
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Saturday, 28 December 2019

Lesson 1 (Dec 28-Jan 3), From Reading To

Why do portions of the Bible need explanation? What about those who have no one to help them understand? What might they lose for not understanding these portions correctly?

Christ: The Center of Daniel
  1. What was God's purpose in giving humans His word through scripture?
  2. Is there any book of the Bible that does not teach something about Jesus?
  3. Why was Daniel used by God more than his three Hebrew companions in Babylon?
  4. How can meditating about Christ daily help us through the day?
The Structure of Daniel
  1. Why would portions of any literary work be in two languages?
  2. What do we lose by not understanding the structure of a literary work? In today's world where do writers place their most important points?
  3. Does God still install and remove leaders of countries?
Apocalyptic Prophecies in Daniel
  1. Why would God want to reveal the future through apocalyptic prophecies with strange symbolism rather than straightforward foretelling? 
  2. Which books of the Bible if any contain  both classical and apocalyptic prophecy?
  3. While apocalyptic prophecy is not conditional on human response, can fulfillments or interpretation change?
God's Timescale
  1. When using a map if no scale for distance is provided how can one determine the scale?
  2. Is the use of symbolic time in the Bible restricted to apocalyptic prophecies? 
  3. How do we know when a prophecy is using the year-day principle and when it is not?
Contemporary Relevance of Daniel
  1. How has each generation interpreted the Bible to understand that their generation was the last? Was it possible?
  2. Were Daniel and his three companions special or can we today have the same results in similar situations?
  3. Why do governments interfere with the way people want to believe in God and practice their religion? Is there any country that will be a safe place to practice one's personal beliefs?

Monday, 23 December 2019

Lesson 13( Dec 21-27), Leaders in Israel

The Influence of Our Leaders

  1. How can some leaders (or anybody), be both good and bad?
  2. Why do the children of good leaders turn out corrupt?
  3. How does a person who is a good leader in the beginning become bad later?
Evil in the Sight of the Lord

    1. Why is it worse for a leader to be bad than for an ordinary person? 
    2. In a judgement can a person blame a leader for leading him/her astray?
    3. Can earlier harm be undone by a leader who repents?
    Courage and Empowerment
    1. Can a person who does not have courage be a leader?
    2. What strategies can a timid leader employ when courage is required? 
    3. When will God fight for us and when does He expect us ourselves to fight?
    Purpose and Passion
    1. Does God help one who comes only when help is needed? How sincere are such people?
    2. Is a leader born with purpose and passion or are those developed?
    3. Why did God need both Ezra and Nehemiah? Isn't one good leader enough?
    Humility and Perseverance
    1. Why does a leader need humility?
    2. Is one born with humility or is it developed?
    3. What dangers are there if any of taking help from human powers?
    4. What negative aspects are there if any, to perseverance?
    5. How practical is it for a leader to be the servant-type?

    Monday, 16 December 2019

    Lesson 12 (Dec 14-20), Dealing with Bad Decisions

    Nehemiah's Reaction

    1. Why are only Jewish men condemned for marrying non-Jews and not Jewish women for marrying foreigners? Does it make a difference to the family?
    2. Why is the language we speak at home called one's "mother tongue?" How does it affect one's upbringing? 
    3. How effective is public shaming as a deterrent for undesirable behaviour?
    Nehemiah's Reproof
    1. Why was Solomon a bad example only for marrying heathen wives, and not for polygamy?
    2. How was it acceptable to have for foreigner wives such as Zipporah, Ruth and Rahab?
    3. How likely was it that some of the foreign wives in Ezra's day had become genuine worshippers of Yahweh, and were acceptable to Ezra and Nehemiah?
    4. How might the term "unequally yoked with unbelievers" apply even to members in the church?
    Ezra Reacts
    1. How can we mingle with the people we are to evangelize and still avoid ending up marrying one of them?
    2. How can we implement the concept of "in the world but not of the world?"
    3. How can one who is a believer rectify a decision made earlier to marry a non-believer?
    Ezra Acts
    1. How correct was it to send away foreign wives and their children? Should the husbands have gone with them and settled perhaps in a third country?
    2. How likely was it that some "converted wives were also sent away? Was it possible that such drastic action caused some women to be converted and baptized?
    3. Under what circumstances may a marriage be considered "null and void?"
    Marriage Today
    1. What advice can we give a person contemplating marriage with a non-Adventist who claims that this person is better than many Adventists? Are there non-believers who are in our church, even baptized? 
    2. Who is a non believer?
    3. What steps can a believer take to try to win over an unbelieving spouse?

    Wednesday, 11 December 2019

    Lesson 11 (Dec 7-13), Backslidden People

    Tainted Temple Leadership

    1. Was the law (Deut 23:3) to prevent Ammonites and Moabites up to the tenth generation, from entering the congregation of Israelites unfair? Did this mean that the eleventh generation could? How did Ruth the Moabitess manage?
    2. What evidence is there that Tobiah was a threat to Israel's religion?
    3. Why do people forget their initial spiritual fervor?
    The Levites in the Fields
    1. What is the advantage of having a paid clergy over having volunteers care for the spiritual needs of the family?
    2. How much can one person do to reform the church today?
    3. What could Israel do about a corrupt priest/high priest who held office because of birthright?
    Tithes and Offerings
    1. What makes us think that the system of support for the priests in the OT times applies to our churches today?
    2. Could the church be supported as well as it is through offerings alone as it is through tithe? 
    3. How does Tithing aid in spirituality and relationship with God?
    Treading the Winepress on Sabbath
    1. Is physical restraint such as locking doors the best way to enforce Sabbath keeping? Why did Nehemiah resort to closing the gates of the city?
    2.  Would extracting juice from fruit be wrong if it was for consumption for that day only?
    3. Under what circumstances if any might it be okay to buy on Sabbath?
    Did Not Your Fathers Do This
    1. How would closing the gates help in keeping the Sabbath?
    2. What was the response of  Jesus to the strict observance of the Sabbath in His day?
    3. Did Jesus mean to say that justice, mercy and faith supercede the law, or are only equal to it?

