
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

When All Things Become New

Events Inaugurating the Millennium
  1. Why do you think God wants a millennium when the judgement is over and everyone’s fate is already decided?
  2. Do you think the thousand years is literal or figurative?  Does it make a difference what it is?

In the Midst of the Millennium
  1. What could be the purpose of keeping Satan all alone with his evil angels? What do you think the earth would be like with all the good people gone and evil ones alive?
  2. What can be accomplished by letting the righteous “judge” the wicked during the millennium?  Would you rather examine the record of friends and family or strangers?  Why?

Events At the End of the Millennium
  1. What kind of weapons do you think the evil angels and people try to develop to take the New Jerusalem?
  2. What could make the wicked think they can really conquer God and His side?
  3. How important is it to God that there be no question regarding His justice?

The New Earth
  1. What could God mean when He says there will be a “new heaven?”
  2. What aspects of the old earth do you expect to remain? 

Life in the New Earth
  1. Which do you think will be more enjoyable, living in heaven during the millennium, or coming back to the earth?  Why?
  2. Why are tears wiped away only in the new earth and not at the second coming?
  3. Why do you think God desires to live on this earth eternally after it is made new?

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Last Things: Jesus and the Saved

The Heavenly Sanctuary I, II
  1. Did the Israelites have to understand the meaning of the sanctuary and its services or just follow the instructions?
  2. Do you learn more about a symbol from understanding the real, or do you understand the real more from studying the symbol?
  3. Which way would you feel more confident of forgiveness: faith in Jesus, or sacrificing an animal for sin?
  4. How do we know the limits of connections between the symbol and the real?  Does every nail and colour of the sanctuary have to have some meaning for salvation?

The Second Coming of Christ
  1. In what ways is the world getting better or worse? 
  2. Can Jesus have come as early as the disciples expected and the time prophecies of Daniel and Revelation have a shorter interpretation?

Awaiting the Advent
  1. How should Adventists live while waiting for the second coming of Jesus?
  2. Why do we claim that what happened to the sun, moon, and stars around 1800 are signs of the second coming when such things happened earlier, and will possibly happen again. 

Death and Resurrection
  1. What happens to the spirit of a person that returns to God at death?
  2. If Jesus was raised bodily, how could He go through walls?

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

The Christian LIfe


  1. Is power over creation something that we have to be given, or is it something we can exercise by ourselves?
  2. Why are we Indians less considerate of other people?  We try to be first in line, first on the road, first to get benefits and opportunities, etc.  Somebody tried to explain this as a tenet of Hinduism—help your own self.  Is this true?

Tithe: A Mere Pittance
  1. What would you think of someone who offered you a fortune, but asked for half back?
  2. Does ten percent for tithe seem more to a rich person or to a poor person?
  3. Is it all right to choose whom to give the tithe to: your home church in a different country, Mother Teresa’s society, a theology student, etc.?

 The Responsibility to One’s Self                                                                            
  1. What does it mean to love your neighbour as yourself—How much should you love yourself?
  2. What is the difference between love of self, and selfishness?

Christian Marriage
  1. Why are humans charged with a different concept of marriage than animals?
  2. Why do you think the Creator devised a method of procreation? How is that better than everlasting life for those created in the beginning?
  3. When Jesus said “Let not man put asunder,” was he banning divorce?

Christian Behaviour
  1. How much responsible as citizens are Adventists?  What does it mean to be in the world, but not of the world?  Should we get out of our walls more?
  2. Earlier most Adventists desired their children to work for the “mission.” Why has the attitude changed and is it good or bad?

Friday, 7 December 2012

The Law and the Gospel

God’s Laws and Regulations
  1. What do laws reveal about the one who made the laws?
  2. How much would you enjoy a game in which the rules and regulations didn't have to be followed?

The Moral Law Today
  1. How could we answer those who claim that the Ten Commandments were meant only for the Jews?
  2. Are some laws sometimes outdated?  Are any of the Ten Commandments outdated?  If you had to make ten laws for today, what would they be?

