
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Wednesday, 13 December 2017

Lesson 11 (Dec 9-15), The Elect

Christ and the Law

  1. Why is it legalism to feel good about not doing bad things, and about doing good things?
  2. What does "end" mean? What are various ways we can understand Paul when he says that "Christ is the end of the law?"
The Election of Grace
  1. Did God reject the Jews as a nation or as individuals?
  2. Is it fair for God to give the Jews a second chance? 
The Natural Branch
  1. Does a grafted branch have the same rights as a natural branch? Do adopted children have the same rights as natural children?
  2. Does a natural branch have any advantages over the grafted one? If so, is that fair to the grafted one? If not, is that fair to the natural branch?
All Israel Shall Be Saved
  1. What does "all the world" mean? Was the gospel ever preached to all the world? How much more, if any, do we have to do now?
  2. What will it take for a Jew to be saved now? Is sincerity enough, or must one become a Christian?
The Salvation of Sinners
  1. Did Paul have a special burden for Jews of whom he was one?
  2. Is it easier or more difficult to convert your own people?
  3. Have Adventists done enough to attract Jews to Christianity seeing that we have so much in common?

Thursday, 7 December 2017

Lesson 10 (Dec 2-8), Children of the Promise

Paul's Burden

  1. What was God's purpose in selecting Israel as his chosen people? How much of God's purposes for them did the Israelites fulfill?
  2. What, if any, are our obligations as heirs of Abraham?
  1. What made Abel, Jacob and the prodigal son, preferred over their older brother? Is the older brother usually less inclined to religious matters?
  2. What did God mean when he said "Esau I have hated?"Could Esau have been the one through whom the Messiah came?
  1. Why does the Bible say that God hardened Pharaoh's heart? How much choice did the human have in it?
  2. Why does God keep some things hidden from humans?
  3. How are discoveries made, by accident, or by plan of God?
Ammi: "My People"
  1. Why would Father Hosea name his son "Not my people?" Why was his name changed to "my people?'
  2. Would God have had His prophet marry a prostitute or was only an object lesson, a parable?
  1. In what way did Jesus become a stumbling block for the Jews? Why was it difficult for them to accept Him as their Messiah?
  2. What in other people become stumbling blocks for me?
  3. Should I be bothered if I am a stumbling block for someone, or is it their own lookout?

Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Lesson 9 (Nov 25-Dec 1), No Condemnation

In Jesus Christ

  1. What, if anything, is the difference between "us being in Christ," and Christ being in us?"
  2. Can a person be neutral in the controversy between God and the Devil? Or does not being on God's side automatically put one on the Devil's side?
  3. Is freedom a feeling?
What the Law Could Not do
  1. Why do so many people emphasize the necessity of keeping the law when they themselves can't keep it?
  2. Does Jesus Christ help us keep the law so we can be saved?
  3. Is salvation by grace an excuse to not keep the law?
The Flesh or the Spirit
  1. In what way can the flesh be blamed for the evil we do?
  2. Are non-Christians greater sinners than Christians? If not what is the benefit of being a Christian?
  3. How does the Spirit overcome the flesh?
Christ in You
  1. Why did Jesus say "He who is not with me is against me?" Is that really true? What about ignorant non-Christians who are trying their best to be good? What about some Adventists? In what way might some Adventists be against Christ?
  2. Why do Adventists discourage re-baptism?
  3. How can I know if Christ is dwelling in me?
The Spirit of Adoption
  1. Is the concept of being adopted by God as real as if we were handed a real adoption certificate? How real is our adoption?
  2. How authentic do adopted children feel as real children?
  3. What actions of the parents make adopted children feel like biological children?

Thursday, 23 November 2017

Lesson 8 (Nov 18-24) Who is the Man of Romans 7?

Dead to the Law

  1. Does there have to be a death in order for a person to be free to marry again, or is the culture and times different today?
  2. What is the difference in dying to the law, and the law dying? Why did Paul talk of the person dying in this case, and in other passages he speaks of the law being nailed to the cross?
  3. Can the fourth commandment be singled out for not being applicable any more?
Sin and the Law
  1. Can one know sin by any other means other than by the law?
  2. Why do some people want to do something just because there is a rule against it?
  3. We understand that the law points out sin and cannot save, but can the law condemn and destroy?
The Law is Holy
  1. What makes the law holy, righteous and good?
  2. How did sin affect humans physically so that we have propensities and lusts which Adam may not have had?
  3. Are there degrees of sin and sinners?
The Man of Romans 7
  1. Which is worse, to do something wrong, or to not do something we should be doing? 
  2. Is stealing and lying worse than not feeding the poor?
  3. What does victory over sin mean?
Saved from Death
  1. What does it mean for the old self to die at baptism if the old self still exists?
  2. Why does a person not need to be re-baptized again and again?
  3. Why do Christians not choose to receive Christ's strength to overcome sin, but want to sin?

Monday, 13 November 2017

Lesson 7 (Nov 11-17), Overcoming Sin

Where Sin Abounded

  1. What makes a person feel too sinful to expect God's grace to be sufficient? 
  2. Will grace ever be refused when it is asked for?
  3. Is baptism by water a culture-bound tradition that might have a better substitute in a post-modern society?
Where Sin Reigns
  1. What does "reign" mean? What does it mean to let sin "reign" in our lives? How can one dethrone sin?
  2. What is the difference between lust and temptation? What makes any of them wrong?
  3. Why isn't God as aggressive as the devil in taking control of us?
Not Under the Law But Under Grace
  1. Does "not under the law but under grace" mean that we no longer have to keep the law?
  2. By what law will we be judged in the final judgement that determines our destiny?
  3. What law was abolished at the cross?
Sin or Obedience
  1. What is the practical difference between keeping the law in order to be saved or keeping the law as a result of being saved?
  2. Should people sin less after baptism?
  3. Does loving people and doing good for them negate the need to keep the commandments and for doctrines?
Free From Sin
  1. Can a Christian expect to be really free from sinning through the strength of Christ, or are we doomed to repeated sin and forgiveness?
  2. When a Christian sins should he or she feel sorrow or rejoice in the grace of Christ?
  3. What advice can we give to one who feels chained to a particular vice?

