
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Saturday, 26 December 2020

Lesson 1 (Dec 26-Jan 1, 2021), Crisis of Identity

Hear O Heavens

  1. Why do you think we are informed as to the times in which prophets ministered, such as the reigns of which kings and often the very years?
  2. Why do God's people rebel against him? Is it for the same reasons that children rebel against their parents?
  3. What exactly were the sins of Judah?
Rotten Ritualism

  1. What is ritualism? Why did God himself establish rituals?
  2. Why is worship meaningless if the worshiper is guilty of sins against the poor? Can one be guilty of sins against the poor merely by neglecting to encourage and defend them? 
  3. Why do people attempt to worship even if they are guilty of not following God's instructions to help the oppressed?
The Argument of Forgiveness
  1. Why is red a symbol of sin, and why is white a symbol of forgiveness? Is this color prejudice?
  2. What does God mean by offering to "reason together" with sinners?
  3. Can one be held guilty for the sin of leaders and the general population?
To Eat or Be Eaten
  1. Why is "eat/devour" used to describe what the sword does?
  2. In what sense can heaven or earth testify to what people do?
  3. How true is it in this life that people disobedient to God are punished by the sword, and the good rewarded with sumptious food?
Ominous Love Song
  1. What are the wonderful things that God did for his people Israel similar to what a gardener does for a plant?
  2. In what ways is the plant to blame if the fruit is not good?
  3. What more could God have done for Israel to draw a better response? What more could Israel have done in response to God's provisions and care?

Tuesday, 22 December 2020

Lesson 13 (Dec 19-25, 2020), Heaven, Education, and Eternal Learning

 The Fate of the Dead

  1. What evidence or logic is there if any, that there is life after death?
  2. Why would God want to allow humans to live forever?
  3. If there is no life after death, is it worth being "good?"
A New Existence

  1.  Why will there be a new heaven along with a new earth?
  2. Why are tears wiped away only in the New Earth and not in Heaven?
  3. How easy is it to have assurance of being in the New Earth?
Then Shall We Know
  1. Will we ever run out of new things to learn in the earth made new? 
  2. Will we remember everything we learn in the New Earth?
  3. How will we learn in the New Earth?
The School in the Hereafter
  1. How might it be possible to learn things without a microscope or telescope?
  2. Why does Rev 21:1, 2 say there will there be no sea in the New Earth?
  3. Will we need a teacher in the hereafter?
The Great Teacher
  1. What qualified a person to use the term "Rabbi?"
  2. What qualities does a teacher need to have to be successful?
  3. What did Satan mean when he told Eve she could be like God if she ate the fruit of the forbidden tree? Was it a lie?
  4.  Does one learn better inside a classroom or outside?

Thursday, 17 December 2020

Lesson 12 (Dec 12-18, 2020), Sabbath: Experiencing and Living the Character of God

  Time to be Astonished

  1. Are Genesis 1 and 2 two accounts of creation or one account? What makes the difference between one and two accounts of a story?
  2. On the basis of Genesis 1 referring to God as Elohim and Genesis 2 using his name Yahweh, some scholars attribute the accounts to different sources? How valid is this argument? How many people have two "names"?
  3. What kind of a relationship do you imagine between God and Adam before Eve was created?
  4. What do you think Adam and Eve talked about when they first were introduced? What was there to talk about?
Time for Rediscovery
  1. What could be the causes why humans forgot about the Sabbath? At what period do you think that happened?
  2. Why do you think God supplied manna on Sabbath if he didn't want the Israelites to collect it on that day?
  3. Why is the Sabbath full of restrictions? Why are Sabbath keepers so happy for the Sabbath to arrive on Friday evening, and yet equally happy for it to end on Saturday evening?
  4. What does the fourth commandment imply about what should be avoided on Sabbath?
Time for Learning Priorities
  1. What is the relevance of the Sabbath as a sign between God and his people Israel? Is Sabbath keeping still a sign that a people belong to God? Why or why not?
  2. What significance is there in Isaiah's instruction about Sabbath keeping? What is the connection between work of the fourth commandment and "pleasure" in Isa 58?
  3. Are you as a person generally more or are you less strict about Sabbath keeping today compared with the earlier part of your life? At the same time is your relationship with God closer now or before? What are reasons for your answer?
Time for Finding Balance
  1. Why do you think religious leaders multiplied the restrictions in Sabbath observance after coming back from Babylon? Can anyone enjoy the Sabbath with full restrictions?
  2. Why did Jesus heal on Sabbath? Couldn't he have come back another day?
  3. Why didn't Jesus condemn his disciples for plucking grain on Sabbath? Is it okay to harvest on Sabbath?
  4. How can children be educated on Sabbath observance so that they do not view it as a burden?
A Time for Community
  1. Why do we need to go to church on Sabbath? Isn't it a day of rest? In fact why did Moses tell the Israelites not to come out of the house on Sabbath?
  2. What are the benefits of attending church? Is it wrong to go for a walk in nature instead of going to church?
  3. How has the lockdowns of recent months affected our religion? How has the lack of church affected our relationships with other members or with God?

Saturday, 5 December 2020

Lesson 11 (Dec 5-11, 2020), The Christian and Work

 The Many Sides of Work

  1. What does "work" mean? How can play be work?
  2. Should a person work who does not need it for money? What are the blessings of work?
  3. Would we consider what Adam was doing before sin as "work?" Why did Eden have to be dressed and kept?
Work and Nurture

  1. What are kinds of work that do not involve the use of hands?
  2.  Are we breaking the fourth commandment if we do not labour for six days a week?
  3. What makes some people more generous and helpful than other people?
Work and Excellence
  1. What is the cost of excellence--doing whatever we do to the best of our ability?
  2. What makes people lazy? 
  3. If work is good for humans why do modern inventions attempt to reduce effort?
  4. Do we dishonour God if our churches are less than the cleanest and tidiest possible?
Work and Spirituality
  1. How practical is it to manifest the gifts of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, kindness, gentleness etc. in the workplace?
  2. How well do non-Christians display the gifts of the Spirit in their lives and work?
  3. In what way are love, joy, peace, etc gifts? Are kindness and gentleness developed or are people born like that?
Work and Stewardship
  1. What can we do now about all the time we wasted on the job in earlier years?
  2. Do administrators who bear heavy responsibility have a right to benefits from the organization more than lower employees. 
  3. What are ways in which a worker can show great stewardship in the workplace?