The Law and the Gospel
  1. Would you rather people love you or obey you?
  2. Are there some traffic rules that you do not like?  If so, why not? How would you like to drive on a road where there were absolutely no traffic rules.

The Sabbath and the Law
  1. What is your idea of a wonderful Sabbath day?  
  2. Why do some people oppose the idea of a Sabbath?  Is it justified?

The Sabbath and the Gospel
  1. From Satan’s point of view, what would he prefer – making some one careless about the law, or making someone over-strict?
  2. Why does Satan attack the Sabbath most strongly?  How does he benefit when people neglect to observe the Sabbath? Is it worse or better to be a legalist?

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

The Church: Rites and Rituals

Naming the Sacred Rites
  1. Why do we have dedication and funeral services when the child or deceased cannot benefit from them?
  2. Why are (child) dedication, marriage, and anointing not considered ordinances?

  1. Does it make any difference how a person is baptized (forward, backward, straight down), as long as the candidate is immersed?
  2. What is the appropriate minimum age for baptism?  Why do some cultures in India prefer to wait till the child is 17 or 18? Is it necessary to wait so long? Why are others anxious to have their children baptized at 12 or 13?

The Ordinance of Humility
  1. Would it be more appropriate to polish a companion's shoes than to wash his/her feet in today's modern world?
  2. Is it more important to wash another's feet or to have your feet washed?

The Lord's Supper
  1. Is it really important what kind of bread and juice we use for communion as long as it has no yeast and is unfermented?
  2. Can a child who understands the significance but who is yet unbaptised be permitted to participate in the Lord's Supper?

Anticipation of the Second Advent
  1. Have we become like the Jews stressing the past event more than the future?
  2. Should Adventists be more joyful during communion services, especially since they are to remind us of the second advent, or would that be wrong?

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

The Church: In Service to Humanity

Why can Christianity not exist without a church?
Why is Satan so opposed to the church?

Nature of the Church: Part 1
  1. Why did Moses tell the Israelites not to leave their home on Sabbath?  What about church?
  2. The Biblical Greek word for church means called: so are we “called” to assemble, or for mission?

 Nature of the Church: Part 2
  1. What does “body of Christ” mean for the unity of the church, physical or metaphorical?
  2. How do we explain the unity in the “body of Christ” when we are told that the right hand should not know what the left hand does?

The Mission of the Church
  1. As the body of Christ, what activities are expected of the church?
  2. Why does the idea of an organized church turn people off?

 Unity of the Church
  1. What is the difference between unity and uniformity?
  2. In what ways should the church all over the world be uniform?

 Governance of the Church
  1. What are the advantages/disadvantages of the “Congregational” model of church government – where each church is independent?
  2. What are the advantages/disadvantages of the Presbyter form of church government—where the local elder/pastor is the head and represents the local church to a higher body?
  3.  What are the advantages/disadvantages of the Episcopal form of church government—where all the churches look up to one head such as in the Orthodox and Catholic churches?

Saturday, 10 November 2012

“Arming” for Victory

If you had to write a similar text using modern weapons of attack or defence, how would we describe the implements of Christian warfare today? 

The Need for Arming Personally
  1. Why can we not manufacture our own armour to fight Satan?  Can psychology / counselling help us?  
  2. In what ways do we fight the devil as an army? As an individual?

Girdle of Truth, Breastplate of Righteousness
  1. How does the girdle of “truth”protect us?  How does deceit leave us vulnerable?
  2. Is there any difference between the robe of Christ’s righteousness and the “breastplate” of righteousness?

Preparation and the Shield of Faith
  1. Doesn’t “faith” seem like a flimsy shield?  What kind of protection can that provide?
  2. What types of arrows is Satan firing at us?

Helmet and Sword
  1. How do we choose to put on a “helmet” of salvation?  Can we choose a gift?
  2. Is the “Word of God as our “Sword” to be used in defence, or in attack?

Praying Always
  1. How can one pray without ceasing when there is so much to do during the day that needs our full concentration?
  2. How are the prayers of others for us limited in benefit?