Monday, 6 November 2017

Lesson 6 (Nov 4-10), Adam and Jesus

Justified by Faith
  1. How can one know if he or she has been justified?
  2. What type of sufferings come to a saved person that he or she can rejoice in? Is it necessary to suffer?
  3. Is there anything one can do to promote spirituality or is everything in salvation the work of God? 
While Yet Sinners
  1. Why does God take the initiative to save humans?
  2. Why is a mediator needed? Is the Father angry with humans?
  3. What is the relationship between love and anger?
Death Through Sin
  1. Why didn't God prevent Adam and Eve from having children? Why should all humanity become subject to death just because Adam and Eve sinned? Why did God not punish them with death as promised?
  2. What do we inherit? Sin? Penalty for sin? Propensity to sin?
  3. Once Adam sinned did he become more susceptible to sin or less prone to sin?
From Adam to Moses
  1. What was the new situation that made it necessary for God to give humans the Ten Commandments at Sinai? Why did He not give it earlier?
  2. How did people on earth know what was right and wrong before the Ten Commandments were given?
  3. How much of the Decalogue can one sense through nature?
Jesus the Second Adam
  1. Did Jesus have to have our weakened nature or was He allowed to have the same nature as Adam? Did He have any advantage over us?
  2. Even if Christ had the same unfallen nature of Adam what would have made it harder for Jesus than it was for Adam in the Garden of Eden?
  3. Why would it have been wrong for Jesus to use His divine nature to overcome temptation? 

Monday, 30 October 2017

Lesson 5 (Oct 28-Nov 3), The Faith of Abraham

The Law

  1. Which persons in the Old Testament were considered to be good examples of keeping the law? Is there any evidence that any might have been absolutely without sin?
  2. Why would anyone teach that those under grace, saved by faith, need not to keep the law?
Debt or Grace
  1. Are there some people who do not deserve grace? Are there some who deserve grace?
  2. Was Abraham a Jew or Gentile? Does it make any difference?
  3. Is it easier to accept a loan or a grant? Is pride involved?
The Promise
  1. How much of God's promise to Abraham was fulfilled before the patriarch died? How much benefit was the promise to Abraham?
  2. Were the Jews ignorantly and innocently trying to earn salvation by obeying the law? Since that is what they were taught, will God hold it against them if they were sincerely trying to earn salvation by works?
Law and Faith
  1. Which is practically easier to accept, salvation by faith, or salvation by works?
  2. Do Catholics believe in salvation by faith or salvation by works?
  3. What is the difference in "salvation by grace," and "salvation by faith?"
The Law and Sin
  1. Why are some Christians anxious to say that the law has been done away with?
  2. Can a penalty exist without a law? Can a law exist without penalty for breaking it?
  3. Do all peoples acknowledge the same things as right and wrong?

Monday, 23 October 2017

Lesson 4 (Oct 21-27), Justification by Faith

The Deeds of the Law
  1. What was God's intention in giving humans the Ten Commandments? 
  2. What kind of obedience might parents not want from their children?
  3. How can home or school rules be presented to children so that they will not resent them?
The Righteousness of God
  1. Why do people have problems accepting the righteousness of Christ as free?
  2. How do I accept righteousness by faith? Is believing and wanting it enough, or does one need to do something?
By His Grace
  1. Why could not a sinless angel have accomplished our salvation?
  2. Why are people reluctant to accept things that are free? 
The Righteousness of Christ
  1. What does "remission" mean? Is it related to the word "remit?" What does that word mean?
  2. How can it be legal for One's person's righteousness to be credited to another? How can it be credited to so many people?
Without the Deeds of the Law
  1. Is there any credit whatsoever for keeping the Ten Commandments? Why or why not?
  2. Is trying to keep the law good or bad?
  3. How can parents teach Salvation by Grace to children?

Tuesday, 17 October 2017

Lesson 3 (Oct 14-20), The Human Condition

The Power of the Gospel
  1. Can God transform a person so that he or she is not tempted (interested) to do wrong even though Satan tries hard to tempt the person?
  2. Is it appropriate to pray that God will remove temptations? Or should we pray for strength to overcome them? What does "Lead us not into temptation" mean?
All Have Sinned
  1. Have all really sinned? What about Enoch whom God took to heaven, and Job, whom God upheld to Satan as blameless and upright?
  2. Are humans basically good or basically bad; righteous or wicked? Deep in one's heart is there a desire to be good or bad? 
  3. When we look around do we see more persons worse than we are or better than we are? 
  4. What is self-righteousness? 
  1. In what ways, if any is the world getting better? In what ways, if any, is the world getting worse?
  2. Is it possible that the world is not getting better or worse but we tend to look back at the "good old days," or focus on the bad things of the past?
  3. In general, are people getting closer to God or getting further away?
What Jews and Gentiles Share in Common
  1. Would you as an individual consider yourself closer to God now than ten years ago?
  2. Are you more strict with such issues as Sabbath keeping now or ten years ago?
  3. Are Christians better people than non-Christians?
The Gospel and Repentance
  1. If a person fails to repent what does it mean? Do some people repent more easily than others? What can one do to make repentance easier?
  2. Can I forgive one who does not repent? Does it benefit the person who has wronged me? Why or why not?

Friday, 13 October 2017

Lesson 2 (Oct 7-13), The Controversy

A Better Covenant
  1. Did Jesus start a new religion or was it a continuation of the Hebrew religion?
  2. How much of Christianity did the Old Testament anticipate? 
  3. How does the fourth commandment find a place in the Decalogue?
Jewish Laws and Regulations
  1. Would it be wrong for someone to follow the Mosaic/Ceremonial laws today?
  2. What benefits might there be in observing the Old Testament festivals? Are there any reasons why one should not observe them?
  3. Are the laws on clean and unclean foods health laws or religious laws?
As the Custom of Moses
  1. Should people have to surrender membership in such organisations as "Pharisees" when they become Christians? Why did Paul not inform them that Phariseeism was not valid any longer?
  2. Why did the Pharisees call circumcision a rite of Moses rather than one given by God?
  3. Did Paul have authority to tell members what to do?
The Gentile Believers
  1. After the council decided that the Gentiles need not be circumcised, why were the Jewish believers permitted to continue following the custom? How did that affect the unity of the church?
  2. On what basis did the leaders decide that circumcision was not essential to membership in the church? What are the essentials for salvation?
  3. Which would have been a bigger obstacle to Jewish believers, making circumcision optional or ordaining women?
  4. Why did fornication need to be included in the list of things that could not be compromised? Didn't the Ten Commandments cover that?
  5. Why was it necessary to include "meat offered to idols" as banned when Paul thought it was not a problem? Was it a "give and take" situation?
Paul and the Galatians
  1. How did Paul deal with churches that continued to insist on circumcision ignoring the decision of the church? 
  2. How can we determine what practices of the Jews were culturated and can be laid aside for Christians?
  3. When Jesus told the disciples that whatever they bound on earth would be bound in heaven how much authority was He giving them? How infallible was the Jerusalem council? When Paul wrote that "eating meat offered to idols" was not a problem for him, was he non-compliant? Can council decisions be changed from time to time and still be the voice of God? Matt 16:19

