it and return?
  2. Why did Jonah run in the opposite direction? Is it possible to decline the call to be a missionary without punishment? Does God force people to do His will?
  3. Does God speak through casting of lots today?
In the Belly of the Big Fish
  1. Was Jonah swallowed by a whale or a fish? Does it make a difference?
  2. Was Jonah in the belly for three literal days and nights or could it be a figure of speech?
  3. Did Jonah pray for deliverance before he was swallowed by the fish or after? Why did Jonah consider that his prayer was answered even while he was in the belly of the fish?
The Nineveh Generation
  1. What would have been more effective to convert the Ninevites, Jonah's sermon or his experience at sea?
  2. Why did Jonah only proclaim destruction? Why did he not appeal to them to repent?
  3. Is it appropriate to convert people through threats of destruction?
Jonah's Lament
  1. Why are the sea, the wind, plants, fish, more obedient to God than humans?
  2. Why did Jonah get angry when the vine withered? Did Jonah have a reasonable excuse to be really upset with the whole Nineveh episode? 
  3. Considering that Jonah wrote the story could his final attitude have been positive?  How do you think the story really ended?

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Lesson 3 (July 11-17), The Unlikely

He Had It All  . . . But

  1. Was Namaan a good or bad man?
  2. Why do certain illnesses such as cancer, leprosy, and AIDS evoke stronger reactions than other illnesses that are equally fatal?
  3. Do all illnesses have a higher purpose, such as to bring a person to God?
An Unlikely Witness
  1. What do you think made the captive Israelite girl such a winsome maid?
  2. Why do you think Namaan and his wife believed the captive girl?
  3. Why do you think the Syrian king was convinced by Namaan's report and request?
  4. Why do you think the Israelite king did not think of Elisha when Namaan came with the letter from his king for healing?
Elisha the Prophet
  1. Why do we picture Elisha as inferior to Elijah when he had a double portion of his spirit and performed twice as many miracles?
  2. Did Elisha conjure up the process of healing for Naaman or was he guided by God?
  3. Why do you think Namaan was not healed on the spot by Elisha? Didn't he demonstrate enough faith by coming all the way to Israel?
The Healing of Namaan
  1. Did Namaan have a right to feel insulted when Elisha did not come out to see him but sent his servant to instruct him? Why do you think Elisha chose to do it that way?
  2. Why do you think Naaman's ego was targeted so many times in his quest for healing?
  3. Why do you think Naaman was asked to dip "seven" times for healing?
A New Believer
  1. Should Elisha have given Naaman a Bible study?
  2. Would it have been wrong for Elisha to accept gifts that Naaman was giving?
  3. What would you have done for the captive girl if you were in Naaman's place after the healing?
  4. Is it all right to bow before one god and pray to the true one at the same time?

Thursday, 9 July 2015

Lesson 2 (July 4-10), Abraham

The Call of Abraham
  1. Was Abraham the only one called during his time, or are all called and only few respond?
  2. Does God test everyone's loyalty as Abraham's was tested or are do some live their entire lives without tests?
  3. Why did God change Abraham's name? Should we all change our names when we are converted?
Abraham's Testimony To The Kings
  1. Are there times when it is okay to fight in an army when our country is in the right?
  2. Why did God permit Lot to be captured and then delivered? Could He not have prevented the capture in the first place?
  3. Does a nation have the right to occupy land gained in a war? Does an army have a right to the wealth of a conquered nation?
Exemplar of Faith
  1. How can Abraham be upheld as the father of those who have faith when twice he lied about his wife to save his life, and who laughed when informed he would have a son?
  2. Which requires more faith, to move to an unknown country or to sacrifice your son?
  3. How do we know if a test is from God or just circumstantial?
Abraham the Wanderer
  1. Why do you think God required Abraham to keep moving? 
  2. Did God give Abraham sufficient wealth that survival on the move did not require faith?
  3. Was Abraham's culture as described in the Bible normative for us today--removing shoes on holy ground, headship in the home, etc.?
  1. Can a person be a missionary at home or does one have to be in a cross-cultural setting to be termed a missionary?
  2. Does one have to be active in witnessing to be a missionary, or is merely living a good life such as is described by Ellen White "a kind courteous Christian being the greatest argument in favor of Christianity" adequate? 