Friday, 9 November 2012

Victory Over Evil Forces

A Stage Set For Our Victory

  1. If the cross spelt Satan's doom, why would Satan have been so anxious to kill Jesus?
  2. What is this power like that Jesus offers to overcome the power of Satan?

Hope of Victory

  1. On what basis does the Holy Spirit decide whom to help if we don't even know what to pray for?
  2. Does "all things working together for good" mean that it will end in the best way possible or just ends well?

Christians Versus the Devil

  1. Does Christ fight on our behalf, or does he strengthen us to fight the devil?
  2. Can you describe the kind of attitude we can adopt that will cause Satan to flee from us?

Examples of Victory

  1. Can a demon take possession of a person without an invitation?
  2. Can a demon be cast out of a person without his request?
  3. Does God ever take possession of a person like the devil does?  Why, or why not, or under what circumstances?
  4. In what different ways does Satan afflict humans?
  5. What can we do to ward off the devil?  Will such things as sleeping with a Bible under the pillow help?  Reciting Bible verses?  Wearing a cross? Singing a hymn?

Saturday, 27 October 2012

Growing in Christ

The Redemption

  1. Is it sometimes possible for one to be strong enough to resist temptation with human strength or is it always possible only through divine power?
  2. Is it fair or unfair for Christ to suffer in our place?

Slaves Set Free

  1. If we find ourselves powerless to help ourselves at times, who's power is holding us? Does there have to be a power?
  2. We've all seen other people enslaved to something like a bad habit: Have we experienced that helplessness in our own lives?

Principalities and Powers: Part 1

  1. On what grounds could Jesus assist humans in the battle against evil before the cross?
  2. How do Satan and his angels make us do what they want us to do?

Principalities and Powers: Part 2

  1. Is evil a personal or impersonal force? what is the difference? 
  2. What are the various means that Satan uses to frustrate human attempts to do good?

A Murderer Revealed

  1. If Jesus gained victory over evil at the cross why is Satan still fooling around with us? Is the victory not complete? If not, what remains?
  2. What are the "weapons" that Satan and Jesus use in their conflict?
  3. Is there any difference in (a) being given strength to resist temptation, and (b) the removal of temptation? Which is preferable

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Salvation: The Only Solution

The Scope of the Problem

  1. How big is the problem for God considering that sin is only on one planet among millions in the universe and for a few thousand years compared to eternity?
  2. How seriously did God take the problem of sin?

God's Provision: Part 1

  1. what came first, sin or the Saviour?
  2. Does God's foreknowledge prevent any change?

God's Provision: Part 2

  1. If people still had to kill a lamb for each sin, would there be less sinning?
  2. What is the difference between sanctification and daily justification? Why did Paul say "I die daily?"

The Experience of Salvation: Part 1

  1. What causes a person to feel repentant?
  2. Describe the feeling of guiltiness and the feeling of having been forgiven?
  3. What do think of this statement: "God will not take to heaven a forgiven rebel?"

The Experience of Salvation: Part 2

  1. Is there any sin that is too serious to be forgiven? What is the unpardonable sin?
  2. Why is conversion termed a new birth?

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Mankind: God’s Handiwork

Creation and Human Origins
  1. What do you consider more incredible, the miracles of the creation week or the millions of items that had to be just right for evolution?  Why?
  2. Why would people attempt to explain Adam as a legendary figure?

The Image of God: Part 1
  1. Why do you think the author of the creation story used the word image (literally, “statue”) to describe the similarity between man and God?
  2. Do humans still have dominion over the rest of creation?  Why is the lion called the king of the jungle, and not man?

The Image of God: Part 2
  1. Why do you think that God used the plural pronouns in saying “Let us make man in our image?” How do humans reflect that plurality?
  2. On a scale of 1-10, how much do humans reflect the one-ness of God?

A Defiled Image
  1. How would you as a creationist explain all the primitive-looking humans described as Neanderthal man, etc.?
  2. How much of God’s image do you think humans have retained?