Sunday, 1 October 2017

Lesson 1 (Oct 1-7), The Apostle Paul in Rome

The Apostle Paul's Letter
  1. If it is helpful to know the date and place of the writing of an epistle does it mean that the document may not apply in all ways to other places or other periods of history?
  2. What was so wrong about circumcision that Paul wanted to warn believers before they were "misled" by conservatives to undergo the practice?
  3. Why does religion need clergy to guide the members if we believe in the priesthood of all believers?
Paul's Desire to Visit Rome
  1. Which is harder, to establish a new church or to retain the members?
  2. Which is a better motive for evangelism, (1) obeying the command of Jesus to teach and baptize or (2) interest in people and their salvation?
Paul in Rome
  1. If things don't work out easily for a person to travel to a mission field should one understand (1) that it is not God's plan or (2) that the devil is trying to block what God wants done? How can we know the difference?
  2. How can one develop the kind of perseverance in mission that Paul demonstrated?
The Saints in Rome
  1. What does it mean to be a "saint?" Does one have to be a saint in order to be taken to heaven?
  2. What is the difference in "called saints" and "called to be saints?"
  3. Is it wrong to address a person as "Saint?"
The Believers in Rome
  1. Why are people so anxious to preserve the history of a local church?
  2. Is it dangerous to take pride in one's church having been established by a famous person?
  3. What are best ways in which a local church can be described or known for?

Saturday, 23 September 2017

Lesson 14 (Sept 23-29), Boasting in the Cross

Paul's Own Hand

  1. Do you agree with the lesson author that writing in large letters is for emphasis? What other reasons could there be for using large letters?
  2. Why would a person add something in his/her own handwriting after dictating a letter?
  3. Why would English have the same word for one of the alphabet and for a written communication--"letter?"
Boasting in the Flesh
  1. Is there any credit for good motives?
  2. Couldn't gentiles be advised to undertake circumcision for its health advantages?
  3. What, if anything, is wrong about bragging about good habits or practices?
Boasting About the Cross
  1. Is it wrong to have crosses in our churches, on our necks? What about having "Jesus on a cross" on display in our churches or homes? When Muslims and Hindus fight is it okay to identify ourselves and our churches with a cross to escape getting involved wrongly?
  2. Is displaying a Baby Jesus in a manger the same as having a statue or image?
  3. Why do you think the Adventist logo has a blank space in the shape of a cross and not a drawn cross?
A New Creation
  1. Which is worse, being proud of following the law or being proud of not being under the law?
  2. What does it mean practically to be a new creation?
  3. What is the evidence of having been born again?
Final Remarks
  1. What is the guide for individuals and for the church when the teaching of the Bible is not clear?
  2. Did Paul boast about the sacrifices he had made for the sake of the gospel, or was there a good reason for him to point those out to others
  3. What made Paul such an effective preacher?

Monday, 18 September 2017

Lesson 13 (Sept 16-22), The Gospel and the Church

Restoring the Fallen
  1. How can one restore a fellow-Christian when a brother or sister is caught doing something wrong?
  2. Should the church be concerned only with serious sins of members or should all wrong behaviour be addressed?
  3. Is it wrong to talk to others about the sins of a church member without talking to the erring member first?
Beware of Temptation
  1. What are the risks in talking to others about their sinful behaviour?
  2. What is wrong or potentially wrong in talking about others' failures? What effect does gossiping about others have on our ego? 
Burden Bearing
  1. How can a burden be shared? How is carrying the burden easier when it is thus shared?
  2. How can one avoid being judgemental when discussing the faults of others?
  3. How can we know whom to trust when we need to confide in a person?
The Law of Christ
  1. What law of Christ are we fulfilling when we help another carry a burden?
  2. Is it easier to confess to a priest or to God directly? What are the advantages of either? What are the disadvantages of either?
  3. How does one let go of a burden?
Sowing and Reaping
  1. What is true and what is false about the phrase "A person reaps what he/she sows?"
  2. How is the above phrase linked to Paul's statement "God is not mocked?" What is the connection?
  3. Does God reward us according to how we sow?

Thursday, 14 September 2017

Lesson 12 (Sept 8-15), Living by the Spirit

Walking in the Spirit
  1. Is there any difference between "walking in the Spirit" and "following the Spirit?" Why did Paul use the former?
  2. Why is religion a "way" of life?

The Christian's Conflict
  1. Why is "lust" associated with flesh and not with the mind? If it really is connected with the body, how can it be controlled?
  2. Are lusts of the flesh all sinful?

The Works of the Flesh
  1. Are lust of the flesh only urges to do wrong, or can it also be the failure to do right? 
  2. How is looking at a list of vices and virtues helpful?

The Fruit of the Spirit
  1. Why is "works of the flesh" plural when "fruit of the Spirit" is singular?
  2. Which of the fruit of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control), benefit the individual directly and how do the others help the individual?

The Way to Victory
  1. How does one practically "walk in the Spirit?'
  2. What does the devil do to try to keep us from "walking in the Spirit?"

Thursday, 7 September 2017

Lesson 11 (Sept 2-8), Freedom in Christ

Christ Has Set Us Free

  1. What does it mean that Christ has set us free? In what way are Christians more free than the Israelites of the Old Testament?
  2. What does Paul mean by "the yoke of the bondage?" How entangled are Adventists with the law?
  3. Why are Adventists so cautious with salvation by grace? Is that caution justified?
The Nature of Christian Freedom
  1. Is it possible for Christians to be free and not know it? How can we know for sure that we are free?
  2. Why did Paul emphasize freedom from the law more than the other disciples? 
  3. Does accepting Christ free Christians from having to keep the law?
The Dangerous Consequences of Legalism
  1. Is it wrong to be circumcised? Is it permissible to choose and pick which ceremonial laws one wishes to observe?
  2. Why might satisfaction derived from keeping the law be dangerous?
  3. What is wrong about keeping the law like the rich young ruler did?
Liberty not Licentiousness
  1. How can one know if he or she is abusing grace and indulging in sin? 
  2. Should one try to resist temptation, or is that trying to be saved by works?
  3. If love is not the motive for keeping the law, is it being kept in vain?
Fulfilling the Whole Law
  1. How is it that breaking one law we are said to have broken all, when keeping one does not mean keeping them all?
  2. Is it possible to love everyone properly? Did Jesus love the Pharisees and priests? 
  3. Which is easier to (1) to keep the letter of the commandments, (2) to bring a sacrifice for each sin for forgiveness, (3) to love everyone?