    Friday, 6 December 2019

    Lesson 10 (Nov 30-Dec 6), Worshipping the Lord

    Singing the Songs of the Lord

    1. What are ways in which a song service enhances worship? What are ways in which it can spoil worship? 
    2. What has a song leader done in your experience that has made singing more effective?
    3. Should singers who have less talent be encouraged or discouraged from singing special songs?
    4. Which is more effective for worship moods, performed music or congregational singing?
    1. Why did the Israelites purify the gates and the walls? How had it become defiled?
    2. What happens to humans when they undergo purification rites?
    3. If one does not feel spiritually cleansed, what should one do?
    The Large Thanksgiving Choirs
    1. Which is to be preferred, a large choir with whoever wishes to join, or a small choir of only those who have obvious talent?
    2. What should be done about the words of songs that are performed which cannot be understood clearly?
    3. What is the function of music in worship? What are ways in which it is misused?
    Sacrifice as Part of Worship
    1. How did animal sacrifices lend itself to teaching the plan of salvation? How much was it a waste of animals?
    2. How much did it matter whether people fully understood the ritual of the various kinds of sacrifices?
    3. What was so joyful about sacrifices that the people rejoiced and sacrificed?
    Priests and Levites as Part of Worship
    1. Is there enough rejoicing and celebration in our worship today?
    2. How much of the function of priests is replaced by the pastors?
    3. How Biblical is it to have pastors paid through tithes like the priests and Levites were in the Old Testament?
    4. Should other participants of worship such as visiting preachers and musicians be paid from the tithe?

    Friday, 29 November 2019

    Lesson 9 (Nov 23-29), Trials, Tribulations, And Lists

    The God of History

    1. How much of Nebuchadnezzar's madness should Beltshazzer have known? How could he make the same mistake of being too proud?
    2. Why was Cyrus so cooperative with God's plan? Did he have a choice?
    3. How can we explain the freedom of people like the betrayer and denyer in the light of the statement that  "everyone has a place in God's plan?"
    In Their Cities
    1. What is the purpose of Biblical genealogies?
    2. Should each of us be recording our genealogies? What do we discover by doing so?
    3. What is required to turn a life around so completely as the fortunes of Israel and Jerusalem?
    Where Are the Priests?
    1. What are the advantages of having an inherited clergy?
    2. What were the options in Bible times for those other than Levites who wished to serve God?
    3. What are the options for those who feel called by God, but not by the church?
    4. Was it wrong for Jews to stay back in Babylon when the others returned as per the decree?
    5. Is it wrong to migrate to a country other than that which God caused us to be born in?
    6. How well did Judaism survive in Babylon?
    Humbled Before God
    1. What kept Jews from escaping from Babylon before the 70 years were up?
    2. What occasions "drove out" certain Israelites from their country? Why would emigrants wish to return to their home country?
    3. How are we to know that we are reading the "signs of the times" right?
    In the Holy City
    1. Would the returning Jews have preferred to live in Jerusalem or in the rural towns?
    2. Why was it necessary for some to occupy the city of Jerusalem?
    3. What are ways in which Adventists can reach out to those who live in India's cities?

    Sunday, 17 November 2019

    Lesson 8 (Nov 16-22), God and the Covenant

    The Idea of the Covenant

    1. Why does God want to make a covenant with people? Why do people want to make a covenant with God? What would it be like if there was no covenant between God and humans?
    2. What evidence is there of a  covenant between God and the first family on earth?
    3. Why do the majority of people end up on the side of evil?
    Covenants in History
    1. How can one tell if a covenant is not meant to be permanent? Has God made any temporary covenants?
    2. What indicates that a covenant has been terminated? 
    3. What do we understand by the term "old covenant?"
    Covenantal Structure
    1.  When making a petition or prayer what are the advantages of following a "structure?" What are disadvantages? For example, what are the benefits and weaknesses of using the Lord's prayer as a template?
    2. What are advantages and/or disadvantages of using a template for covenants?
    3. What are the differences in covenants made between equals and between unequals?
    1. Is it always wrong to marry outside the faith? Aren't there some worse people within the church?
    2. Should pledges precede or follow grace?
    3. Why does God want us to support the church financially when He has all the resources He needs?
    The Temple
    1. Why is it beneficial to have a dedicated structure in which to worship?
    2. Why does the Adventist church generally require a structure to be debt free before it can be dedicated?
    3. Are there any valid reasons why one may cease to give offerings to the church?

    Tuesday, 12 November 2019

    Lesson 7 (Nov 9-15), Our Forgiving God

    Fasting and Worship

    1. How responsible are children for the sins of their fathers? Why did the Israelites need to repent for their ancestors' sins?
    2. To what extent were children rewarded or punished for the actions of their parents in the history of Israel?
    3. How does the Holy Spirit help those who read the Bible?
    Beginning of the Prayer
    1. How should prayers begin and why?
    2. What makes Abraham father of those who have faith when he failed to trust God to protect him and his wife?
    3. Why is the doctrine of creation so important to our faith?
    Lessons from the Past
    1. Why is confession of sin important? How does conceding the sin of long past ancestors help?
    2. What comes first, confession or repentance? 
    3. What lessons does one learn from past experiences of confession?
    The Law and the Prophets
    1. Why do people forget God during periods of plenty?
    2. Why does God give gifts that make people fat?
    3. In what ways is it a blessing to have and know God's law?
    4. Is the law enough for salvation? How necessary is it to have prophets?
    Praise and Petition
    1. How important is it to plan a prayer? Are prayers especially those to be said in public in church better read or delivered from the heart spontaneously?
    2. Is it better to be a servant or a slave of God?
    3. Why do people place their petition at the end of a prayer instead of getting straight to the point?

    Sunday, 3 November 2019

    Lesson 6 (Nov 2-8), The Reading of the Word

    What were the advantages in Nehemiah appointing his own brother as governor of Jerusalem? What were the disadvantages?