  1. How much of the image of God do you think can be restored before the second coming?
  2. How much application to the this restoration does the saying have "By beholding we become changed?" how much change can be effected by beholding, and what does beholding involve? 

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Revelation and the God Revealed in It

  1. Does nature teach us anything about God which the Bible does not?

The Doctrine of Scripture
  1. What are some reasons why God would want to communicate to humans?
  2. We train dogs to understand our words instead of trying to learn theirs, then why does God try to speak to us humans in our language rather than teach us His? 
  3. Is the Bible the Word of God, or does it contain the Word of God?  What is the difference?

The Nature of Inspiration
  1. What is the difference in the authors of the Bible being inspired rather than the words?
  2. If it is only the thoughts that are inspired why should we learn scripture word for word?
  3. Why do you think God did not dictate the Bible word for word?

The Mystery of the Triune God
  1. How would you explain the trinity to person who accuses Christians of having three gods?
  2. Should we always address our prayers to the Father only, or may we pray to the Holy Spirit and to Jesus?

The Attributes of Our Creator
  1. How would a God who created us relate differently to us than a God who found us?
  2. Can we know about God from personal experience alone without the Bible?

The Activities of God
  1. If you were God, how would you try to interact with your created beings?
  2. Will God help one who does not believe in Him?

Thursday, 4 October 2012

The Great Controversy

Are Adventists more obsessed with the cosmic conflict than non-Adventists? If so, what could be the reason?

The Controversy and Its Players
  1. How would you respond to someone who insisted that the cosmic battle was only in the mind?
  2. What impact, if any, would polytheism have on the doctrine of the great controversy? 

Lucifer’s Fall
  1. How can we tell when a description is going beyond the literal and into the metaphorical – such as from the king of Babylon or Tyre to a description of Lucifer?
  2. Is it wrong to be proud of something good?

God’s Weapon
  1. What could God have meant when in addressing the serpent, he said, “your seed?”
  2. How do we know that God was not referring to literal snakes when he mentioned bruising the head and the heel?

Satan’s Fight
  1. How is the great controversy taught through the sacrificial system, and how did Satan pervert the teaching to suit him?
  2. Is it possible to be aware of the work of Satan in our minds?  If so, how?

  1. Is it possible to be neutral in the conflict between good and evil?  Why or why not?
  2. Can you think or want to be on one side but end upon the other side?  How could this happen?

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Keeping the Church Faithful

Is it possible for a church to be static or does it have to either grow or die?

Faithful by God’s Choice
  1. If some who are “chosen” for salvation by do not end up being saved, what is the significance of being “chosen?”
  2. What is the value of holding on to traditions?  What are the dangers of hanging on to traditions?

Confidence in the Face of Evil
  1. How much is Satan to blame for the wrong we do? How much are other people to blame? How much are we solely responsible for?
  2. Would God prevent us from being tempted if we ask Him, or will He only strengthen us so that we need not yield to it?  What is preferable?

Scripture and Tradition
  1. Can you have a religion without scripture?
  2. Which is more authoritative and why – written scripture or oral tradition passed on from the Master through his disciples?
  3. Is it appropriate or inappropriate for a church administrator to be fed and taken care of by the local church and leaders?  Why did Paul always insist on paying for the food he ate?

Working and Eating
  1. What drives some people to be more interested in another person’s work more than in their own?  For example when a couple is making a bed, do we notice wrinkles on the other person’s side more easily than on our own side? Do we notice the mote in another person’s eye quicker than we detect a beam in our own?
  2. What tastes better, food that you have sweated for, or food that is provided free?

Tough Love
  1. Why would someone come to church and yet be a rebel?
  2. What could Paul mean when he advises members not to associate closely with such people?
  3. What could Paul mean when he advises members to treat such a person as a brother or sister, and not an enemy?
  4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of dis-fellowshipping a member in discipline? What are other ways a church can show its displeasure?

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

The Antichrist

The Problem
  1. Why has the church in every age believed they were the last generation?
  2. Why did Jesus have to wait so long to return to earth?
  3. Why do people fall for rumours instead of checking things out for themselves?