Monday, 28 August 2017

Lesson 10 (Aug 26-Sept 1), The Two Convenants

Covenant Basics

  1. Why was it necessary for God and humans to have a covenant? What makes covenants binding?
  2. Did Adam agree to anything in Eden or was the covenant one-sided? 
  3. Was it necessary for Adam and Eve to agree to God's terms and conditions or was it mandatory?
The Abrahamic Covenant
  1. What had Abraham done that God chose him to make a covenant with? 
  2. Were God's promises to Abraham conditional? 
  3. What would be the equivalent of the ancient practice of walking between halves of slaughtered animals to signify ratification of a treaty  by the parties? Why did God accede to this?
Abraham, Sarah, and Hagar
  1. How much was Hagar at fault in the fiasco of the relationship with Abraham?
  2. How was Hagar an apt illustration of being "under the law" as used by Paul? 
  3. How important was it that Abraham's and Sarah's child be born in a somewhat miraculous manner? How much faith did Abraham and Sarah demonstrate in the promise?
Hagar and Mt Sinai
  1. Why did the Israelites respond at Mt Sinai with the assurance "All that the Lord hath said, we will do?" Were they required to give a response? If they had not responded would that have changed anything?
  2. What, if anything, should the Israelites have said to indicate they had a proper relationship to the law?
  3. How much grace is on display in the Old Testament?
Ishmael and Isaac Today
  1. Was it totally fair for Paul to state that the Jewish Christians who insisted on retaining adherence to circumcision and other ceremonial laws were descendants of Ishmael, and that the Gentile Christians who were liberated from the law were the heirs of Isaac? 
  2. Is it just the ceremonial law that was done away with at the cross or Salvation through the Decalogue too?
  3. Are Adventists closer to the Jewish or the Gentile position of Paul's day?

Thursday, 24 August 2017

Lesson 9 (Aug 19-25), Paul's Pastoral Appeal

 The Heart of Paul

  1. What made Paul so passionate about the salvation of people? Are people born with that passion or can it be cultivated?
  2. Is it appropriate for evangelists to become emotionally involved with people?
  3. Do Christians ever achieve Christ being manifest in them, or is it a never-ending process?
The Challenge to Become

  1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having humans as examples to follow?
  2. Is it appropriate for converts to imitate dress and culture of missionaries?
  3. What did Paul mean when he said he wanted his converts to become like him?
I have Become as You Are
  1. How can missionaries who try to become like the natives avoid being seen as a wolf in sheep's clothing?
  2. Why should the Galatians become like Paul if he had become like them?
  3. What aspects of Christianity cannot be compromised?
Then and Now
  1. Does God cause missionaries to suffer so that some people may hear the gospel who otherwise would not? If so, what makes it okay? 
  2. Would it be permissible for God to keep His evangelists in perfect health for the sake of the spread of the gospel?
  3. Is suffering and sickness a sign of sin?
Speaking the Truth
  1. Is it appropriate to conceal our true identity as a church when we begin to reach out to a people?
  2. How much do we wish people to speak the plain truth to us? Is it better to remain silent on some topics?
  3. Is it possible always to maintain such an attitude that it is possible to speak the truth and still not hurt the person?

Friday, 18 August 2017

Lesson 8 (Aug 12-18), From Slaves to Heirs

Our Condition in Christ

  1. At what point does one become a son or daughter of Christ?
  2. Does anything happen to a person being baptised or has that already happened before? Is baptism only a sign of an inward change, or is it more than that? Is it a sacrament by which anything spiritual is conveyed?
Enslaved to Elementary Principles 
  1. So if the law is a temporary "guardian," or "tutor," when do we not need it any more?
  2. Is the law more important for children than for adults?
God Sent Forth His Son 
  1. Did God send His son when the world was "in the fulness of time," for Him, or did He prepare the world for His coming? Was the date flexible? What about the second coming, is the date flexible or fixed?
  2. Why did Christ have to become a human in order to save humans? Cannot God do whatever He wants to?
The Privileges of Adoption
  1. If we are adopted as God's children are we second-class family members? Are adopted children equal to those born into the family?
  2. Do parents love adopted children as much, and do they enjoy the same privileges?
Why Turn Back to Slavery
  1. What causes children to get fed up of being part of a family?
  2. Why do some members leave the church?
  3. Are Adventists in danger of falling back into slavery to the law?

Friday, 11 August 2017

Lesson 7 (Aug 5-11), The Road to Faith

The Law and Promise

  1. Which is stronger, the law or grace?
  2. Is it wrong to feel good about observing the law?
Kept Under the Law
  1. What is meant by "under the law?" 
  2. How concerned should we be about keeping the law?
The Law as Our Guard
  1. Why do we personify the law treating it as a "guard," or "schoolmaster?" What does it do?
  2. Is having the law a blessing or a curse?
The Law as A Schoolmaster
  1. Why did Paul like the law to a "tutor" rather than a "teacher?
  2. What are the negative aspects of a "tutor?"
The Law and the Believer
  1. Why did God give only ten commandments?
  2. How does God give power to overcome sin?