Wednesday, 2 December 2020

Lesson 10 (Nov 28-Dec 4, 2020), Education in Arts and Sciences

 The Lord Alone

  1. What can a person learn about from God purely from nature?
  2. How has sin corrupted in nature so that some may get a distorted view of God?
  3. What makes something/anything beautiful? To what extent is beauty in the eye of the beholder?
The Beauty of Holiness
  1. What is the difference in the phrases "beauty of holiness," and holiness of beauty?" Are they both true?
  2. Should Christian homes and campuses be more beautiful that non-Christian ones? How can surroundings be beautified without undue expense?
  3. Is there any beauty that is not holy?
Experts in Error
  1. Why do some people still believe in a flat earth? How so we know that the earth is really spherical? 
  2. When we use terms like "sunrise" and "sunset" are we implying the sun goes around the earth?
  3. Why do we use the term "four corners of the earth?" What does it really mean? 
Foolishness and Wisdom
  1. Should Adventist schools teach evolution? In case it has to be done how should it be handled?
  2. Can an Adventist believe in continental drift and the ice age etc?
  3. How far can Adventist go in understanding the age of the earth, since we just advocate a "short chronology?"
The Lord Answered Job
  1. Why did God give Job a long lecture on nature?
  2. What was Job's problem and how did that lecture on nature help him, so that he recanted at the end?
  3. Why did God speak twice to Job? Would one have not been enough?
  4. Why didn't Jesus teach humans about science and the universe?

Sunday, 15 November 2020

Lesson 8 (Nov 14-20, 2020), Education and Redemption

 In the Image of God

  1. Since the Hebrew word for image means "statue" to what extent can we imagine we are in the external/internal physical image of God? 
  2. To what extent do humans still exercise dominion/rulership over other creatures? Why are humans not called the king of the jungle?
  3. Are males only in God's image or females too, or both together? How are parents God's representatives to their children?
Jesus as Teacher
  1. Why did the general populace call Jesus Rabbi (teacher)? What did one have to do to qualify as a rabbi? 
  2. Was Jesus more a preacher or teacher? What is the difference?
  3.  What good techniques of teaching did Jesus employ?
Moses and the Prophets
  1. Why is the whole pentateuch (five books of Moses) referred to as "the law?" How does the authority of "law" compare with prophetic books of the Bible or books of wisdom?
  2. How successful were the priests/Levites in carrying out the instruction to teach the scriptures?
  3. How much of the books of Moses applies to us today?
Wise Men and Women
  1. How do people acquire wisdom and at what point can a person be labelled wise?
  2. What is the relationship between wisdom and knowledge?
  3. How does wisdom compare with philosophy?
Education in the Early Church
  1. Did Jesus have enough time to teach His disciples? How does the length of Jesus'ministry compare with that of a high school or college education?
  2. Did the disciples learn more from Jesus or from the Holy Spirit?
  3. How can one know when the Holy Spirit is trying to teach one something?

Sunday, 8 November 2020

Lesson 7 (Nov 7-13, 2020), Worship in Education

We All Worship Something

  1. How accurate is the above heading? Is it possibly to not worship anything?
  2. Did God create humans to worship Him? If that were true how good is it?
  3. What would have been wrong for the three Hebrew boys to boy down before the golden image and say their own prayers to their own God--in order to save their lives?
And Declare Them to Their children
  1. Why do we sing during worship? How is that better than speaking?
  2. If singing is an important part of worship why do we always do that at the beginning when most people have not arrived yet?
  3. How does singing help to reinforce the message?
In Spirit and in Truth
  1. What is meant by worshiping in "Spirit?" What other ways are there to worship?
  2. What is meant by worshiping in "truth?" What does it involve? Why did Jesus speak like this to the Samaritan woman?
  3. What does this mean for us today? Do we need to go to church every week?
The Beauty of Holiness
  1. How does the beauty of holiness differ from the holiness of beauty?
  2. Are grand cathedrals more conducive for worship than simple chapels?
  3. Are Adventists reverent enough in church? What can be done to inspire more reverence in church?
Idolatry in Education
  1. How religious were Israel's neighbors compared to them? Why were Israelites so attracted to Canaanite worship?
  2. What are some idols in current worship practices?
  3. Does religion need to be scientifically viable and verifiable?

Sunday, 1 November 2020

Lesson 6 (Oct 31-Nov 6. 2020), More Lessons from the Master

 Instead of Hiding

  1. What were other questions God could have asked Adam and Eve instead of "Where are you?"
  2. What else could Adam and Eve have done instead of hiding that could have been better?
  3. Why must all humans suffer for what Adam and Eve did?
On the Run
  1. How might Jacob have received the blessings he coveted without having to cheat his brother and his father?
  2.  What indications are there that Esau was not interested in what Jacob wanted?
  3. Was the ladder reaching to heaven with angels ascending and descending a dream or a vision?
Rabbi Jesus
  1. What is basis for claiming that Jesus of the New Testament is Yahweh of the Old Testament?
  2. Was John the Baptist a prophet? How can his success be measured?
  3. What is the evidence that Jesus was the greatest teacher ever?
A Woman Talks Back
  1.  What indications are there that Esau was not interested in what Jacob wanted?
  2. How much did Jesus know about who would find him where, and ask for something? Did he sometimes want to avoid meeting anyone? 
  3. How could Jesus cast out a demon from the daughter of the Syro-phonecian without seeing the child? 
A Student Who Gets It
  1. Why did Herod feel threatened by John the Baptist and by Jesus? Were they a threat to him?
  2. Why were the disciples of Jesus hard for him to teach?
  3. How does a teacher penetrate the understanding of a pupil best and get the light turned on?

Sunday, 25 October 2020

Lesson 5 (Oct 24-30, 2020), Jesus as the Master Teacher

 Revealing the Father

  1. How did Jesus reveal the Father in new ways which had not been done before by prophets?
  2. What did the apostle John mean when he said Jesus brought light into a dark world? What was that light?
  3. Do you human beings wish to see God or not?
  4. What did Jesus mean when he said "If you have seen me you have seen the Father?" Did he mean he and the Father were similar physically, or spiritually or both?
  5. What did Bible characters such as Hagar and Jacob mean when they declared that they had seen God and were still alive?
  6. How can we reveal God to others?
Reading the Teacher's Mind
  1. Why is it so difficult for us  humans to be humble?
  2. What were the risks that Jesus took in coming to this world as a human? What made him take those risks?
  3. Why did Paul write to the church to help bring two women members/workers together? Is it easier to settle quarrels between men or women?
The Master Teacher and Reconciliation
  1. Why do we need "go-betweens" and reconciliation processes? How does it help?
  2. What are the risks in trying to reconcile quarreling people?
  3. What keeps people from reconciling? 
  4. How did Jesus go about reconciling humans and God? What did he do?
The Master Teacher's First Pupils
  1. Why did God choose shepherds to be the first witnesses of Jesus birth? Who were other options, and why do you think they were not chosen?
  2. Why do you think God chose wise men from far away to visit Jesus, and not local rich men?
  3. What convinced these visits that Jesus was the Son of God? How much did these visits affirm to Joseph and Mary that Jesus was God's son? Did they need this confirmation? 