Paul’s Short Answer
  1. Why does God allow the Antichrist to come to deceive honest people?  Could it be that some sincere people will be misled?
  2. If the elect cannot be deceived, what will Satan get out of impersonating Christ?

The Restrainer
  1. Who is responsible for the delay (if there is any) in Christ’s return, God, Satan, humans?
  2. Does a delay bring in more people to the fold, or cause some to backslide, or both? What is gained by a delay?

The Antichrist
  1.  How can we communicate our teaching to Catholics on the antichrist?
  2. Can Satan work miracles?

Truth and Lies
  1. Why do people reject truth and accept lies?
  2. Can and should God do more to unmask the work of Satan?
  3. If God were to expose the work of Satan, would more people join His side?

Sunday, 9 September 2012

Promise to the Persecuted

Is fear of the Second Coming good or bad?

Fresh Greetings
  1. Do grace and peace come together, or does one come first?
  2. Why do you think Paul uses “the Father,” in the introduction to his first epistle and “our Father” in the second epistle?  Could it be coincidence, or does it mean something?

Paul’s Thanksgiving
  1. How does praise and affirmation provide a good background for correction both for the receiver and the giver?
  2. What makes the difference whether trials increase one’s faith or destroy’s it?

Suffering as a Sign of the End
  1. Does enduring of persecution earn any credit?  Will one be rewarded for bearing persecution?
  2. What enables us to endure false accusations, or unfair persecution?

Fire and Destruction
  1. Should the wicked be destroyed instantly or should they be made to suffer a while? Why?
  2. Does it bring satisfaction to see our persecutors punished? Is that right or wrong?

Glorifying Christ
  1. Why is it so easy for the Second Coming to keep dropping out of our minds?
  2. What can be done to retain this promise in our daily consciousness?

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Church Life

Response to Ministry
  1. What are some reasons why church leaders are not respected?
  2. Is it in our culture to blindly submit to a church leader or do we ask questions when necessary?

Providing Ministry
  1. Which of Paul’s tasks for church leaders gets more attention and which are neglected: (1) admonishing the unruly, (2) comforting the discouraged, (3) helping the weak?
  2. How can we follow Paul’s counsel to prevent revenge in the church?

Positive Christian Attitude
  1. Why do negative attitudes come so much more easily than positive ones?
  2. What benefits are there (if any) from a critical nature? Are there benefits from a joyful, thankful attitude?
  3. Why would Paul suggest that prayer goes along with a positive attitude?

Relating to “New Light”
  1. What are ways in which some people “quench the spirit”of others with a message?
  2. What does more damage to a prophet’s word, failure to accept it or misapplication of the message?

End-time Holiness
  1. Should we be discouraged if we are not holy and blameless like Paul exhorts us to be?  Was Paul satisfied with his Christian experience?
  2. What do you think Paul means when he urges members to greet all the brothers and sisters with a holy kiss?

Sunday, 26 August 2012

Final Events

What does Paul mean in the memory text –that believers are creatures of the daytime and should therefore be prepared for the second coming?  What if Jesus comes at night?

The Sides of the Judgement
  1. How did God temper His “sentences” on Adam, Eve, and Cain with mercy in each case? Why do you think He did that?
  2. How can you account for the fact that the psalmists invariably eagerly anticipate the judgement, while most Christians dread it?

Sudden and Unexpected
  1. Why would God want to come unexpected?  Why not announce the time and have everybody ready?
  2. How can the second coming be accompanied by shouts and trumpet calls and still be like a “thief in the night?”

The Believer’s Advantage
  1. What is “darkness?”  Why is it a negative image? Did God create darkness?
  2. Why is light a symbol of truth?

Constant Watchfulness
  1. What makes “sleep” a negative image?  When is it right to sleep, and when is it wrong, and why?
  2. Are some people more prone to wakefulness at night?  Should we examine prospective watchmen to check their ability to stay awake at night? To what extent can body clocks be reset?