    The People Gather

    1. What benefits are there from a public reading of God's word over a private reading? How necessary is it to hear the actual words when the audience is the whole city and the meeting outdoors?
    2. What contribution to faith does a festival make? How can one ensure that faith endures during festivities?
    3. What does it mean for "all the people to assemble as one person?" How does that happen?
    Reading and Hearing the Law
    1. What is so interesting about the "law" that the people would listen for half a day?
    2. What other parts of the Old Testament would have existed at that time and why would the law be preferred for reading that day?
    3. How often does one need to hear the law? How would hearing in those days compare with hearing today?
    Reading and Interpreting the Word
    1. How much can the Bible be understood by plain reading? What are necessary tools for understanding the Bible better?
    2. What advantages does the printed Word have over the digital versions? What advantages do the digital Bibles have over the printed ones? Why do we use the word "scroll" with smart screens?
    3. How much can we trust preachers today to give the correct interpretation of the Bible? 
    The People's Response
    1. Why did the people mourn and weep as the law was being read? Why did the leaders tell the people not to mourn?
    2. How responsible were the people for their failure to have observed the law in their personal lives, and for the nation?
    3. What makes Christianity arguably the happiest of all religions?
    The Joy of the Lord
    1. What is different in the strength that comes from joy and the strength that comes from fear?
    2.  What is suggested by the fact that the heads of families assembled again with the leaders to hear the Word once more the next day?
    3. Considering that the people were almost wholly younger people who were not the ones taken into exile, or who had needed to be punished, what could have been their attitude to God's law?

    Monday, 28 October 2019

    Lesson 5 (Oct 26-Nov 1), Violating the Spirit of the Law

    People's Grievance

    1. What is the best response when a person comes to borrow money?
    2. What does the Bible teach about borrowing or lending money?
    3. Do governments have a right to tax? Do citizens have a right to exemption from tax? How serious is it to evade paying income tax, or sales tax?
    Against the Spirit of the Law
    1. Did God support the principle of servitude or slavery in Bible times?
    2. What provisions did God make for release from servitude or slavery? What evidence is there that this was followed or not followed?
    3. How can one determine how much interest it is fair to charge on a loan?
    Nehemiah Acts
    1. Why was it preferable to be a slave to a fellow-Jew, than to a foreigner? Would there be exceptions?
    2. What are better solutions than lending money to the poor?
    3. How right or wrong is it to use large numbers of people when trying to enforce a decision?
    An Oath
    1. What advantages are there to taking an oath when making a decision?
    2. Why do oaths often include a curse upon violation?
    3. Why do people swear by God's name when taking an oath? How effective is the practice? What does the Bible teach about this?
    Nehemiah's Example
    1. Why do people draw God's attention to the good things they have done? 
    2. Can we expect God to reimburse us for the times we have been generous to others and to his church?
    3. What is wrong with being greedy or unmerciful? 

    Tuesday, 22 October 2019

    Lesson 4 (Oct 19-25), Facing Opposition

    Opposition Begins

    1. When help is offered, how can one know if the offer is genuine or motivated?
    2. How can we determine if our offers of help to others is sincere or not?
    3. When funds are solicited for a church building how should donors be recognized?
    4. What could have been the results if the offer of help by the "adversaries" was accepted?
    Prophets Encourage
    1. Why would the Jews have been afraid to continue the rebuilding process?
    2. What factors discourage God's church today?
    3. Does one have to be a prophet to encourage God's people? What can be done by members today to encourage a local church?
    Work Stoppage
    1. How much effect does a letter to a king or leader have? If you were a ruler, and got a letter of complaint, how would you react?
    2. How can one know when to avoid conflict and when to push on ahead despite opposition?
    3. In what kind of circumstances would it be advisable to disobey a ruler or government? 
    Nehemiah Takes Action
    1. Will God always protect us, or must we at times protect ourselves?
    2. What situations make it necessary to take up weapons? Is it okay to possess a gun?
    3. How can one know if he/she is doing God's will?
    Doing a Great Work
    1. What made rebuilding the walls a "great work?" What makes any job important?
    2. Could Nehemiah have considered his job as cupbearer a "great work?"
    3. What was wrong in meeting the opposition? Are there times when one should dialogue with opponents?
    4. Is my local church in need of repair? What needs to be done to make it representative of the God of heaven and earth?

    Saturday, 12 October 2019

    Lesson 3 (Oct 12-18), God's Call

    The Calling of Ezra and Nehemiah

    1. How does a priest like Ezra who inherits his career get to feel a call?
    2. Was Nehemiah called by his "brother" who brought him the news of the state of Jerusalem or by God? 
    3. How does one feel the "call?" Is it a desire or a burden? Which is more common?
    Prophetic Timing
    1. What is prophetic timing? Why is it critical to fulfilment?
    2. Can something be fulfilled, but not on time? Would that be a fulfilment of prophecy?
    3. How can we know that one prophetic day is equal to one year when the texts Num 14:34 or Ezek 4:6 are not saying that these are time scales that apply to all time prophecies?
    The 70 Weeks and the 2300 Days
    1. How are sure that the 70 week prophecy and the 2300 day prophecy start at the same time?
    2. What is God's purpose in giving time prophecies?
    3. How does the stoning of Stephen marks the end of the 70-week prophecy?
    God's Election
    1. How much does God select leaders through nominating and executive committees nowadays?
    2. Has God predestined some to be leaders before they are born or does He wait to see how they order their lives?
    3. What difference is there between a call and predestination?
    Our Responsibility
    1. Was King Saul called by God? Why did he fail?
    2. When sensing a call should one respond without thinking or after reflection?
    3. Why are so many who are "called" reluctant to answer the call?
    4. What are the qualities God looks for in a person He calls?

    Saturday, 5 October 2019

    Lesson 2 (Oct 5-11), Nehemiah

    Nehemiah Receives Bad News

    1. Why would God have allowed the rebuilding of the city of Jerusalem to have suffered when He himself had decreed their return?
    2. Why would some of the exiles have stayed back in Babylon when the 70 years were up and the captivity over?
    3. What business of it was Nehemiah's for him to get so disturbed about the news of the state of Jerusalem? 
    Nehemiah's Prayer
    1. Why is it important for us to begin with praise and adoration when we pray?
    2. Is it necessary to confess sins before making a petition from God?
    3. Does God need to be reminded of the promises He has made which need to be fulfilled? Why is Nehemiah trying to persuade Him to help?
    Nehemiah Speaks Out
    1. How do you think one becomes a cup-bearer for a king? What qualities does such a person have to demonstrate in order to get a job like that? Should the cup bearer have also been responsible for tasting the food of the king before he ate it too?
    2. Why do some people fast when they have a petition to make? Does it help in getting the prayer answered?
    3. How important is it to use the right words when making a request?
    Nehemiah Sent
    1. Why would Israel's neighbors not want her to be restored properly? 
    2. From Israel's past record were they justified in being concerned?
    3. How significant is it to have a Hebrew name? Why didn't that guarantee sympathy from Tobiah?
    Nehemiah Prepares for His Task
    1. What do you think convinced the people, the priests, the nobles, and the officials to cooperate with Nehemiah?
    2. What qualities of Nehemiah qualified him for the task to be done? Which of his characteristics was the most important?
    3. Why did God keep Nehemiah waiting for four months before creating the opportunity to speak his heart to the king?