Friday, 3 July 2015

Lesson 1 (June 27-July 3), The Missionary Nature

God Created Man And Woman

  1. Is there too much similarity between mankind and animals?
  2. What are the dissimilarities between mankind and animals? 
  3. Which is greater the similarities or the dissimilarities?
  4. Why do you think God created mankind personally?
Free Will
  1. Could God have created humans with free will and yet who would not sin?
  2. Is conscience a safe guide?
  3. Can we be sure of the will of God in every choice we make?
The Fall
  1. At what point in the fall can we say that Eve had sinned, when she bit the fruit, or before that?
  2. At what point did Adam commit sin?
  3. Was eating the fruit the sin or symptom of sin?
God's Initiative to Save Us
  1. Did God "know" that Adam and Eve were going to sin, or was God truly "open"?
  2. What emotions can you imagine God going through when Adam and Eve's sinned?
  3. Why did the solution to sin have to take thousands of years?
Metaphors of Mission
  1. To what extent can humans imitate the love of God as motivation for mission?
  2. To what extent do missionaries have to become part of the world they hope to witness too? To what extent did Jesus become part of our world?
  3. To what extent do Christians have to accept the evil in the world? To what extent do they have to correct it?

Friday, 26 June 2015

Lesson 13 (June 20-26), Crucified and Risen


  1. If we can be judged by intent--the thief on the cross will be saved, could the world have been saved by Jesus'victory at Gethsemane? Was that enough?
  2. What was Jesus battling in Gethsemane?
  3. Why did Jesus not explain things fully to His disciples?
  1. What made Judas more susceptible to the temptations of the devil? What could Judas have done to put himself on safer ground?
  2. Was Judas sincere?
  3. Didn't Judas have the right motives for saving money? What made it wrong?
Either For Him or Against Him
  1. If there were a middle ground for people who wished to be neutral and neither suffer hell nor enjoy heaven, how many would choose that? Why is that not an option?
  2. Could the people have done anything to prevent the crucifixion of Jesus?
He is Risen
  1. Why were the disciples so slow to accept the fact of the resurrection? 
  2. Why do you think women were given the privilege of being the first to witness the resurrection? Would men have been more credible?
  3. What are the evidences that convince us that the resurrection was real?
All Things Must Be Fulfilled
  1. Did Jesus do things  to fulfill prophecy? Does that make the prophecy less impressive?
  2. What convinced the disciples that Jesus was actually resurrected from the dead?
  3. Why do you think Jesus appeared first to disciples other than from among the twelve?
  4. Why does Jesus not appear to more people nowadays to convince them of the resurrection? 

Saturday, 13 June 2015

Lesson 12 (June 13-19), Jesus in Jerusalem

Why do you think Jesus didn't choose to live longer on this earth so He could accomplish more? 

Why do Adventists not observe the Holy Week and Easter when those are on dates we can confirm, while many Adventists celebrate Christmas which date we know is wrong?

The Triumphal Entry

  1. Why did Jesus decided to ride a donkey into the city? 
  2. Why did Jesus allow the Jews to spread their clothes on the ground and proclaim Him king as he rode into the city?  Didn't that confuse their expectations?
  3. Why do you think the disciples couldn't understand what Jesus had explained to them about his coming suffering?
  1. Is selling fruits and vegetables in for investment and other offerings the same as what the money changers and animals sellers were doing in Jesus' day?
  2. Is there any thing we do in church that Jesus might condemn as making it a den of thieves and robbers?
The Unfaithful
  1. How do we measure up compared to the farm tenants in the parable who beat the servants and the master's son when they were sent to collect the owner's share of the profits?
  2. Is ignoring the writings of Ellen White as serious as ignoring the writings of the prophets in the Bible?
God Versus Caesar
  1. Are we sinning by trying to avoid paying taxes by not asking for a receipt, neglecting to declare all items at customs, concealing some bonus incomes. etc?
  2. Does God expect tithes on gifts?
  3. Is it wrong to live in a housing society and refuse to contribute to the development of the society?
The Lord's Supper
  1. How strict do we need to be with what we use for the bread and the wine at communion? If grape juice is not available can any other red juice substitute?
  2. Do both feet have to be washed at the ordinance of humility or would one be enough as a symbol?
  3. How important is it to wash feet before partaking of communion? Why do you think other churches do not observe this practice?