Encourage One Another
  1. How does belief in Christ change one’s attitude to the judgement?
  2. Are unbelievers afraid of the judgement?  Why or why not?

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

The Dead in Christ

The Situation in Thessalonica
  1. Is it better to die before the time of trouble or to live till the second coming?
  2. What authority does Paul have to correct false doctrines?

Hopeless Grief
  1. Would you rather go to heaven immediately after death or wait till the resurrection?  If you knew that your loved one had gone to heaven would you still grieve?
  2. How much time is needed to teach new believers  all the doctrines necessary?
  3. Why do we recall only the good things about a person at his/her death, and thus increase our grief?

Dying and Rising
  1. How many Biblical words can you think of in the metaphor of sleep for death? (wake, rise, etc.) Would “coma” be a better metaphor?
  2. How are the responses of the disciples, the priests, the Romans, to the reported resurrection of Jesus convincing of the event?

Rising in Christ
  1. How can Paul know what Jesus taught if the gospels didn’t record it?
  2. Why do you think Paul emphasizes the thunderous noise at the second advent – shout, voice of the archangel, trumpet— that no other Bible writer does?

Comfort One Another
  1. When Paul asserts that we will be in the air forever with the Lord, does it conflict with what the other Bible writers teach?
  2. Which would be more comforting (a) the Hindu doctrine of the transmigration of the soul, (b) the teaching of the immortality of the soul, or (c) the teaching of soul sleep till Jesus comes?

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Living Holy Lives

Abounding More and More
  1. What should be our motive for right living?
  2. Can one please God with right living?

God’s Will: Holiness
  1. What factors make sex immoral?
  2. Why did God make sex so pleasurable?

Not like Gentiles
  1. How does one’s view of God, or how does one’s relationship to Him affect the attitude to sex?  For example how would an atheist’s attitude to sex differ from a Christian’s or Hindu’s attitude, and why?
  2. On what basis can Paul claim that passionate lust is equivalent to losing control of one’s body?

According to God’s Design
  1. How far-reaching is the damage that extra-marital sex can wreak?
  2. Are sexual urges controllable humanly speaking, or is divine help necessary?

Mind Your Own Business
  1. What does brotherly love mean, and what does it include?
  2. What do we mean by “Mind your own business?”

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Friends Forever

What does Paul mean by stating that he expects the people to be blameless and holy at the second coming?

The Judean Example
  1. Is persecution of every Christian (such as Paul experienced from the Jews) inevitable?  If we escape persecution is it an indication that we have not witnessed adequately?
  2. Can we witness and by good judgement avoid persecution?  Are we justified by getting up and leaving if there is opposition, or should we still attempt to get through to the few who might respond? 

Paul’s Hope and Joy
  1. How can the two sayings be reconciled: Out of sight, out of mind; and Absence makes the heart grow fonder?
  2. What could Paul mean when he says that he is longing to boast about the Thessalonians before the Lord at the second coming? 

Timothy’s Substitute Visit
  1. How well can one person substitute for another leader? How well is a substitute accepted?  How are representatives of government leaders to functions, which they cannot or wish not to attend themselves, received?
  2. How should a substitute behave when on a mission as a representative?

The Result of Timothy’s Visit
  1. What does Paul mean when he says that he prays night and day to see the Thessalonians in person?  Have you ever longed night and day to be with another person?  What does it indicate?
  2. How can Paul on the one hand commend the “good news of the faith” of the Thessalonians and on the other hand refer to some deficiency in their faith?  Is he flattering to deceive?

Paul’s Renewed Prayers
  1. What do you think the lesson author means when he says that Christian relationships do not have an expiration date?  When do other relationships expire?
  2. Should congregations respond with amens during a sermon when they appreciate a point? Why do we end every prayer with amen? Is it necessary? 

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

The Apostolic Example

Is it easier to please God or humans?

Boldness in Suffering
  1. Is persecution an inevitable result of witnessing or can it be avoided?
  2. If we are not “bold for the gospel” is it an indication that we are not fully converted?