Tuesday, 1 August 2017

Lesson 6 (July 29-Aug 4), The Priority of the Promise

Law and Faith

  1. Why do humans have such a hard time believing that salvation can be so free?
  2. What conditions are there, if any, to receiving God's saving grace?
  3. Is God's promise of salvation revocable? Can he go back on His promise? What does the Bible mean when it says "God repented?"
Faith and Law
  1. If the law was to be nailed to the cross, what was the point in giving it in the first place?
  2. How does salvation by faith through grace "establish the law?" Doesn't it nullify the law?
  3. What is meant by the phrase "Christ fulfilled the law?" He kept it? He satisfied the requirements of the law once and for all for everyone?
The Purpose of the Law
  1. How many kinds of laws are there in the Bible? Why are there so many kinds?
  2. Why does the Mosaic law not apply to Christians?
  3. Why do Adventists believe that certain portions of Leviticus such as the guidelines on clean meats, still apply?
The Duration of God's Law
  1. Did the Ten Commandments exist before Sinai?  Why didn't God reveal them to Abraham?
  2. What makes us think that the law is applicable even after the cross?
  3. Why do we say that the law is  transcript of God's character? How can God's character be revealed fully in ten points?
The Superiority of the Promise
  1. Do humans have a right to a plan of salvation?
  2. What could have been the outcome if God did not come up with a plan of salvation?
  3. Why could not a portion of humans remain faithful like one third of the angels did?
  4. Why was there no plan of salvation for the angels?

Monday, 24 July 2017

Lesson 5 (July 22-28), Old Testament Faith

The Foolish Galatians

  1. What is the difference between calling a person foolish and calling the person a "fool?" 
  2. What are various reasons why people become Christians? Under what circumstances may the reasons change, either for better or for worse?
  3. Is it wrong to think that we are better than other people?
Grounded in Scripture
  1. Are some parts of the Bible more inspired, or less inspired than others?
  2. When does something become "scripture?" When it is inspired? As soon as it is written? When it is accepted by a reader? When it is included/bound along with other Scripture?
  3. Did the Spirit inspire the Bible writer with words or with thoughts? Should one memorize Scripture word for word, or thought for thought? Which version should one use for memorization? 
Reckoned as Scripture
  1. Is Abraham better as an example of "faith" or of "works?" 
  2. What does Rom 4:5 mean when it says "he who does not work, but believes in the One who justifies, his faith is counted as righteousness?" What kind of "work" is meant?
  3. Why can't God count us as righteous on the basis of our "trying our best" to keep the law?
The Gospel in the Old Testament
  1. How were "all nations of the earth" blessed because of Abraham?
  2. What was the difference between the Old Covenant and the New Covenant? 
  3. How cheap is "grace?" Do different people require differing amounts of grace?
Redeemed From a Curse
  1. How can Paul label our sincere attempts to keep the law a "curse?"
  2. What does James 2:10 mean by stating that one who breaks one commandment is guilty of breaking them all?
  3. How much control did God have over the manner of Christ's death? 

Wednesday, 19 July 2017

Lesson 4 (July 15-21), Justification by Faith Alone

How could Paul say on the one hand that "Christ lives in me," and on the other hand say "What I want to do I do not, and what I don't want to do I do?"

The Question of Justification

  1. What does "justification" mean in everyday speech? What does "justification" mean in theological terms? How are they connected?
  2. What made the Jews feel superior to the Gentiles? Were they justified in that opinion?
  3. Can a person be justified by keeping the law in current life? What about in the spiritual realm?
Works of the Law
  1. Why do so many Adventist institutions construct replicas of the ten commandment? What message does it convey?
  2. Why do some of the Ceremonial Laws still apply to us while others don't? Is it a sin to eat pork and shrimp, or are they just bad for health?
  3. How well do Adventists keep the law? Which of the ten commandments do we keep best?
The Basis of our Justification
  1. What made it okay for Jesus to give us His righteousness?
  2. How can Christ's righteousness save more than one person?
  3. In His victorious life did Jesus access any power unavailable to us?
The Obedience of Faith
  1. Can one doubt and have faith at the same time? What is the difference between belief and faith?
  2. How can one who does not faith acquire it?
  3. Why is faith necessary for salvation?
Does Faith Promote Sin?
  1. Do Christians who do not believe in salvation by works break the law more than those who do?
  2. What is the result of trying to keep the law?
  3. What is the gospel? 
  4. What is the effect of grace on the recipient?

Monday, 10 July 2017

Lesson 3 (July 8-14), The Unity of the Gospel

The Importance of Unity
  1. When Jesus prayed that "they may be one" who was he referring to? What did He mean by "one?"
  2. What did Paul mean when he wished that the Corinthians would be "united in mind and thought?" Are those two things or the same thing?
  3. What if anything is more important than unity of the church?
Circumcision and the False Brethren
  1. Why didn't God require a more visible sign of relationship and belonging to Him such as piercing a ear or a tattoo?
  2. Why did God not require females to be circumcised?
  3. Would we have required non-Jews who had been circumcised to be re-circumcised? Why or why not?
  4. What did Paul mean when he wrote to the Galatians that if they allowed themselves to be circumcised, Christ would be of no value to them
Unity in Diversity
  1. How free should Christians be to practice their own culture
  2. In what essential things should the gospel not be subjected to culture?
  3. What are the major areas that converts will have challenges when they become Christians?
Confrontation in Anticoch
  1. What made it right for Peter to eat with Gentile Christians? Would it have been wrong for Peter to eat with Gentile non-Christians?
  2. Why was it wrong for Peter to avoid eating with Gentiles when some Jewish Christians were watching?
  3. Why can we not take Peter's vision to indicate that Christians can eat any kind of animal now?
Paul's Concern
  1. Would it have been better for Paul to talk to Peter privately first about eating with Gentiles? Wasn't it Peter's privilege to choose who to eat with?
  2. Why were Gentiles considered unclean? 
  3. Why do some Indians look down on those who eat beef? Why do some vegetarians not like to eat with non-vegetarians?
  4. When Paul and Peter differ how do we know who is right?

Tuesday, 4 July 2017

Lesson 2 (July 1-7), Paul's Authority and the Gospel

Paul, the Letter Writer

  1. How did the invention of something to write on (papyrus) compare with the invention of the internet today?
  2. Why did the apostles write letters to churches instead of just visiting them?
  3. Did the apostles realize that the letters they wrote would have the force of Scripture? What gave those letters such authority?
  4. Why did churches make copies of letters written by apostles to other churches?
  5. How do world church leaders give instruction to local churches today? How authoritative are those communications?
Paul's Calling
  1. What convinced people that Paul's letters had the same weight as the letters of Jesus' disciples?
  2. Why didn't Jesus call Paul like he called his other disciples?
  3. Why was there opposition to Paul's authority?
  4.  On what basis could Paul assert that the Mosaic law did not apply to the gentiles?
Paul's Gospel
  1. What do the words "grace" and "peace" convey? What if anything, do they convey anything about the writer and receivers of the letter?
  2. What is the essence of the gospel for Paul?
  3. If one had to write a summary of the gospel on one page what would it look like?
No Other Gospel
  1. How close are Adventists to believing like the Galatians that faith is not enough, but works is also important for salvation?
  2. How important is keeping the law for salvation? When Jesus separates the sheep and the goats why does he make no mention of the importance of keeping the law?
  3. Of what value is personal "experience" compared to what was written by Paul two thousand years ago?
The Origin of Paul's Gospel
  1. How much compromise is permissible in order to convert people to Christ? What does Paul mean when he says he became all things to all people?
  2. Were apostles influenced in their thinking by any other than the Holy Spirit?
  3. How do church leaders today develop their thinking on any subject? How reliable are those methods?

Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Lesson 1 (June 24-30) Paul: Apostle to the Gentiles

Why was a scholar like Paul prejudiced against accepting Jesus as the Messiah?

Persecutor of Christians
  1. Why is religion the major basis for persecution?
  2. Why do you think Saul preferred to guard the cloaks than throw stones at Stephen?
  3. What effect does the death of a martyr have on onlookers?
  4. Is there a way to speak your way out of getting stoned?
Saul's Conversion
  1. How can people get brainwashed and radicalized? How can they be deprogrammed?
  2. What about his encounter on the road to Damascus convinced Saul it was Jesus speaking to him?
  3. What makes it difficult to convert our thinking from one side to the other?
  4. Which is more common, a sudden or a gradual conversion?
Saul in Damascus
  1. Why do you think God struck Saul with blindness rather than deafness? What different things do sight and hearing symbolize?
  2. Why do you think God chose to send Saul to Ananias rather than to one of the apostles?
  3. What made it preferable to send the converted Saul to evangelize the gentiles?
The Gospel  Goes to the Gentiles
  1. Why were the Jews so reluctant to take the gospel to the gentiles abroad?
  2. What challenges would Paul face after his conversion?
  3. Would we today have preferred for Paul to reach out to his former colleagues--pharisees?
  4. Does God bring persecution and exile so that the gospel can be spread faster?
Conflict Within the Church
  1. Why are church members happy to welcome new members, but concerned when huge numbers pour in?
  2. Why did the Jewish Christians want the gentile converts to conform to the Mosaic laws?
  3. Did Jesus intend to establish a new religion or could Judaism have flowed into Christianity?
  4. What turned Paul from a persecutor into a persecuted person?

Sunday, 18 June 2017

Lesson 13 (June 17-23), Major Themes in 1 & 2 Peter

Suffering, Jesus, and Salvation

  1. Did Peter ever overcome the shame of denying Jesus? How can one recover from such shame?
  2. How effective as a deterrent is having to kill an innocent animal every time you sin?
  3. How can God suffer?
How Should We Live?
  1. For what reasons might knowledge of salvation still not push us to make any changes in our lives?
  2. How much should we use the impending judgement as an incentive for change in behaviour?
  3. How important is anxiety in our lives? How can one practically not be over-anxious in daily living?
Hope in the Second Coming
  1. How sure are we of the roles of the Father and Son in the judgement? Have we made it too much like an earthly court scene?
  2. Why does hell have to be painful since it is final anyway? Do the righteous still need a deterrent?
  3. Why is it necessary to respond with obedience through faith rather than through evidence?
Order in the Society and in the Church
  1. Why do some people not follow order?
  2. Would the church fall into disorder if there was no organization? What aspects could suffer?
  3. Why does Peter say to "clothe" ourselves with humility? Is it something we can put on and take off?
The Primacy of Scripture
  1. How can we argue for inspiration of the Bible by pointing out its overall harmony when that which was not in harmony was left out?
  2. Is the written word superior to the oral tradition? Why or why not?
  3. How does the one reading the Bible with the right preparation gain more than one who reads casually?

Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Lesson 12 (June 10-16), The Day of the Lord

Why did the chroniclers record after a victory for Israel's armies, that it was "a great day of the Lord?" What connection does that have to the future "Day of the Lord?"

The Line of Authority
  1. Did apostles of the New Testament have the same authority as prophets of the Old Testament times?
  2. Do church leaders today have the same authority as priests, prophets, or apostles?
  3. Why must scripture be considered of utmost authority? Are some details of the Bible to be considered nuanced by culture and only the principles applicable?
The Scoffers
  1. What is the difference, if any, between a skeptic and a scoffer? Can either be expected to be in heaven?
  2. What makes a person a scoffer? How can becoming one be prevented? 
  3. What dangers do scoffers pose to us? Why must we be warned against them?
A Thousand Years as a Day
  1. Is it possible that Christ's  return could actually be far far away and we might be mistaken that He's returning within our lifetime? Has every generation believed that theirs is the last?
  2. What is there to prevent us from understanding that one day is equal to one thousand years in Bible prophecy instead of one day equal to one year?
  3. By stating that the flood destroyed "the world of that time" is Peter suggesting that the flood was not necessarily world-wide?
  4. Can there be a delay in the Second Coming from God's point of view?
So What
  1. How would we prepare if we knew when a thief was to target our home? What kind of person would not bother to make any preparation?
  2. If people fail to be warned is it their fault or could it be that we have failed to impress them adequately?
  3. Has our church lost its emphasis since 1844 on the second coming since so many years have passed? 
A Final Appeal
  1. What does Peter mean by urging members to be "spotless and blameless, and at peace with Him?" 
  2. Who decided that Paul's writings are "scripture" as referred to by Peter? Who decided which books were inspired and worthy to be in the Bible?
  3.  Why is it that both sides of a debate can quote the Bible to support their view? How can we know who is distorting the Bible?

Thursday, 8 June 2017

Lesson 11 (June 3-9), False Teachers

False Prophets and False Teachers
  1. What do prophets and teachers get out of spreading false teachings?
  2. What do people get out of disseminating fake news? Should those who spread fake news be punished?
  3. How can we protect ourselves from fake teachings?
Freedom in Christ
  1. What are lustful desires of the flesh? How does Satan use modern devices to entice people?
  2. How can one get free from the shackles of bad habits? How can one access the power of Christ for this?
  3. How is the freedom that Christ promises differ from the freedom that the world offers?
A Dog Returns to Its Vomit
  1. What are some of the main reasons why people stop attending church and return to their worldly lifestyle?
  2. What factors keep members active in the church so that they do not leave?
  3. What causes some backsliders to return to church?
Peter and Jude
  1. If two Bible authors write the same thing, what does it mean? Why would they do that?
  2. Why does God who provided a means of escape for the faithful from the flood, from Sodom and Gomorrah, not save the righteous from natural disasters terrorist activities, and accidents today?
More Old Testament Lessons
  1. What, if anything, was wrong about Lot going to live in Sodom? Could it have been possible for Lot to have witnessed better than he did and to have converted some people?
  2. Is it wrong to leave the employ of the church in order to earn more?
  3. What did Balaam do wrong after being so careful not to go against God's will? Why would a follower of God go along with a plan to harm God's people?