Thursday, 11 June 2015

Lesson 11 (June 6-12),The Kingdom of God

Characteristics of the Kingdom

  1. Is the sentence "Thy kingdom come" connected more to the preceding sentence "Our Father which art in heaven hallowed by Thy name," or to the following: "Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven?"
  2. How much are we as Adventists (as a church and as individuals) doing to "proclaim the kingdom?"
  3. What does it mean to "Seek first the kingdom of God?"
  4. In this kingdom of God are we citizens or the kings?
  5. What did Jesus mean when he said that the kingdom of God was of such (children)?
  6. Is it impossible or merely difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God?
The kingdom of God: Already, Not Yet
  1. When did/will the kingdom come?
  2. Is there more than one kingdom? What is the kingdom "within you?" What do we mean by the kingdom of grace and the kingdom of glory? Do they come together or at different times?
The Kingdom and the Second Coming of Jesus
  1. How can I know if I am a citizen of the kingdom of God? 
  2. What does the ending of most Adventist prayers -- "Save us when you come in the clouds of glory" accomplish?
  1. How sure are Christians in general that Jesus is coming again?
  2. Can we delay or hasten the coming of the kingdom by the quality and quantity of our witness?
  3. How does our belief about the nearness of the second coming shape the way we live? How should it be?

Saturday, 30 May 2015

Lesson 10 (May 30-June 5), Following Jesus in Everyday Life

Flee Pharisaism

  1. Is it possible that there were some good Pharisees?
  2. Why was Jesus sarcastic with Pharisees? Is that the best way to treat some people?
  3. Who are the equivalent of Pharisees today? How can they be countered?
Fear God
  1. Should we fear God or not?
  2. Is it true that no righteous man has starved to death?
  3. How much should we plan our future and how much leave to God?
Be Prepared and Watchful
  1. Could the church have done a better job preparing for the coming of Jesus if they knew exactly when He would come?
  2. Can failure of humans to witness delay the second coming?
  3. Will more be required of Adventists than of other people because we have the truth?
Be a Fruitful Witness
  1. Will some crowns have more stars than other crowns in heaven? Is that a reward?
  2. Can a person get to heaven without helping bring anyone to Jesus?
  3. Is the parable of the talents frightening? Is it better to have less talents than more?
Be A Servant Leader
  1. When the disciples were fighting for positions in the kingdom, why did Jesus hold up a child and say "Whoever welcomes a child, welcomes me?" What kind of people cause us to cringe when we see their names calling us on the mobile?
  2. Must a servant leader go last in the line for food at a potluck?

Thursday, 28 May 2015

Lesson 9 (May 23-29), Jesus the Master Teacher

The Authority of Jesus
  1. How is it that devils were more obedient to Jesus' commands than human beings?
  2. What makes one more authoritative than another?
  3. Why don't Christians today not command in the name of Jesus for healing like they do for exorcism?
Christ's Greatest Sermon
  1. What makes a sermon appreciated or popular?
  2. Why is the Sermon on the Mount quoted so much?
  3. Is the Golden Rule practical? Is it practiced?
A New Family
  1. Are Adventists as much like a family as we should be? Does calling one another "brother," and " "sister" help family feeling?
  2. What are obstacles to family feeling among Adventists in Southern Asia?
Love Defined
  1. Who are the "Samaritans" in our culture or society? What makes them that way? How can we address that situation?
  2. Will it help to wear a symbol of the law on the wrist and attach one to the doorpost? Do we break the law because we forget about it?
  3. Can I love my neighbor if I do not love myself?
  4. Aren't some people unlovable?  Did Jesus love everyone around Him?
  5. What would be the prescribed way to help an injured stranger on the road in today's modern world?
  6. Was Mother Theresa's ministry inspired by conversion or not?
  7. How can one increase one's love for humanity?