Saturday, 17 October 2020

Lesson 4 (Oct 17-23, 2020), "The Eyes of the Lord:" The Biblical Worldview

 The Eyes of the Lord

  1. How do we know what is real and what is unreal? How do I know that I am?
  2. Why is there a belief in God, and why do some people not believe there is a God?
  3. Why do Christians believe that God is love? Why do pagan religions believe in gods who do not love?
Leibniz's Question
  1. Why did God tell Moses to start the Bible with the story of creation, instead of say, His laws?
  2. Why do some Christians believe in "theistic evolution?" How would belief in evolution change your attitude to life?
  3. How does keeping Sunday instead of Sabbath affect our relationship to God?
 The Biblical Worldview
  1. Is there any neutral ground between belief in God and atheism?
  2. How important is it to our faith, that the flood of Noah be worldwide, and not an exaggerated huge local flood?
  3. What does the Bible teach about the age of the earth?
Worship the Redeemer
  1. Why is Jesus revealed to us as "the Word?" In what sense is Jesus our Bible?
  2. Why does the Bible exhort us to "Fear God?" What other words could have been used? Why were those words not used?
  3. Why are humans asked to worship God and give Him glory? Do those come by asking or is it a natural response?
The Law of God
  1.  What are the possibilities that the ten commandments are of human origin?
  2. Why did the Israelites in the time of the judges live like there was no law? Why is it different now?
  3. How is law keeping connected to restoring in humans the image of God?

Saturday, 10 October 2020

Lesson 3 (Oct 10-16), 2020), The Law as Teacher

 To Love and To Fear God

  1. What is the difference between having a "fear of the Lord," and being afraid of Him? 
  2. What other words can be used to convey the idea of "fear of the Lord?" How can one love and fear at the same time?
  3.  Why do you think most Bible passages that use "fear of the Lord" to describe a person follow it with "shun evil" (Prov 3:7; Job 1:1), or fear God and keep his commandments (Eccl 12:13)?  Since all have sinned, and none has shunned evil totally, what do you think that means?
A Witness Against You
  1. How successful was Moses in inspiring the Israelites to be faithful?
  2. What did Moses do to ensure the faithfulness of the Israelites? What more, if anything, could have been done?
  3. Why do rules exist and why do people not like them? 
That You May Prosper
  1. How does keeping the law contribute to prosperity more than breaking the law?
  2. If we are not saved by the law why do Christians have to keep it?
  3. How do other Christians feel about the Law? Is there any difference in how they feel about in theory and in practice?
The Toils and Struggles of Law Keepers
  1. Does law keeping come easier for some people than for others? Why or why not?
  2. Why did the Israelites fall into disobedience so often when they knew what happens as a consequence?
  3. Why did the psalmist (Ps 73) almost lose his footing when he saw the prosperity of the wicked? How did he resolve his problem?
Jesus Our Example
  1. What purpose did Jesus life (as opposed to his death), serve for humanity? 
  2. What is the value of an example if we cannot follow it?
  3. On what basis could the psalmist say the law was sweeter than honey? How come the most intricate of all poems in the Bible (Ps 119) is on the law, rather than grace?

Sunday, 4 October 2020

Lesson 2 (Oct 3-9, 2020), The Family


The First Family

  1. How old are children when they know the difference between right and wrong? 
  2. What do you think led Cain to take up gardening and Abel to take up animal husbandry?
  3. How would you rate Adam and Eve's success as parents as far as teaching their children about religion?
The Childhood of Jesus
  1. Was Jesus allowed to choose which family he wanted to be born into? If so, what qualities would he have wanted in his mother, and what in his father?
  2. Why were Zachariah and Elizabeth given more instructions on how to bring up John the Baptist than Joseph and Mary were given about how to bring up Jesus?
  3. How much does God guide parents who seek His assistance?
  1. How long should a couple wait before having children, and why?
  2.  Are good communicators born or developed?
  3. What are significant differences between training an animal and training a child?
The Role of Parents
  1. Why does the memory verse in Proverbs 1:8 refer to what the father says as "instruction," and to what the mother says as "law?" Is the difference in authority or content? Or is there no difference?
  2. What is involved in being "head of the family?" Why is it necessary to have a head? To what extent can roles be exchanged?
  3. Why is God depicted as "Father" and not "Mother?"
Lest We Forget
  1. How successful were the Israelites in carrying out the command to teach their children their history?
  2. To what extent is it the fault of parents or teachers if children are not interested in learning?
  3. What is the best time of the day to teach children?

Wednesday, 30 September 2020

Lesson 1 (Sept 26-Oct 2, 2020), Education in the Garden of Eden

 The First School

  1. What would be advantages in holding classes outdoors? What are the disadvantages?
  2. Why did God ask Adam and Eve to look after the garden? What did that involve in a sinless world? What would have happened if they failed to do that properly?
  3. If one had to live in a forest or island today what would be deemed essentials? 

    1. Would the tree to test the couple have been God's idea or Satan's?
    2.  Would the presence of the tree have been enough of a test without the tempting serpent?
    3. Was Eve created after the instruction to Adam not to eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil? 
    Missing the Message
    1. How possible is it that Adam didn't convey the prohibition as strongly as God?
    2. Did Satan say anything that was false? Why do we call him a liar?
    3. What makes us think that Adam was not with Eve when she bit the fruit?
    Regaining What Was Lost
    1. Why do teachers send disobedient students out of the classroom? What does that accomplish? Can the same objective be achieved in another way?
    2. Could the Tree of Life have been removed from the garden? Why did Adam and Eve have to be expelled from Eden?
    3. What is the difference between "education" and "knowledge"?
    The Despisers of Authority
    1. What makes one a good student? Are good students born or made?
    2. Do some students have an unfair disadvantage in a class? Is there any disadvantages when it comes to learning about God and salvation?
    3. How does respect for authority erode?

