Christ and the Law
- Why is it legalism to feel good about not doing bad things, and about doing good things?
- What does "end" mean? What are various ways we can understand Paul when he says that "Christ is the end of the law?"
The Election of Grace
- Did God reject the Jews as a nation or as individuals?
- Is it fair for God to give the Jews a second chance?
The Natural Branch
- Does a grafted branch have the same rights as a natural branch? Do adopted children have the same rights as natural children?
- Does a natural branch have any advantages over the grafted one? If so, is that fair to the grafted one? If not, is that fair to the natural branch?
All Israel Shall Be Saved
- What does "all the world" mean? Was the gospel ever preached to all the world? How much more, if any, do we have to do now?
- What will it take for a Jew to be saved now? Is sincerity enough, or must one become a Christian?
The Salvation of Sinners
- Did Paul have a special burden for Jews of whom he was one?
- Is it easier or more difficult to convert your own people?
- Have Adventists done enough to attract Jews to Christianity seeing that we have so much in common?