    Sunday, 29 September 2019

    Lesson 1 (Sept 28-Oct 4), Making Sense of History: Zerubbabel and Ezra

    The First Return of Exiles

    1. When God inspires a prophecy does that impinge on the freedom of those involved, such as when Cyrus had to pass a decree for the return of the Jews? 
    2. Does God inspire parents who name their children such that Cyrus could be named as prophesied?
    3. What is God's purpose in letting people know the future?
    Overview of Kings and Events
    1. Are there discrepancies between the Bible and secular historical records? Why would there be some?
    2. Does a Bible reader need to know history in order to understand the Bible or is enough information given in the Bible?
    The Second Return From Exile
    1. Why would a king offer to let captives return to their home country? Why were they taken in the first place? Why were thy kept so long?
    2. What would encourage people to follow a person back home? Why would they wish to return home? Would some wish to remain behind? If so, why?
    Artaxerxes Decree
    1. How likely is it that some of the Jews had escaped and returned to Israel on their own earlier? How advisable was it to try?
    2. What could have prompted the king to release funds from his own treasury for the restoration of the temple?
    3. How likely was it that during the captivity of the Israelites that the king could have learnt that Israel's was the true God?
    Importance of Education
    1. During the seventy years of captivity how settled would the Israelites have become in the foreign land?
    2. How much education does one need to understand the Bible and its prophecies?
    3. How advisable was it for the Israelite children to attend Babylonian schools?

    Friday, 27 September 2019

    Lesson 13 (Sept 21-27), A Community of Servants

    Agents of Change

    1. What does it mean to be a "living sacrifice?" If there is such a thing as a "dead sacrifice," what would it be? How is a living sacrifice different from that?
    2. What kind of a person would be "Christ's hands," and how would that be different from "Christ's feet?"
    3. What are things that make it difficult to be "God's perfume?"
    A Servant Remnant
    1. What made Moses willing to give up his opportunity for eternal life that his people might be forgiven? Was it possible for God to accept such an offer?
    2. What made the people respect Moses as a leader? Was it his leadership skill? Was it his servant leadership? Was the fact that he could perform miracles?
    Reaching Souls
    1. How much are Adventists fulfilling Christ's command to "heal the sick and raise the dead?" Who all are expected to fulfil that?
    2. What about the command to "cleanse the lepers and drive out demons? Is that for pastors or laymen to fulfil?
    3. In ministering to a person's need before trying to witness to him/her for Christ, a wrong motive?
    Grace Within the Church
    1. What kind of a person can be called a saint? Can we identify some in our church as saints?
    2. Should the church examine students' lives before letting them enrol for the ministry? What kind of things should be checked? What qualities are necessary to be a pastor?
    3. Why was Jesus so anxious to remind his disciples to "love one another?" How well has the church followed that command?
    Encourage Each  Other to Good Works
    1. What makes it easier to do things in a group rather than alone, whether good or bad?
    2. What are ways we can encourage a person to keep doing the good they are doing?
    3. What projects can your Sabbath School class initiate that will put into practice what we have studied this quarter?

    Saturday, 14 September 2019

    Lesson 12 (Sept 14-20), To Love Mercy

    Kingdom Priorities

    1. What did Jesus mean when He said not to worry about what to eat or what to wear? Aren't those important?
    2. Who decides what the fashion is? What do they get out of it? Why do people want to wear what is in fashion? Is there a stigma to being old-fashioned?
    3. Under what conditions can we disobey the government to obey God? Is it okay to smuggle Bibles into a country that forbids it?
    Compassion Fatigue
    1. When one decides to start giving to beggars, who is it easy to forget that resolve and ignore giving?
    2. Is it possible to hurt people's pride by giving them charity when they have not asked for it? How can we avoid offending such people?
    3. How can we expect God's guidance in matters of giving?
    1. Shouldn't God love a giver more who give's despite not being cheerful about it?
    2. How can one learn to give cheerfully when it does not come naturally?
    3. Is generosity quantity or attitude? Did the widow with two mites give with generosity? What about the Pharisee who gave liberally? Does the fact that he gave with great show cancel his spirit of generosity?
    1. Don't peacemakers in today's world end up making enemies of both sides?
    2. How can one avoid getting hurt when getting involved with peacemaking?
    3. What did Jesus mean when he said peacemakers would be called the children of God?
    4. What is the biblical model for solving conflicts in church?
    A Voice for the Voiceless
    1. How can one know when is the time to be silent and when is the time to speak? Isn't it dangerous to speak at the wrong time?
    2. Would the majority in a crowd support an effort to defend the defenceless?
    3. What group near you needs your speaking out for them?

    Sunday, 8 September 2019

    Lesson 11 (Sept 7-13), Living the Advent Hope

    How Long O Lord

    1. Why does God not respond immediately when people call on Him in their distress?
    2. Does God answer a prayer He might not have just because a person pled over and over?
    3. Does a prayer for the hundredth time demonstrate more faith than the first time?
    A Certain Kind of Hope
    1. Does the Advent hope show a disconnect with the current situation in the world?
    2. How much hope does Adventism lend to members? How much hope have we conveyed to others?
    3. What would the world have been like if not for Jesus interest in humanity?
    Resurrection Hope
    1. What did the fact of the resurrection do to the followers of Jesus? Why did the resurrection make so much difference?
    2. Are there still benefits from Christianity for the current life if the future is taken away?
    3. Why did the resurrected Jesus appear only to his disciples?
    Judgement Hope
    1. Do the wicked prosper more than the righteous or does it only seem like that?
    2. Is it important only for the righteous to be rewarded or must the wicked be punished too?
    3. Why does God allow the righteous to judge the wicked during the millenium?
    No More Tears or Pain
    1. Why are tears wiped away only in the New Earth and not in heaven itself before that?
    2. Does suffering end only in the earth made new or in heaven before that?
    3. Is the world getting better or worse? What makes it seem like that?