Monday, 18 May 2015

Lesson 8 (May 16-22), The Mission of Jesus

The Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin
  1. Why did Jesus use the numbers 99 and 100 in His parable of the lost sheep?  Is the number 100 important to Him? 
  2. What percentage of sheep brought into the church get lost? Should Adventists be doing more to keep sheep from getting lost?
  3. How can Jesus save a person who does not know he/she is lost like the woman found the lost coin?
The Parable of the Lost Son
  1. What does "prodigal" really mean? Are we correct in using the word to refer to people who left and return?
  2. Do children have a right to inherit the parents' wealth?
  3. Is it wrong to waste money?
  4. Do parents love children more than children love them? Why or why not?
  5. How hard or easy is it for a runaway child to return home? Are some parents and homes easier to return to.  What makes it that way?
  6. Should the father have gone out in search of his son instead of waiting at home? Why or why not?
  7. Did the father go overboard when his son returned? If he had controlled himself more could he have kept the elder brother happy?
  8. Did Jesus tell the parable more to help those who have left home and or those who stayed home? How well do we as a church score as older brothers?  
Lost Opportunities
  1. Is it wrong to enjoy a luxurious life?
  2. If God gave humans second chances would more people be saved? Why does God not give the wicked at the very end of time before they are burned in hell, another opportunity to come to His side?
Was Blind But Now I See
  1. Is sight the most valuable of our senses? Why do we use "see" to mean comprehend such as in "I see?"
  2. How significant are motives?  If Zacchaeus had died before he could have actually reimbursed those he had cheated would he have been saved because of his motive?
  3. Can we or our church do more to make outcasts feel at home in our church?

Saturday, 9 May 2015

Lesson 7 (May 9-15), Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and Prayer

Jesus and the Holy Spirit
  1. Since He had retained his divinity why did Jesus need the Holy Spirit?
  2. How can I know if I have been baptized by the Spirit? Does baptism of the Spirit coincide with baptism of water? Are there some who have been baptized of one and not the other? Ideally, which one should come first?
  3. What does it mean that Jesus was "born of the Spirit"?
The Prayer Life of Jesus
  1. How much time did Jesus spend in prayer? Why did He spend so much time in prayer?
  2. What guided Jesus in the selection of His disciples? What did He pray for before the selection?
  3. Why did Jesus pray for His disciples?  How much does it help to pray for someone else?
The Model Prayer
  1. Did Jesus intend for us to memorize the prayer he taught or model ours after that one? Is it important for us to repeat it in King James English?
  2. Is there a difference in "hallowing God," and "hallowing His name?" 
  3. When does God's kingdom come?
  4. Does daily bread mean hand to mouth?
  5. If we have difficulty forgiving others does it mean that God will not forgive us our sins?
  6. Is temptation necessary or not?
More Lessons on Prayer
  1. Why should we persevere in prayer? Will God relent and grant a petition that He would not have if we did not persist?
  2. Is there a correct posture for prayer?
  3. Does God need to be addressed in King James English?

Sunday, 3 May 2015

Lesson 6 (May 2-8), Women in the Ministry of Jesus

Why did God allow even among His chosen people discrimination against women?

Women Who Welcomed Jesus"Advent
  1. Can Adventists sing the song "Ave Maria"?

  1. Does God withhold childbearing to punish women?
  2. Why were women in the temple restricted to certain areas?
Women and Jesus' Healing Ministry
  1. Why do mothers feel the death of children more than fathers?
  2. Why do you think the widow of Nain is not named?
  3. Is there any evidence that Jesus tried to correct discrimination against women in His day?
Women of Gratitude and Faith
  1. What do you think Mary hoped to accomplish by pouring expensive perfume on the feet of Jesus? Why do you think she did it in public?
  2. Why do you think Jesus embarrassed the woman who tried to touch his garment quietly in order to be healed?
Some Women Who Followed Jesus
  1. Why didn't Jesus commend Martha? Wasn't that work important? Is it okay for everyone sit in the meeting when food has to be prepared? 
  2. Why do we not hear more about the women who followed Jesus with his disciples? 
Persistent in Prayer, Sacrificial in Giving
  1. Are we doing wrong by not personally caring for the widows in our community?
  2. Are divorcees to be cared for equally as widows?
  3. When we allow others to see how much we are giving for some project does it not encourage others to be generous too?
  4. Will there be more women than men in heaven?