Monday, 29 May 2017

Lesson 10 (May 27-June 2), Prophecy and Scripture

Jesus in the Old Testament

  1. If the Messianic prophecies were so clear, why didn't the Jews discern the fulfilment in Jesus?
  2. Were Old Testament prophets inspired with word-to word predictions or were they given thoughts they understood and then put into words?
  3. How much of the future do angels know?
Eyewitnesses of Majesty
  1. How much of the Messiah did the disciples discern in Jesus as they moved about with Him? What events would have impressed them the most?
  2. What about the Messiah did they fail to understand and why?
  3. What could Peter be referring to by the majesty of Jesus that he was witness to?
The Morning Star in Our Hearts
  1. Why did Bible writers use figures of speech which make it difficult to pinpoint the meaning? If Peter meant "second coming" why didn't he say so instead of saying "day dawn?"
  2. Why is darkness viewed negatively? Are there any positive aspects of darkness?
  3. Is the "morning star" Jesus or Satan?
The More Sure Word of Prophecy
  1. Has the Adventist church erred in interpretation of prophecy? Could we be making wrong applications of some of the prophecies as we teach them today?
  2. Why is it that when we use newer versions of the Bible we get into trouble with our interpretation of prophecy because the words are different?
  3. What's the difference between a false prophet and a false teacher?
The Word in Our Lives
  1. Why does the Bible speak more intimately to some people when they read it in their native language than when they read it in the King James Version?
  2. What difference does it make if we pray before we read the Bible? What should we be praying for? How should we read the Bible after that?
  3. What is involved in letting the Bible be its own interpreter?

Monday, 22 May 2017

Lesson 9 (May 20-26), Be Who You Are

A Precious Faith

  1. How important is the concept of faith in the life of an individual? What would life be like without such a thing as faith?
  2. Are "doubting Thomases" born that way or are they made by environment and circumstances?
  3. What is the relationship between faith and promise? Can either exist without the other?
Love, the Goal of Christian Virtue

  1. Is faith a gift or can one develop it?
  2. Does temperance and self-control originate within or does it come from God?
  3. Is patience inherited or cultivated?
  4. Should love come first in Peter's list of virtues or last?
Be Who You Are
  1. Is it possible to attain all the virtues listed by Peter? Can one achieve absolute temperance, complete patience, full Godliness, enduring kindness, and unconditional love all possible in this life, or will Christ's achievement be counted for us?
  2. How can one become like Christ?
Shedding the Tent
  1. How is a "tent" an apt symbol of this life?
  2. Why is the idea of resurrection not compatible with the teaching of immortality of the soul such as Hindus or Catholics believe? Where was Jesus' soul during the three days that he was in the grave?
Faith in Face of Death
  1. Does facing death strengthen one's faith or weaken it? Do different responses depend on anything?
  2. How are martyrs able to endure undeserving deaths? Is the pain of death reduced for them?
  3. What was it that transformed Peter from a coward to a brave witness?

Monday, 15 May 2017

Lesson 8, (May 13-19), Jesus in the Writings of Peter

Jesus, Our Sacrifice

  1. Why didn't God make forgiveness cost us something like through payment of a certain amount into His "storehouse"? Would that discourage repetition of sins?
  2. How much did sacrifice of animals in the Old Testament accomplish to deter from sin?
  3. What is the difference between redemption and forgiveness?
The Passion of Christ
  1. How is it possible for God to suffer? Doesn't omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence put God above pain and above stress?
  2. Why do humans for whom Jesus suffered also have to suffer? Why can't they be spared all suffering?
  3. What does it mean to "follow in His steps?" 
The Resurrection of Jesus
  1. What indications are there, if any, that God would have been willing to forgo resurrection, if that is what it would have taken, in order to save humanity?
  2. Are Adventists wrong in shunning the celebration of Easter?
  3. How much better is resurrection of the body than immortality of the soul taught by some Christians or the transmigration of the soul taught by eastern religions?
Jesus as the Messiah
  1. How much credit should Peter get when in response to Jesus' question asking who they thought He was, he stated that Jesus was the Messiah? Was that his studied opinion, or did he blurt it out as he often did?
  2. How much did the other disciples comprehend of who Jesus was? Why was there so little application of the messianic prophecies to Jesus before he died on the cross?
  3. How common would miracle workers have been in Israel? Why did Jesus' many miracles not convince people that He was the messiah?
Jesus the Divine Messiah
  1. Could there be such a thing as a human messiah?
  2. Is it wrong to call any human "Lord?"
  3. Why is there debate on the Godhead as "trinity?" How clear is the Bible on this doctrine?

Thursday, 11 May 2017

Lesson 7 (May 6-12), Servant Leadership

Elders in the Early Church

  1. Does the Holy Spirit transform a person being ordained in any way, or should transformed people only be ordained?
  2. What authority, if any, does ordination bring with it?
  3. How large should a church be to need elders and deacons?
The Elders
  1. What characteristics of a shepherd apply to church leadership?
  2. What are characteristics of a bad shepherd?
  3. How old should a person be to be considered for ordination as an elder?
Servant Leadership
  1. Are there occasions when a local church leader has to exercise authority? 
  2. What examples of servant-leadership may we detect among the disciples/apostles?
  3.  Is it wrong to aspire to local church leadership?
Clothed With Humility
  1. What is humility? Why is pride so hateful to God?
  2. How may a person cultivate humility?
  3. Does the phrase "clothed with" imply that one can put on and take off "humility?
Like a Roaring Lion
  1. What characteristics of a lion apply to Satan? Why is the adjective "roaring" used by Peter? What other creatures are used to symbolize Satan and for what characteristics?
  2. If Satan were to appear visible before us, what would he look like?
  3. Since "roaring lion" is only a metaphor, how do we actually encounter Satan, and what do we need to guard against?