    Saturday, 31 August 2019

    Lesson 10 (Aug 31-Sept 6), Living the Gospel

    For God So Loved . . . 
    1. What does "world" mean? What does God love so much that He gave His only son?
    2. Did Jesus die for the world or for individuals?
    3. What is the evidence that God loves the population of the entire world?
    Compassion and Repentence
    1. What was it that moved Jesus to compassion?
    2. What does Satan get out of creating so much pain and hurt in this world?
    3. What is the connection between sin and suffering?
    Grace and Good Works
    1. What is the relationship between grace and good works
    2. What is the relationship between faith and grace?
    3. Does doing good to the poor have any effect upon our mental and physical health?
    Our Common Humanity
    1. Were there any that Jesus did not treat with compassion? What about the leaders?
    2. Why are humans respecters of persons? Does every society have a community of people who are looked down upon as somewhat unequal?
    3. Were the Samaritans despised for any fault of their own?
    4. Were the Jews, as the chosen people, justified in feeling superior?
    The Everlasting Gospel
    1. Why did "people" have to be included in the list of "every nation, tribe, language, and people?"
    2. Has everyone in the world felt the effects of injustice?
    3. What is the relationship between worship and caring for the disadvantaged? Why does social awareness have to be a religious duty?
    4. If God created all humans equal, how did inequality arise?

    Thursday, 29 August 2019

    Lesson 9 (Aug 24-30), Ministry in the New Testament Church

    A New Kind of Community

    1. What would it take to convince members that it is better to sell their properties and share the proceeds with the church than to hang on to it? What would convince them?
    2. Why did the apostles have to appoint Greek deacons to ensure that Greek widows got their share? Is it necessary and/or advisable to have each language group represented in the administration of the church?
    3. Why do some leaders resist delegating responsibility?
    Dorcas's Ministry and Witness
    1. If Dorcas were a member of our church today what would she be doing? 
    2. Was Dorcas going beyond the call of duty or is that expected of each of us?
    3. If the prerequisite for miraculous healing was faith, what was required for raising from the dead?
    Giving as a Way of Sharing
    1. Why is it more blessed to give than to receive? Is it possible go too far in being poor receivers?
    2. Is it better to help the poor directly or should it be done through the church?
    3. Since we cannot help all those in need how should we determine who to help?
    Paul's Guide to Living and Loving Well
    1. What did Paul mean when he said we should offer our body as a living sacrifice?
    2. Is "living and loving well" a gift given to some, or is it expected of all?
    3. Is God a respecter of persons when it comes to distributing blessings?
    James the Just
    1. Would James have become a leader among the disciples because he was the brother of Jesus?
    2. Do rich people make better friends? 
    3. Why are the rich preferred over the poor?

    Thursday, 22 August 2019

    Lesson 8 (Aug 17-23), The Least of These

    Introducing the Sermon on the Mount

    1. What do you think inspired Jesus to expound on the Beatitudes? What appears to be the objective?
    2. What would it take for beneficiaries of our good deeds to give glory to God rather than to us?
    3. What are practical ways in which we can "salt" people around us?
    Overcoming Evil With Good
    1. How can we apply "turning the other cheek" to someone who abuses us?
    2. How do we turn the other cheek to verbal assault?
    3. How does carrying a burden an extra distance release us from negativity of the first mile?
    The Good Samaritan
    1. How much should I love myself before I love my neighbor as myself?
    2. Whom are my enemies, those whom I dislike or those who dislike me? Which group is more difficult to love?
    3. Why are we so reluctant to help victims on the roadside? How can we best help such people?
    The Rich Man and Lazarus
    1. Why are the rich so indifferent to the needs of the poor?
    2. Is giving a beggar a few rupees adequate expression of our sympathy?
    3. What was the purpose of the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, since Jesus did not say the rich man refused alms to the beggar?
    The Least of These
    1. Since many beggars and homeless actually have enough money for food, how can I help them best?
    2. Since we rarely see anyone naked, who actually is in need of clothes?
    3. Do the seriously sick actually desire visits? How can we minister to the sick in the hospital or at home?

    Tuesday, 13 August 2019

    Lesson 7 (Aug 10-16), Jesus and Those in Need

    Mary's Song

    1. If you could choose any home to be born into, what features would you wish for? What kind of parents would you want?
    2. What kind of following would Jesus have had if he had chosen to come from a royal home?
    3. How welcome would the poor/poorly dressed feel in our Adventist churches today?
    Jesus' Mission Statement
    1. What do you think disturbed the priests in the temple when Jesus said he was the one Isaiah had written about?
    2. How well were the Jews taking care of the poor and needy at the time of Jesus?
    3. How well did the disciples of Jesus fulfil His mission to the poor?
    Jesus Heals
    1. Did Jesus purposely heal the sick on Sabbath or was it a coincidence?
    2. Why did Jesus instruct those he had healed to not tell others about it?
    3. Did Jesus heal all those who came to him or did he select only those who exhibited the right attitude?
    Clearing the Temple
    1. Why did the priests wish to do away with Jesus? What threat did He pose?
    2. Why couldn't the priests learn from Jesus?
    3. How well did priests and prophets get along in Bible times? 
    The Cross of Christ
    1. What types of terrible suffering did Jesus undergo? What types if any did He not face?
    2. What examples are there of Jesus ministering to the rich and more powerful? Why are there so few of those who responded to Jesus?
    3. What keeps us from responding to the needs of the poor more than we are?

    Wednesday, 7 August 2019

    Lesson 6 (Aug 3-9), Worship the Creator

    Idolatry and Oppression

    1. What could have made idolatry tempting for the Israelites? How could they have forgotten the awesome scene of God having spoken to them at Mt Sinai so quickly?
    2. Does worship of idols made with gold and silver show deeper worship than that to idols made of stone wood and clay? 
    3. How might worship of idols affect our behavior and conduct?
    4. On what basis do people select an image to worship?
    A Reason to Worship
    1. What draws people to worship? Is worship inherent in humans or is it learnt?
    2. What makes people give credit to God for their successes? Is He blamed for failures also?
    3. Why does God instruct us to help the poor and needy? Why doesn't He take care of them Himself?
    Religous Oppressors
    1. What could inspire worshipers such as the Israelites to combine elements of paganism with their worship of Yahweh. Can the true God be worshiped in ways other than He instructs?
    2. What is connection between worship and social obligations?
    3. Are Adventist members doing enough social work to satisfy our obligations? Do members need to get personally involved or is giving offerings and contributions to ADRA adequate?
    A Way to Worship
    1. Is it wrong to give to a beggar who might not be needy?
    2. Is it possible to give to the needy in the wrong spirit?
    3. Why have Adventists discontinued the practice of giving individual reports "home missionary" activities between Sabbath School and the Divine Service, such as persons helped, meals given away, articles of clothing donated, etc?
    Mercy and Faithfulness
    1. Is a caring attitude inherited or cultivated?
    2. Does Mat 23:23 suggest that we can use tithe to help the poor and need?
    3. Does the parable of the goats and sheep indicate that helping the poor and needy is more important than observing the right doctrines?