    Sunday, 20 September 2020

    Lesson 13 (Sept 19-25, 2020), A Step in Faith

     Self-Sacrificing Love

    1. Why would anyone think that Jesus was less God than the Father? What was Jesus before he was the Son?
    2. Why do you think it was Jesus who volunteered to redeem humans rather than the Father or the Holy Spirit? What motivated Him to do so?
    3. What are reasons that humans are reluctant to work for the salvation of others?
    Commitment's Call
    1. Why do you think Peter's response to the miraculously huge catch of fish at Jesus' instruction to lower the net was to confess that he was a sinful man? 
    2. In what ways is evangelism like fishing? Why did Peter and John have to give up fishing to follow Jesus? Is it possible to witness part-time?
    3. What did Matthew have to give up to follow Jesus? Would it have been hard or easy? Why was he ready to follow?
    Paul, God's Chosen Vessel
    1. Is it possible to have an encounter with God today as Paul had? What did God see in Paul that He called him?
    2. Should young people be sought out and called to be pastors or is it better for them to make the decision on their own?
    3. How can one tell who will make a good pastor-evangelist?
    The Demands of Love
    1. How can we tell if we have enough love for people?
    2. How can we develop love for people, if we don't have it?
    3. Did the disciples have love for people to begin for Jesus to develop or did He have to put it in them?
    4. What is the difference between feeding sheep and lambs? Why do you think Jesus change the instruction?
    Love's Commitment
    1. What changed Peter from a denier to champion for Christ?
    2. What enables people to become martyrs?
    3. What evidence is there that Paul, Peter and John demonstrated love for people?

    Tuesday, 15 September 2020

    Lesson 12 (Sept 12-18, 2020), A Message Worth Sharing

     Peter's Present-Truth Message

    1.  Is truth universal and timeless? If so what is meant by present-truth?
    2. Could Jesus have come before 1844?
    3. Why has every generation believed theirs to be the last? 
    Revelation's End-Time Focus

    1. Percentage-wise, how much of the Bible would you estimate is devoted to (a) the first coming of Jesus, (b) the second coming of Jesus, and (c) the third coming of Jesus (after the millennium)? What would you say is responsible for those priorities?
    2. How much did the Old Testament prophets distinguish between these comings?
    3. How can you account for the difference in the book of Revelation compared to the rest of the New Testament?
    Revelation's End-Time Message
    1. Why is Jesus at the second coming depicted with a crown and a sickle? What do these symbolize?
    2. How can one tell when the harvest of this world is really ready?
    3. When are seasons of sowing and harvest in the history of the church?
    Understanding God's Message More Fully
    1. What does "Fear God" mean?  Could they give the wrong impression? Why does the Bible use those words?
    2. Why does God have to ask us to give Him Glory? How is it different from human beings asking for praise?
    3. What tells us that the first angel's message of "Fear God, give glory, worship" is connected to the Sabbath?
     God's Final Appeal
    1. Since when has Babylon represented enemies of God?
    2. Was the  early Adventist church justified in believing that all church organizations were Babylon?
    3. Did the Adventists have to organize into a denomination or could they have remained a movement? Would that have been better or worse? 

    Sunday, 6 September 2020

    Lesson 11 (Sept 5-11), Sharing the Story of Jesus

     Jesus, The Basis of Our Testimony

    1. How might changed lives be explained besides by the power of Jesus? How does the power of Jesus make it easy?
    2. Are bad habits easier to form? Why or why not?
    3. Can a sinner be saved without changing?
    The Transformative Power of Personal Testimony
    1. Why were James and John called Sons of Thunder?
    2. What might be wrong with having a temper?
    3. Why would people be interested in testimonies of changed lives?
    Telling the Story of Jesus
    1. What enables an evil spirit to possess a human?
    2. Why did the evil spirits need permission to enter the pigs? Why did Jesus permit them to?
    3. Is it hard or easy to get rid of an evil spirit?
    4. Are there different levels of demon possession? Are there medical ways to help one possessed?
    Testifying With Assurance
    1. Is it possible to witness about Jesus without experiencing Him personally?
    2. Is it possible to have doubts about being saved even if one is?
    3. Is it possible to feel the assurance of salvation even if one is not truly saved?
    Something Worth Testifying About
    1. Is there anything painful about being crucified with Christ?
    2. What are something things that might be hard to give up when choosing to follow Christ?
    3. Is there anything that is good which we have to surrender when deciding to follow Jesus? 

    Wednesday, 2 September 2020

    Lesson 10 (Aug 29-Sept 4, 2020), An Exciting Way to Get Involved

     Small Groups--God's Idea First

    1. Does a small group need a leader? Does the godhead have a leader?
    2. What was the "Son," before his incarnation and life on this earth? 
    3. What might be unique about the "Holy Spirit" if the Father and the Son are also spirits?
    4. Were the roles of the three in the trinity assigned or chosen?
    Small Groups in Scripture
    1. What small does a group have to be to bring out the participation of the most shy person?
    2. What qualities do you think Moses considered as he selected the leaders of small and large groups? Would Moses have used the same process  to select the leaders of tens as he used for leaders of thousands?
    3. What's so special about the numbers ten and twelve that "eleven" is missing? Why did the disciples feel it necessary to replace Judas?
    Organized For Service
    1. Do types of members of our church correspond with various parts of the human body?
    2. How should a church fill a position for which no one is interested?
    3. How should a church select a person for a role in which several are anxious to serve?
    4. How much should a church tolerate members church who perform no function?
    New Testament Small Groups
    1. How did Paul select people to work with him? Should a new pastor rely on those that helped the previous pastor or should new assistants be selected?
    2. Was Paul the only apostle who used supporters in his ministry or did other apostles also use assistants?
    3. What are some formal and/or informal groups that exist in our church today? Which ones are more effective?
    Small Group Dynamics
    1. Why are so many people more ready to participate in a small group than in a large one?
    2. What does a small group have in common with a family other than similarity in numbers?
    3. Should small churches be encouraged, and large churches discouraged?