Thursday, 4 May 2017

Lesson 6 (April 29-May 5), Suffering for Christ

Persecution of Early Christians

  1. When persecution of Christians arrives, should we hide our Christianity (crosses, logos), or do we need to be like Daniel who continued praying before an open window?
  2. In order to preserve their lives could early Christians have offered incense to the emperor only outwardly, while inwardly denying that he was god? Is that different from Naaman going with the king to worship their god?
  3. Could the Adventist church turn out to be persecutors of those who worship differently though genuinely?
Suffering and the Example of Christ
  1. Are those who are persecuted for Christ's sake blessed in any way in this life itself?
  2. What makes some people persecute others?
  3. Do some people deserve persecution?
  4. What can Adventists do to prepare for persecution?
The Fiery Trial
  1. Why would Christians persecute other Christians?
  2. Why would non-Christians be interested to persecute Adventists?
  3. Why should a community be so against Adventists if they are good citizens and a helpful and caring people?
Judgement and the People of God
  1. What does Peter really mean when he asserts that judgment will begin with the people of God? Aren't the dead judged first and then the living?
  2. In the parable that Jesus told of the judge who took up the widows case only because of her persistence, what do learn about God and how do we learn it from the parable?
  3. How can I know if someone thinks I am persecuting them? How will I be able to judge impartially if they are right?
Faith Amid Trials
  1. Do trials and tribulations strengthen or weaken faith?
  2. Does suffering come more often to good people or to bad people?
  3. Why do people blame God for what happens in their lives? Are people more apt to credit God for blessings, or blame him for misfortunes?

Thursday, 27 April 2017

Lesson 5 (Apr 22-28), Living for God

Being of "One Mind"
  1. How much can people differ and still be called "like-minded?" Can like-minded people agree to disagree?
  2. How far can we allow our sympathy and compassion to tolerate what we disapprove of in others?
  3. Why does Peter disapprove of "returning evil for evil" when Moses recommended "an eye for an eye?"
To Suffer in the Flesh
  1. Does the Adventist belief of the work of Christ in the heavenly sanctuary reduce the value of His death on the cross?
  2. How can the death of one person (Jesus) pay the penalty for so many people?
  3. What made Jesus reluctant in the Garden of Gethsemane, the thought of physical suffering or mental agony? Which is worse?
Born Again
  1. In what ways is a Christian born again? Does the new birth come without baptism?
  2. Does the new birth come gradually or do some things change instantly?
  3. Does the new birth come to non-Christians also? How do some non-Christians live such saintly lives?
Sins of the Flesh
  1. Why did God make sex so pleasurable that it causes so much temptation and sin?
  2. Should lust and addictions be controlled by medication?
  3. How do Christians compare with non-Christians in resisting sins of the flesh?
Love Covers All
  1. What is the difference in "love covers all" and "love conquers all?"
  2. To what extent is confession and apology necessary for forgiveness?
  3. To what extent must one "forget" when forgiveness is given?

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Lesson 4 (April 15-21), Social Relationships

Church and State
  1. Why do we have governments? Can we live without governments? How did God intend for people to be governed? 
  2. How did God address bad governance in the Old Testament? What can be done about evil governments today? Would God support an effort to overthrow an evil ruler? Do other nations have an obligation to control or overthrow evil rulers of another country?
  3. Why is it important for Christians to be good citizens?
Masters and Slaves
  1. Why does the Bible not openly condemn slavery? If it had, would Christian nations have eschewed it? Is it okay for a slave to run away from his/her master?
  2. Should an oppressed person or community bear suffering silently? When should a person or group stand up for their rights?
Wives and Husbands
  1. Should a wife submit to her husband even if she is right?
  2. How can a woman win without fighting verbally?
  3. As head of the house is a man expected to enforce the submission of his wife? If allowed will she get more and more headstrong?
  4. How does a husband "treat his wife as the weaker partner with respect?" How does that apply in a quarrel between husband and wife?
Social Relationships
  1. If a customs officer lets a Christian off without enforcing the full duty, should the Christian insist on paying the full amount of customs duty?
  2. Does the Bible condemn paying bribes or only accepting bribes?
  3. Why did the apostles not attempt to correct social ills, but counsel Christians to live within the system, even though it was evil?
Christianity and the Social Order
  1. Why did Peter allow himself to be freed from prison? Is it alright to try to escape from the police or from prison if the arrest is wrongful?
  2. Up to what point should we obey governments and under what circumstances should we obey God rather than human authorities?

Thursday, 13 April 2017

Lesson 3 (Apr 8-14), A Royal Priesthood

Living as a Christian
  1. What evidence is there that even the disciples of Jesus were guilty of malice, envy, deceit, hypocrisy, and slander? 
  2. Does a Christian have to get rid of the above vices before seeking spiritual nourishment, or do Christians need the strength first in order to get rid of these?
  3. Do all of the above (malice, envy, deceit, hypocrisy, slander) involve other people or can one have a problem with any of them even in isolation? Why is it easier to sin because of other people, than by ourselves?
The Living Stone
  1. What is one's role as part of the "priesthood of all believers?" Why are lay-members in churches restricted from performing certain duties that pastors are tasked with?
  2. What does it mean for one to personally be a part of the structure of his/her local church? Just as a building may suffer damage if a an important part is removed, should my local church suffer if I leave? Would that be an indication that I was performing a crucial role?
God's Covenant People
  1. What value does a covenant have if one party is going to default, and the other party knows it? What was the point of making the covenant?
  2. Why did God choose the Israelites who failed Him in the end? Couldn't God have retained a faithful remnant while rejecting the majority of the nation? Which group was more faithful--the group left behind or the group taken to Babylon?
A Royal Priesthood
  1. In what way were the Israelites a "kingdom of priests?"
  2. If Melchizedek could be a priest, why were only sons of Aaron allowed to function as priests in Israel?
  3. Why were women excluded from the priesthood in Israel?
Proclaiming the Praises
  1. Did the Israelites understand that they were to be a witness to other nations? Were there any specific instructions to them to evangelise the world? Weren't they just supposed to annihilate all the nations around them?
  2. What does it mean for a Christian today who is not a clergyman, to be part of a royal priesthood?
  3. Do Adventists tend too much to live in their own communities taking the "not of this world" too literally? What is the reason that Adventists fail to witness adequately?