    Tuesday, 30 July 2019

    Lesson 5 (July 27-August 2), The Cry of the Prophets

    The Recurring Call to Justice

    1. If the priests and kings had done their work properly would God have needed prophets still?
    2. Why did God not wish to have kings in the first place?
    3. Why were prophets more faithful than priests and kings?
    1. Why did Amos deny being a prophet when he was a prophet? Why did Ellen White say she did not call herself a prophet but that she did the work of a prophet?
    2. How successful were the prophets in trying to reform Israel?
    3. What kind of language is necessary to combat condemning evil successfully?
    1. Can one do justly and love mercy at the same time? Which one is superior?
    2. Who are normally more generous and charitable towards the disadvantaged of society, the rich or the poor? What is the reason for this?
    3. Why did Micah include "walk humbly" with justice and mercy?
    1. How did Ezekiel know that the citizens of Sodom neglected to help the poor and needy when it is not mentioned in the Genesis account? 
    2. Which are more serious, sexual sins or sins against the poor and needy? Why?
    3. Why is Ezekiel concerned about the sins of being arrogant and overfed? What is wrong about these, and what is the connection, if any?
    1. What does it mean to defend the cause of the fatherless and the plead the case of the widow? How can we fulfil this practically?
    2. How might one be figuratively guilty of "grinding the faces of the poor" as described by Isaiah?
    3. Why would Isaiah condemn those who accumulate houses and fields? What, if anything, is wrong with leaving no space?

    Friday, 26 July 2019

    Lesson 4 (July 20-26), Mercy and Justice in Psalms and Proverbs

    Psalms: Songs of Hope for the Oppressed

    1. What enabled psalmists in distress to compose songs of hope? On what was their assurance based?
    2. Why does God allow trouble to fall upon his faithful people? Why are the wicked allowed to prosper?
    3. What does it take for the psalmist to compose something like "Judge me O God according to my righteousness?"How confidently can a human say that?
    Do Something God
    1. Why doesn't God give just rewards in this life itself, before one dies? Why must we wait for the next life to be rewarded?
    2. What is the implications if a person abandons faith in God because he or she feels unjustly compensated in this life?
    3. If there were no final judgment how would it affect one's behavior in this life?
    A King's Promises
    1. Does experience improve or corrupt a leader? What makes a difference?
    2. What did David learn from Saul about how to be a good king, or how not to be a bad king?
    3. In a contest between justice and mercy, which one should win?
    Walking with the Lord
    1. Is the composer of Ps 37:25 correct in saying that he has never seen the righteous forsaken, or their children begging for bread?
    2. If we see children begging can we infer that their parents are not righteous?
    3. What are the benefits that one receives by helping others?
    Proverbs: Mercy on the Needy
    1. Is poverty a sign of laziness?
    2. Are poor people closer to God than rich people?
    3. Did the social laws of Israel eliminate poverty in their society?

    Thursday, 18 July 2019

    Lesson 3 (July 12-19), Sabbath, A Day of Freedom

    Manna Enough

    1. Why were Israelites restricted to an omer each of manna a day? Don't some people need more food than others?
    2. Was collecting manna such a chore that it could not be done on Sabbath morning?
    Two Reasons for Sabbath
    1. Does the Sabbath commandment need a reason?
    2. Does the week make the Sabbath or the Sabbath makes the week?
    3. Does the new reason (deliverance from slavery) release non-Israelites from Sabbath observance?
    A Day of Equality
    1. Why is the fourth commandment so long? Why does this one have clarifications and qualifications that the other commands don't have?
    2. Why does the fourth commandment mandate rest for servants but not for the wife?
    3. What are some things that visitors to our homes are not to engage in on Sabbaths nowadays? 
    A Day of Healing
    1. Is it okay to perform acts of benevolence which can be done on other days of the week be on the Sabbath?
    2. Are nurses and doctors to work on Sabbath? What about other workers in hospitals without whom the hospital could not function, or not function as efficiently?
    3. Why did Jesus heal on the Sabbath when he could have done it on any other day of the week?
    Sabbath Rest for the Land
    1. Why would there be no record of a jubilee or sabbatical year in Israelite history?
    2. Is the Sabbatical year to be followed today also?
    3. How should the principle of the jubilee year apply to caring for employees in the workplace or at home?

    Lesson 2 (July 6-12) Blueprint for a Better World.

    The God Who Hears

    1. Why would God keep His people in slavery for four hundred years? Wouldn't a few years have been enough for a lesson?
    2. Does God pick a leader who fits his needs best, or does he prepare one over the years?
    3. What difference to the Israelites did the experience of slavery make?
    The Ten Commandments 
    1. Why did God wait till the Exodus to deliver to humans the Ten Commandments?
    2. What did God wish the Ten Commandments to accomplish?
    3. Why did God wait till the time of Jesus to explain the extent of the commandments to cover thoughts and intentions?
    4. What does the experience of the Rich Young Ruler tell us about the Ten Commandments?
    Slaves, Widows, Foreigners, Fatherless.
    1. What about the risks in housing strangers and foreigners?
    2. Do obligations to widows include divorcees and single old spinsters?
    3. Should servants today  be treated as Israelites treated Hebrew servants or foreign servants?
    Second Tithing
    1. How is a second tithe different from the first tithe?
    2. What is the "storehouse" that we are supposed to bring all the tithes into according to Malachi?
    3. Are Adventists the only denomination to practice tithing? What do clergy of other denominations live on?
    4. Why does misuse of tithe by the church not release one from the obligation to return tithe to God?
    The Year of Jubilee
    1. What can we infer, if anything, from the fact that there is no record of observing a Year of Jubilee in the Bible?
    2. How did inequity come about in Israelite society? Didn't Joshua distribute land equally? And didn't the Year of Jubilee restore equality?
    3. What is the message of the Year of Jubilee for us today?