    Sunday, 23 August 2020

    Lesson 9 (Aug 22-29, 2020), Developing a Winning Attitude

     Receptivity to the Gospel

    1. What makes some people more ready to listen to religious talk than others?
    2. If approached correctly is everyone receptive to the gosple?
    3. Why did Jesus begin his ministry in Israel rather than Samaria? When entering a new city should Adventists witness to Christians first?
    An Attitude Adjustment
    1. How important is it to maintain the standards that critics in the church might be striving to uphold? How much should the weaknesses of members be tolerated?
    2. Which is preferable, baptizing new members only after lengthy demonstration of interest or letting them join as soon as they desire?
    3. How can we develop a sincere interest in the salvation of others?
    Presenting the Truth in Love
    1. How can we love people we don't know? Or even people whom we might be prejudiced against?
    2. Is it all right to make new friends with the intention of converting them eventually?
    3. How can we cultivate a habit of giving compliments without seeming fake?
    The Foundation of Acceptance
    1. How important is it for us to learn that a person we know to be guilty has confessed and been forgiven?
    2. How can we know when the time is right to address a friend's wrong actions?
    3. Does accepting a person mean tolerating their weaknesses?
    Truth Lovingly Presented
    1. How can truth be presented lovingly in public evangelism? How can it be presented unlovingly?
    2. What is the difference in being a citizen of a Christian country, a member of a Christian denomination, and being a follower of Christ?
    3. How should one go about pointing out the faults of others?

    Sunday, 16 August 2020

    Lesson 8 (Aug 15-21, 2020), Ministering Like Jesus

     Jesus' Attitude toward People

    1. Why was Jesus not concerned about his reputation, associating with the rejects of society? Do we need to be concerned about our reputation more than Jesus needed to be?
    2. Why did the Pharisees and Sadducees avoid certain classes of people? 
    3. As "salt of the earth" is it possible to make things too salty? If so, how?
    Jesus' Treatment of People
    1. Why are people not complimented enough? Do compliments cost anything? 
    2. What makes people unconcerned about the feelings of others?
    3. Are the qualities of grace and kindness inherited or cultivted?
    Jesus Healing Ministry --1
    1. Did Jesus discern people's needs through His divinity? How easy is it for us to sense people's emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual needs?
    2. How easily do people reveal their needs? How can they be encouraged to do so?
    3. Is it possible to meet needs in others that are not fulfilled in our own lives?
    4. Why did Jesus heal individuals and not crowds of sick in mass healing services?
    5. How did Jesus decide whom to heal and whom to leave unhealed?
    6. Among the three teaching, preaching, and healing, what was the priority of Jesus?
    7. What is the relationship to healing and preaching? Why do several evangelists and churches engage in both?
    What Matters to Jesus
    1. Does the parable of the separation of the sheep and goats teach that doctrines are unimportant if we have love and compassion?
    2. In real life what is it that the five foolish virgins do not have enough of?
    3. How safe/risky is it to be kind to strangers? 

    Sunday, 9 August 2020

    Lesson 7 (Aug 8-14), Sharing the Word

     Symbols of God's Word

    1. In what ways is the Bible like a light?
    2. Why did Jeremiah liken the Word to a fire and hammer? In what ways do the serve the same function?
    3. After narrating His parable when Jesus explained that the seed was the Word of God, what did He mean by "Word of God?"
    4. When Jesus said "Man shall not live by bread alone?" what did He mean?
    The Creative Power of God's Word
    1. Did God have to say "Let there be . . . " or would just thinking have been enough?" What does the psalmist mean when he wrote that the heavens were created by the "word of the Lord?"
    2.  In what ways is Jesus like the Bible? Why are they both called the "Word?"
    3. How can it be said that God sustains the world in the same way He created it?
    The Benefits of Studying God's Word
    1. Can a person know enough of God's word for salvation from listening in church?
    2. Does the Bible have instruction for each dilemma? Can one open the Bible at "random" with prayer and get an answer?
    3. How much time should one spend studying the Bible?
    Applying God's Word
    1. How does God actually help us overcome temptation? Does He chase the tempter or does he strengthen us?
    2. How do promises enable a person to endure?
    3. Why does God work through promises rather than immediate help?
    Sharing the Word
    1. Are sharers born or is that trait cultivated?
    2. What characteristics are required for one to be a sharer with strangers?
    3. Can one go to heaven without sharing?

    Wednesday, 29 July 2020

    Lesson 5 (July 25-31), Spirit Empowered

    Jesus and the Promise of the Holy Spirit

    Why should we use the pronoun "He" for the Holy Spirit when the term in Hebrew is feminine in form? Why don't we use the neuter "it?"

    1. Why did Jesus tell the disciples that it was to their advantage for Him to go to heaven and for the Holy Spirit to be with them?
    2. Would the disciples have preferred to have Jesus stay with them?
    3. Wasn't the Holy Spirit on earth all along? What would be different now?
    4. What is the role of the Holy Spirit in witnessing?
    An Empowered Church
    1. What would the apostolic period have been like without the Holy Spirit?
    2. Is it possible for us to have that same experience today or was that special?
    3. Is there any difference or similarity in the thousands who were baptized in a single day in the time of the apostles compared with the thousands who are baptized in one day nowadays?
    The Holy Spirit and Witnessing
    1. How did the Holy Spirit help Stephen when he was being stoned?
    2. How can the Holy Spirit guide the church to people(s) that are specifically searching for truth
    3. What is holding back the Holy Spirit from uniting the church?
    The Holy Spirit, The Word, and Witnessing
    1. Should all sermons be Biblical?
    2. Can a non-Adventist have the Holy Spirit and can such be invited to preach in our churches?
    3. What is the evidence that the Holy Spirit is at work?
    The Life-transforming Power of the Holy Spirit
    1. How did the Holy Spirit overcome cultural barriers in the early church?
    2. Does the Holy Spirit use women to witness in Bible times and today?
    3. Is it possible for a low-class person to reach the higher classes or does it require a high-class person to witness to them?

    Wednesday, 22 July 2020

    Lesson 4 (July 18-24), Prayer Power

    A Cosmic Struggle

    1. How important is any one individual in the battle between good and evil that is going on in the universe?
    2. What can one do to ensure he/she is on the right side of the battle going on?
    3. How does it help if one prays for an unbelieving relative or friend?
    Jesus-The Mighty Intercessor
    1. Did Jesus spend most of His time praying for himself or for others?
    2. How much difference does it make whether I am good or bad, when I pray on behalf of other people? Will God listen to my prayer more readily if I am a good person?
    3. Why might praying on behalf of others every day be more effective than doing it off and on?
    Paul's Intercessory Prayers
    1. Why did Paul pray for people he had helped convert? Why should a pastor pray for people already in his church?
    2.  How might it help if we tell a person we are praying for him/her?
    3. What kind of prayer should one pray for a person he/she does not like?
    Unseen Powers at Work
    1. Did Daniel's prayer help bring about the end of the Babylonian captivity? How did it help for Daniel to pray about that?
    2. Why would Satan have wanted the Jews to remain in Babylon?
    3. Was Daniel interested in the fulfilment of God's purposes for the salvation of mankind or just for his people to go back to their homeland? 
    Prayer Focus
    1. Is it a sin to not pray for others?
    2. Is it possible that someone might be lost because we did not pray for them?
    3. How does it help if I agree to pray for someone because they have an exam or interview coming, or for their new home, or when they are starting out on a journey?

    Sunday, 12 July 2020

    Lesson 3 (July 11-17), Seeing People Through

    The Second Touch

    1. Why do you think most sick people were brought to Jesus by a friend rather than come on their own alone?
    2. Do more people today come to Jesus on their own or are they introduced by a friend?
    3. Why do you think Jesus did not heal the blind man immediately? What purpose was served by the delay?
    A Lesson in Acceptance
    1. What would be the equivalent of "Samaritans"--a group looked down upon, in your area?
    2. What in the Samaritan woman could have demonstrated that she needed Jesus?
    3. Since there are so many unentered areas how should we prioritise which areas to evangelise first?
    Begin Where You Are
    1. Why would people prefer to be a missionary in a foreign land rather than in their home town?
    2. How much does one need to know about the Bible before witnessing to others?
    3. Why does it seem harder to convert family members than strangers? 
    Dealing With Difficult People
    1. What kind of person would you consider difficult to witness to?
    2. How long should we persist with a difficult person before giving up and going to seek another?
    3. How can a difficult person be brought to Jesus?
    Sensing Providential Opportunities
    1. What do you think Paul meant by "a door was opened for him?"
    2. Should we wait for doors to open before witnessing?
    3. How can we discover open doors?

    Wednesday, 8 July 2020

    Lesson 2 (July 4-10), Winsome Witnesses


    1. How readily do people tackle a demon possessed person?
    2. Can a demon be cast out in any other way other than the name of Jesus?
    3. What was accomplished by allowing the demons to enter the herd of swine?
    Proclaiming the Risen Christ
    1. Why were the guards so terrified of the angel who appeared like lightening to roll away the stone of Jesus tomb, but the women who saw him unimpressed by the same angel?
    2. Why did the women fleeing from the tomb trembling and astonished say nothing to anyone except for Mary Magdalene?
    3. Why did the mourning disciples not believe Mary?
    Changed Lives Make a Difference
    1. Was there a difference in recognizing that Peter had been with Jesus the night before the Crucifixion compared with after the resurrection?
    2. How can one tell whether a person really believes what he or she is preaching?
    3. Can one whose life has not been markedly changed also preach effectively?
    Sharing Our Experiences
    1. Why is a personal testimony so effective?
    2. What are some things can a person tell about as a personal testimony?
    3. Is it true that a person shy to witness is a selfish person?
     The Power of a Personal Testimony
    1. What made Paul a person in chains and who had suffered so much to be admired?
    2. Why did Festus accuse Paul of being mad?
    3. What brought Agrippa close to being persuaded and what held him back?

    Tuesday, 30 June 2020

    Lesson 1 (June 27-July 3), Why Witness

    Providing Opportunities for Salvation

    1. Do people respond better to guidance and correction from other people compared with from the Holy Spirit?
    2. What responsibility do I have (if any) to those who have the light but are not living up to it?
    3. Does imparting the gospel to people who have not heard it before make them more accountable than before they heard it?
    Making Jesus Glad
    1. After receiving a stock answer of "fine thanks," what followup questions can one ask to find out how things are really going in a person's life?
    2. How is it that some people are lost within the fold?
    3. What makes God so excited when a person comes to Him?
    Growing by Giving
    1. Is not witnessing a sin?
    2. Are there ways of witnessing for those who are anti-social?
    3. Are good witnessers born or developed?
    Faithfulness to Christ's Command
    1. Is the gospel commission an invitation or a command?
    2. Can God transform me into desiring to witness, and if so, can I wait till the desire begins?
    3. Are there Christian churches that do not evangelize? How do they grow?
    Motivated by Love
    1. What motivated Paul to undertake so many missionary journeys?
    2. Is the lack of witnessing indication of a lack of love for fellow humans?
    3. What does appreciation for one's personal salvation feel like?

    Monday, 22 June 2020

    Lesson 13 (June 20-26), Living by the Word of God

    The Living Word of God and the Holy Spirit

    1. If God works in humans both to will and to do, what do WE need to do to "work out our own salvation?"
    2. If the Holy Spirit is desirous for us to understand the Bible correctly, why do we need to pray for His guidance?
    3. How does one "hold fast to the Word of God?"
    Learning from Jesus
    1. Why does quoting Scripture help one to resist temptation?
    2. How well does Satan know the Bible?
    3. If there were no Bible is there any way humans could have identified Jesus as the Messiah?
    Jesus Versus Scripture
    1. If we use Scriptures to identify Jesus are we place the Bible above Jesus?
    2. Did Jesus reject or minimize portions of Scripture by saying "ye have heard it said . . . but I say unto you?
    3. What doctrines of the church would suffer if we rejected the entire Old Testament?
    Quiet Times with the Word of God
    1. What factors cause one to neglect Bible study and prayer?
    2. What is the solution to "problems" that crowd out Bible study?
    3. When is the best time to study the Bible and why?
    Memory and Song
    1. Why is memorizing Bible passages better than carrying a Bible around?
    2. Which version should one memorize from and why?
    3. How does music help in memorizing words?

    Tuesday, 16 June 2020

    Lesson 12 (June 13-19), Dealing with Difficult Texts

    Possible Reasons for Apparent Contradictions

    1. If there were errors in the Bible would that be proof that it was not inspired?
    2. What kinds of errors do translators make?
    3. What kinds of errors would copyists make?
    Dealing with Difficulties
    1. Who has the final say on what a Bible text means?
    2. Why is the Bible sometimes used by both sides of an argument?
    3. How should a difficult text be handled?
    Deal with Difficulties Humbly
    1. Why is it important to have humility when studying difficult passages?
    2. Why is there the saying "little knowledge is dangerous?"
    3. What Biblical grounds is used to reject the Biblical Sabbath?
    Determination and Patience
    1. Why does the Holy Spirit not enlighten a Bible reader immediately?
    2. Are there texts which are impossible to understand?
    3. What legitimate tools can help us to understand the Bible?
    Deal with Difficulties
    1. What are ways in which we can let the Bible interpret itself?
    2. What does prayer do that makes it important when studying the Bible?
    3. Is it advisable to seek the help of another individual when understanding Scripture? How can they help?