    Friday, 5 July 2019

    Lesson 1 (June 29-July 5), God Created

    God, A Glimpse of Creation

    1. Why do you think God made humans from mud? 
    2. Did God give humans a different breath than He gave animals?
    3. If the Bible did not exist what could we know about God from nature?
    4. How much would we know about the devil if there was no Bible?
    A Complete World
    1. If Eden was such a wonderful place why aren't people creating spaces like that to live in?
    2. Who is the greatest beneficiary of creation?
    3. Why does our church want to reflect doctrines in our name? 
    Stewards of the Earth
    1. Why did Adam name all the animals?
    2. Is the earth filled to the point where we should stop reproduction?
    3. Why is human life more valuable than animal life? Is animal life more valuable than plant life?
    A Broken World
    1. Are animals morally free? Do they have the power of choice?
    2. What does it say about God that He created human beings who could sin, would sin?
    3. Will God allow humans to fly themselves to the moon or to another planet?
    The Family Web of Humanity
    1. To what extent are we our "brother's keeper?"
    2. Why do we have to share our wealth with the poor and needy? What will happen to us if we don't?

    Thursday, 27 June 2019

    Lesson 13 (June 22-28), Turning Hearts in the End Time

    The Prophecy of Turned Hearts

    1. What made Elijah such an outstanding prophet? In what way was Elisha blessed with a double portion of his spirit? What was double?
    2. What does it mean to "turn the hearts of the people?"
    3. Can a person be reconciled to God who is not reconciled to his or her family?
    Family Reunion
    1. Why do you think that God sent Elijah to the widow of Zarephath? Who needed the relationship more, and how?
    2. What made the widow of Zarephath, when her son died ask Elijah if he had come to remind her of her sin?
    3.  What makes family reunions rare?
    Turning Hearts at the Altar
    1. Why did Elijah kill all the false prophets after the experience on Mt Carmel? Wasn't everyone, even the false prophets convinced about the true God? Why did Israel lapse again into idol worship? 
    2. Why doesn't God convert people today through such miraculous methods as fire from heaven? 
    3. Can pastors today be expected to perform miracles like the Biblical prophets?
    Turning Hearts at the Jordan
    1. What about John the Baptist made people recall Elijah?
    2. Why would people flock to hear someone who reminds them of their sins and calls for them to repent?
    3. How was what John the Baptist did, a preparation for the messiah?
    Turning Hearts in the Last Days
    1. What is the Elijah message for these days? Who is to deliver it and to whom?
    2. What is the relationship of the Elijah message to the three angels' messages?
    3. What is our primary duty as Adventists, to preach the ten commandments or to preach, or to preach salvation by grace?

    Wednesday, 19 June 2019

    Lesson 12 (June 15-21), What Have They Seen in Your House

    Learning From a King's Mistake
    1. Did Hezekiah comprehend that the emissaries had arrived from Babylon to understand the miracle that had occurred regarding the sun moving backward? 
    2. What influenced Hezekiah to reveal his treasures to foreigners?
    3. What held back the king from testifying to God's power?
    4. Why do we take more pride in our material blessings rather than our spiritual ones?
    Family First
    1. What can we understand about Andrew's relationship with his brother in that as soon as he understood that Jesus was the Messiah he immediately responded by bringing his brother to Jesus?
    2. Would Andrew have been justified in being jealous that Peter got closer to Jesus than he did?
    3. How did Naomi and Ruth each contribute to the good relationship between them?
    4. Is it easier or harder to witness to family members about religion than to non-relatives?
    Peace that Wins
    1. Why does the Bible teach believers to stay in a marriage with unbelievers? 
    2. Is there a point at which a believer is justified in leaving a marriage with an unbeliever?
    3. How can a believer win over an unbelieving spouse?
    4. What did Jesus mean when He said that He had come to divide a son from his father and a mother from her daughter?
    Family Life is for Sharing
    1. Why do children imitate their parents and older siblings?
    2. How can parents use the instinct to imitate, to train children?
    3. Why do older siblings resent their younger siblings following and imitating them?
    Centers of Contagious Friendliness
    1. Why were the Israelites commanded to be hospitable to foreigners and travelers? Does God expect us to similarly open our homes to strangers?
    2. How can we judge who the hungry and thirsty really are in this world of fakes?
    3. What would people think of being invited to a home that was not really ready for guests?
    4. What can people do who are not good cooks when they encounter others who need food?

    Saturday, 8 June 2019

    Lesson 11 (June 8-14), Families of Faith

    Hold Fast What is Good

    1. How does one culture/community start feeling superior to another? Why are some cultures/communities looked down upon?
    2. If all peoples are equal in God's sight, why do some seem more blessed than others? What are evidences of God's blessing upon any group/nation/tribe of people?
    3. What impels some people to disciple another community?
    The Power of Culture on Family
    1. Why didn't Abraham first consult God regarding Sarah's suggestion of acquiring an heir through Hagar?
    2. Why did God tolerate Rachel's possession of her father's gods for so long?
    3. Why didn't God give clear instructions regarding polygamy to the patriarchs and the Israelites?
    Sustaining Families Through Seasons of Change 
    1. Why did God have to move Abraham and his family out of Ur in order to bless them?
    2. What are some of the hardest changes for a family (or part) to cope with? What makes it hard?
    3. Which stages of rearing children is the hardest? What makes it hard?
    Toward a First-generation Faith
    1. What does the phrase mean "God has no grandchildren, only children?"
    2. Why are effects of God's blessings and curses felt up to the third and fourth generation?
    3. What makes is difficult to transmit faith of fathers to children
    Twenty-first-Century Runners
    1. What is the difference between "gospel" and "message?"
    2. What made the apostolic church the fervant church that it was? What social behaviour did that inspire?
    3. What will it take to re-create that spirit among our church members today? Is there anything members can do to foster that spirit, or must we just wait for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit?