    Thursday, 11 June 2020

    Lesson 11 (June 6-12), The Bible and ProphecyHis

    Historicism and Prophecy

    1. What are the marks of the end of one kingdom and the beginning of the next? Are such dates always so distinct? Do they have to be? 
    2. In what ways were the kingdoms of Daniel getting inferior subsequently?
    3. Why are there no apocalyptic prophecies before the time of Daniel?
    4. Is there a delay in the final fulfilment of Dan 2? 
    The Year-Day Principle
    1. Why is it necessary to have such a thing as a scale, whether for maps or for time charts?
    2. What makes us think that unrelated texts for local events can provide the time-scale for apocalyptic prophecies?
    3. How do we know when any prophecy is using symbolic time?
    Identifying the Little Horn
    1. Why is it important to identify the Little Horn precisely?
    2. Can there be more than one  fulfilment of the Little Horn?
    3. Can it be an individual? Can it be me?
    The Investigative Judgement
    1. Are Adventist scholars the best on Daniel and Revelation?
    2. Why does it matter when the judgement is?
    3. Why was the book of Daniel not interpreted properly earlier?
    Typology As Prophecy
    1. If only Bible writers can identify antitypes, how can we interpret prophecies not fulfilled in their lifetime?
    2. Can there be more than one antitype?
    3. How did the Israelites miss the typology of the sanctuary, or did they not?

    Monday, 1 June 2020

    Lesson 10 (May 30-June 5), The Bible as History

    Why did God keep reminding Israel that He brought them out of slavery? 

    David, Solomon and the Monarchy
    1. What aspects of the David history in the Bible makes it believable?
    2. Why is there no archaeological evidence of giants like Goliath?
    3. Are there sufficient details in the David-Goliath story to make it convincing?
    Isaiah, Hezekiah, and Sennacherib
    1. Why did God permit the capture by Assyria of so many cities of Judah? Why did He spare Jerusalem?
    2. Of what benefit is it for God to give a sign that would be fulfilled in part over a three-year period?
    3. How concerned is God about His reputation?
    Daniel, Nebuchadnezzar, and Babylon
    1. How significant is it to find a name on an ancient tablet that matches the Bible record?
    2. Was Daniel a vegan? How important is it to be a vegan?
    3. Will Nebuchadnezzar be in heaven?
    The Historical Jesus
    1. Was Caiaphas sincere in his attitude towards Jesus? Was he living up to the light he had?
    2. Why do you think God did not see fit to preserve evidence of Jesus life on earth as proof that He really lived?
    3. What is the best evidenced that Jesus was a real person?
    Faith and History
    1. Have all nations of the earth been blessed through Abraham as was prophecied?
    2. What do we learn about salvation through the life and experience of Rahab?
    3. Is it true that everyone in heaven will need to have "stars in their crown?" That is, do those hoping to go to heaven have to have witnessed successfully to others? 

    Monday, 25 May 2020

    Creation:Genesis as Foundation -- Part 2

    A Flat Earth
    1. What did the Bible author really mean and how should we understand the term, "four corners of the earth?" 
    2. What would have been the harm in God inspiring the Bible writer to indicate the earth was a sphere?
    3. Does "circle of the earth" in the book of Job refer to a globe or a disc?
    Creation in Ancient Literature
    1. If the Egyptian creation story is older than the Bible and there are similarities does it mean that Moses borrowed from that story?
    2. What is more important in comparisons, similarities or differences?
    3. How can one tell if a creation story is imagined or inspired?
    Genesis Versus Paganism
    1. Why do primitive people often end up worshipping the sun and the moon?
    2. What might they think the God who made the firmament was like when they experience hurricanes and drought?
    3. How does the creation of Eve not seem like an aferthought?
    4. Why would primitive accounts of creation place a low view of humans?
    Creation and Time
    1. Are the chronogenealogies of Genesis comprehensive or representative? 
    2. Is it more than coincidence that patriarchs are listed in tens?
    3. What is the effect of reading the genealogies of Genesis, that they intend to be taken literally or not?
    4. Does it affect the veracity of the Bible if the earth is older than 6000 years?
    Creation in Scripture
    1.  Is there any text in the Bible that casts doubt on the reliability of the creation account? Was there any other account that was left out from the Canon of scripture because it disagreed with the Genesis account of creation?
    2. How can we account for all other references to creation in the Bible following the same order of creation?
    3. What evidence is there that Jesus believed in the creation story?

    Monday, 18 May 2020

    Lesson 8 (May 16-22), Creation, Genesis as Foundation--Part 1

    In the Beginning

    1. Was the earth create the earth within the creation week or was it there when he came to create?
    2. Why is it significant that Jesus was the agent of creation?
    3. How does evolution impact the existence of God?
    The Days of Creation
    1. Why should we consider the days of creation as literal and not symbolic period of time?
    2. Why do you think the days of creation started with the evening?
    3. Could there have been large periods of time between literal days of creation?
    The Sabbath and Creation
    1. Why do some calendars start the week with Monday? What difference does it make for various peoples?
    2. Why did God make a period of time holy rather than a place where humans could meet him?
    3. Should governments make Saturday the official weekend like Nepal has done, so that all religions worship on the same day?
    Creation and Marriage
    1. Why would God have planned marriage for humans differently than for animals?
    2. What is the significance of Eve being created out of Adam?
    3. What did God mean by "fill the earth?" Is it full yet?
    Creation, the Fall, and the Cross
    1. Why would God proceed with the creation of the world if he knew ahead of time that Satan was going to spoil it?
    2. Do animals sin? Why do animals have to suffer for the sin of humans?
    3. Why did Jesus have to wait a several thousand years before coming to save the world?

    Monday, 11 May 2020

    Lesson 7 (May 9-15), Language, Text, and Context

    Understanding the Scriptures

    1. What did people do before they had the Bible? How could they know God's will?
    2. Since increased blessings bring increased responsibilities would Israel have been better off not being the chosen people?
    3. Why do you think God chose a different language and culture for the New Testament from the Old Testament? Does it make a difference?
    Words and Meanings
    When no exact equivalent word exists, what are the advantages and disadvantages of the following options:
    1. Transliterating the original word into the target language?
    2. Using a phrase or sentence or two to convey the whole meaning?
    3. Inventing a new word from known roots of the target language?
    Repetition, Word Patterns, and Meanings
    1. How much does punctuation help and what do we lose if they are removed?
    2. How does a reader convey punctuation marks?
    3. How does English or any other language use doubling of word roots, and other forms of repetition?
    Texts and Contexts
    1. How does context give meaning to words when words create the context?
    2. How should a translator deal with word plays and figures of speech?
    3. Why do you think God chose the root "mud/earth" for Adam and the root "air/breath" for Eve?
    Books and Their Messages
    1. Is revelation and inspiration different for poetic and historical books compared to prophetic books?
    2. Why is it important to study the historical setting of  a book?
    3. Why do you think that the authors of some Biblical books are unknown? 
    4. Why do you think there is no date or setting given within the book of Job?

    Wednesday, 6 May 2020

    Lesson 6 (May 2-8), Why is Interpretation Needed


    1. What are some factors that prejudice a reader of the Bible?
    2. What had blinded the disciples that they could not comprehend what Jesus was telling them about his death?
    3. Is it necessary to rid one's self of prejudices or will God understand the situation?
    Translation and Interpretation
    1. What value is there for preachers who have not studied Biblical languages to refer to Greek and Hebrew usage?
    2. Does study of other ancient documents also urge learning of the original languages? What are the limitations of translations?
    3. Have electronic translators eliminated the need for learning languages?
    The Bible and Culture
    1. What makes Greek culture different from Hebrew culture?
    2. Why does Christianity seem like a Western religion?
    3. How can missionaries help themselves and their religion to not be seen as a foreign religion?
    Our Sinful and Fallen Nature
    1. What did Jesus do that antagonized the religious leaders of his day?
    2. Could Jesus have done anything to help them not feel threatened? Would that have necessitated any sacrifice of his mission and message?
    3. How can scripture be used so often by both sides of an issue?
    Why Interpretation is Important
    1. How do various denominations come up with differing doctrines from the same Bible?
    2. Are preachers going to be held responsible for teaching wrong doctrine if they were sincere?
    3. Have Adventists been guilty of misusing texts to defend their teachings?

    Sunday, 26 April 2020

    Lesson 5 (April 25-May 1), By Scripture Alone -- Sola Scriptura

    Scripture as the Ruling Norm

    1. To what extent would you rate the claim of the Adventist church as having Scripture alone as the ruling norm?
    2. Why is such a stand important during the formative years of any denomination?
    3. How well do Bible commentaries help in understanding passages without going beyond what is written (as instructed by Paul in 1 Cor 4:1-6)?
    The Unity of Scripture
    1. Why is unity of the Bible important?
    2. How can we use the unity of the Bible as an indication of its inspiration when all that was not in harmony was excluded?
    3. Is the teaching of the Bible different for a text when all the passages on a topic (such as "state of the dead") are taken into account?
    The Clarity of Scripture
    1. How old does one have to be to understand Scripture clearly enough?
    2. How does the principle of "priesthood of all believers" apply to understanding the Bible? Why do we need pastors to explain the Bible?
    3. What should one do when there is a text that is not easy to understand?
    Scripture Interprets Scripture
    1. How can we understand the principle of passages helping to understand each other?
    2. How else can we let Scripture interpret itself by looking within the passage itself?
    3. Can passages of Scripture be sometimes taken out of context?
    Sola Scriptura and Ellen G White
    1. Is there any instance when Ellen White went against the plain meaning of Scripture, or that she did not give highest regard for what it said?
    2. If Ellen White's writing are the "lesser light to lead to the greater light," how necessary is it for those who have the greatr light?
    3. Why do preachers and members use Ellen White to prove a point instead of using the Bible?

    Tuesday, 21 April 2020

    Lesson 4 (April 18-24), The Bible--the Authoritative Source of our TheologyT


    1. How does tradition begin? How do traditions grow?
    2. What, if any, man-made traditions do we observe in the Adventist church?
    3. Where the Bible is not clear, does it need the church to give an official interpretation? Do we have official interpretations of passages in the Adventist church?
    1. How much does God/the Holy Spirit speak to humans as individuals? What are examples?
    2. How do we know if a dream is from God?
    3. What is God's purpose in speaking to individuals?
    4. How does God guide us in understanding scripture?
    1. Could God have avoided culturation of the Bible texts? If it were possible, why didn't He?
    2. If culture is affected by sin does it make the Bible less reliable?
    3. Are Christians exempted from cultural norms of the Bible such as covering the head, removing shoes in holy places, following roles for women as in the Bible?
    1. Has human reasoning improved or deteriorated over the ages?
    2. What is human reason based on?
    3. To what extent if any, can human reason correct the Bible?
    The Bible
    1. Why is the Bible the standard by which everything has to be measured?
    2. Why is not possible for us to accept a prophet's word as superior to the Bible?
    3. Might God be expected to update the teaching of the Bible?

    Tuesday, 14 April 2020

    Lesson 3 (April 11-17), Jesus and the Apostles

    It is Written

    1. Why did Satan have no response when Jesus said "It is written?"
    2. Does the Holy Spirit communicate directly to individuals too? How reliable is it?
    3. How important is it to memorize Scripture word for word?
    Jesus and the Law
    1. What did the Jews understand by the term "law?"
    2. Can one love who does not observe the ten commandments? 
    3. What is meant by the "prophets" on whom also the law hangs?
    Jesus and All Scripture
    1. Why were the disciples blind to the OT prophecies which were fulfilled in Jesus?
    2. Why was Jesus so careful to uphold Scripture?
    3. Did Jesus suggest that the Old Testament was outdated when he said ". . . but I say unto you?"
    Jesus and the Origin and History
    1. Was Jesus attitude to the historicity of the Old Testament conditioned by the lack of such a question in His day?
    2. Did Jesus know Scripture better than those around Him, or were the others acquainted with His quotations of the Bible?
    3. Why didn't Jesus give the chapter and reference when he quoted Scripture? Do we need to do that?
    The Apostles and the Bible
    1. Whom would you expect to doubt the veracity of the Bible more, fishermen or scholars? Why?
    2. Did the apostles appeal to Scripture because they were dealing with Jews?
    3. Is there any use remaining a Christian if we question the reliability of the Bible?