    Saturday, 1 June 2019

    Lesson 10 (June 1-7), Little Times of Trouble


    1. Is conflict always the result of both parties?
    2. How wise is it for a person attempting to avoid conflict to say "sorry" even if it is not his/her fault?
    3. Is it possible to avoid conflict?
    Some Principles for Marriage
    1. How can one tell whether he or she has forgiven an offence or offender?
    2. How easy is it to find a reason to walk out of a marriage? 
    3. In a marriage should one one's self first or one's spouse first?
    The Role of Anger in Conflict
    1. Why does it seem like people have less patience with family members than with others?
    2. Is it a sin to get angry?
    3. Is a quick temper inherited or cultivated?
    Conflict, Abuse, Power, and Control
    1. Of all the types of abuse, physical, verbal, emotional, psychological, which type leaves the deepest scars?
    2. Is abuse of husband less common than of abuse of wife? If so, why?
    3. Did God mandate the power of husbands over wives when He said "he shall rule over you," or did He merely predict it? 
    Forgiveness and Peace
    1. What does Satan stand to gain by helping marriages break up?
    2. Why does Matt 5:23-24 place the burden of peacemaking on the you who may not have an issue, rather than on the one has an issue against you and who you think may be angry with you?
    3. Does God really intend that the offering to God be suspended to make things right, rather than determining in one's heart to settle it at the earliest opportunity?

    Wednesday, 29 May 2019

    Lesson 9 (May 25-31), Times of Loss

    Loss of Health

    1. Is anyone ever in perfect health?
    2. Is the world getting more or less healthy?
    3. Can Satan cause sickness and hurt?
    4. Why should one pray for healing when God knows our suffering and desires?
    Loss of Trust
    1. Why would people let down someone who trusts them? 
    2. What would it take for someone who has betrayed your trust to earn your trust again?
    3. Why do so many Indian wives feel a husband's violence is justified under certain circumstances? Is it ever?
    4. What are ways besides adultery and violence which cause a person to lose trust in a marriage partner? Which are most serious? Why?
    5. How common is violence against husbands? Why is so little said about that?
    6. Does violence work? Why do persons keep resorting to violence? What are alternatives to violence? 
    Loss of Freedom
    1. What are things that people get addicted to? What are symptoms of addiction?
    2. Is propensity to addiction a physiological or mental?
    3. Is addiction a sin?
    Loss of Life
    1. Is God responsible for death? Was death as a penalty for sin compulsory?
    2. Why are a person's badness less remembered than their goodness after his/her death?
    3. How soon after the death of a spouse is it reasonable to remarry?

    Saturday, 18 May 2019

    Lesson 8 (May 18-24), Season of Parenting

    Childless Parenting

    1. If sex was not pleasurable, how much fewer children would people have?
    2. Why are children wanted?
    3. Who feels the pain of childlessness more, husband or wife? In Bible stories why does it seem that childlessness is the fault of the wife?
    4. Why are there so many children in orphanages?
    Single Parenting
    1. What are the disadvantages and/or advantages of a single person having a child?
    2. How appropriate is the term "semi-orphan" for a child who has a single parent?
    3. Why does Bible, which lays so much emphasis on helping widows and orphans, say nothing about single parents?
    The Joy and Responsibility of Parenting
    1. Do parents need to be taught how to be parents or is it something they will know by instinct like animals do?
    2. In the same family, with the same parents, why are some good and some not so good?
    3. How much does praying for a child help him or her?
    Parents as Disciple Makers
    1. Does the Bible advocate spanking?
    2. How can parents avoid showing favouritism towards a child?
    3. Why do good parents have children who turn out bad?
    Fighting for Your Prodigal Child
    1. Why do children run away from home?
    2. Why did Jesus include the attitude of the older brother in the story of the prodigal? What is the lesson for parents there?
    3. Why did Jesus relate in his parable that it was food that drew the prodigal back home, rather than the love of his parents?
    4. What are ways in which parents can reach out to children who have run away from them?

    Tuesday, 14 May 2019

    Lesson 7 (May11-17), Keys to Family Unity

    Christ the Centre

    1. Why do so many Christians feel closer to their non-family friends than they do to their own relatives who are not Christians?
    2. How can parents ensure that they keep non-Christian family members as close as possible?
    3. What are some reasons that Adventists leave the church? If it is not doctrinal, how can that situation be helped?
    Becoming One Through His Love
    1. On a scale of 1-10, how united is the Adventist church as a whole? Is lack of unity an indication that Christ is not in the church?
    2. How united were the disciples of Jesus? How much love had they experienced, and how much did they demonstrate?
    3. How much room is there for disagreement in the church? IN the family?
    Selfishness, Family Destroyer
    1. How much should one love one's self if we have to love others like we love ourself?
    2. Are humans born selfish or do we become that way?
    3. Why are humans selfish? What do we lose by being selfless?
    1. Why does Paul instruct wives to submit to their husbands and not husbands to their wives? How does this stack with his opening command to "submit to one another?"
    2. How can a wife get her way when she wishes to?
    3. Is it true that husbands say sorry more often after a fight even if it is not their fault? Should one say sorry just to end a quarrel?
    Living the Love We Promise
    1. Which family in the Bible is the best example of good relations between parents and children?
    2. Which siblings in the Bible are the best model of getting along well?
    3. Which couple in the Bible is the best inspiration for couples today?

    Saturday, 4 May 2019

    Lesson 6 (May 4-10), The Royal Love Song

    Indivisible Life
    1. What do we mean when we say "The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak?"
    2. Why do humans wear clothes? Why do some cultures expose parts of the body that others don't? 
    3. How can parents address the matter of sex to help children grow up with a healthy attitude to it?
    The Loves of the Love Song
    1. Why would Jews not be allowed to read this book till they were thirty years of age or married?
    2. Who is more romantic, man or woman? 
    3. Can a person fall in true love with more than one person?
    A Loving Knowledge
    1. What is the connection between "love" and "spring"? Why do lovers frequent gardens?
    2. Why is love exclusive and possessive, leaving no room for another?
    3. What is the connection between love and poetry?
    Love at the Right Time
    1. Why did people in certain ages marry as soon as they matured? What made it acceptable then and unacceptable now?
    2. Why should people wait till they are married before they engage in sex? Is there such a thing as sexually compatible or incompatible?
    3. Did God make men more interested in sex than women?
    Safeguarding the Creator's Gift
    1. Why did God not create Adam and Eve together at the same time as he did for animals? What was special in the way He created them?
    2. How can those who find themselves with a different orientation to sex and genders find peace and on this earth?
    3. Will humans have sex in the new earth?