The Character of the Apostles
  1. What are some of the causes for pastors inadvertently preaching error from the pulpit?
  2. What are some reasons for pastors to become impure?
  3. Why would some pastors deliberately mislead a member?

Pleasing God
  1. Is it possible that we are trying to please humans without sensing it?  How can one know one’s motives?
  2. What are some of the purposes of flattery?
  3. Could there be some wrong ways to try to please God?  If so, what are some of these?

Caring Deeply
  1. Paul claims to have taken care of members like a mother and nursing baby?  Is that how it should be? What do you think he meant?
  2. Is a mother always gentle when dealing with her children?

To Not Be a Burden
  1. Is it better or worse for a pastor to have a business so that he does not need support from the church?
  2. Is it good or bad for a rich member or members to support the pastor financially?
  3. Paul claims to have looked after his members like a father.  What is wrong with calling a pastor “father?” Should we call our pastors something like “uncle?”

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Joyous and Thankful

Is it possible to appreciate each and every person, or are there some people we just have to tolerate?

A Prayer of Thanks (1 Thess 1:1-3)
  1. In what order should we present the following in order to get the best responses from people – “thanks, praise, concerns, and requests?”
  2. When you list items, where should the most important one be – first, last, or centre?

God Has Chosen You (1 Thess 1:4)
  1. What is the basis of God choosing one person and not another?  Have all people been chosen or not?
  2. Does God’s choosing a person ignore that person’s choice one way or the other?

Assurance in Christ (1 Thess 1:5)
  1. What difference does it make when someone who expresses appreciation for something you have done, specifies what you have done?
  2. Can the fruit of the Spirit be faked? For how long can one keep it up?

Doing What Paul Would Do (1 Thess 1:6,7)
  1. What do we mean by the saying “Imitation is the highest form of flattery?”  When does imitation become overdone?
  2. Why do Christians imitate other people instead of Christ?

Further Evidence of Faith (1 Thess 1:8-10)
  1. Is there a lack of witness and evangelism in Southern Asia?  What does this say of our own faith?
  2. What are Adventists in Southern Asia known for?  Is it good or bad or both?
  3. Why is it that we cannot find pastors willing to go to the Andaman islands to live there?  Is that the fault of the Organization or the pastor?

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Thessalonica in Paul’s Day

The Romans Arrive in Thessalonica

  1. Is it better to be ruled by a superpower or by a neighboring country?
  2. Should India grant more religious freedom than at present? Why or why not?
  3. Do offering jobs and scholarships to a poverty stricken person impinge on his or her freedom?

A Pagan Response to Rome

  1. Why would human beings consider another human superhuman or divine?
  2. What is the greatest longing of the human soul?
  3. What are the best hopes that non-Christian religions have to offer?

The Gospel as a Point of Contact

  1. Why does the working class respond better to the gospel than the ruling class?
  2. Why do people respond better to the gospel in times of instability?

Paul the “Street Preacher”

  1. Why do we not stand on a box on the pavement and preach? Is it any greater risk today than in Paul’s day?
  2. Some “preachers” are suspected of having ulterior motives for their work other than being constrained by the gospel.  What would some of these be?

Home Churches

  1. What are some disadvantages of having church services in a home?
  2. What are some advantages of meeting in homes instead of church buildings?

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Preserving Relationships

Is it good or bad for new members to get attached to the evangelist?

Opposition in Thessalonica
  1. Why is so much hatred and violence connected with religion?  What does one lose if a family member or neighbour is converted to another religion?
  2. Do you think that the Jews really believed that Christ was a threat to the Roman emperorship or was that just a ploy to get the Romans on their side?

The Episode in Berea
  1. How can I know if my behaviour is obnoxious to others in the church or to those outside the church prompting persecution?
  2. Should we like the Bereans examine other Christian doctrines to see if they perhaps are right?

Interlude in Athens
  1. How could Paul preach Christ anywhere and everywhere with no concern for his safety?  Was being single and not having a family a factor?  Should we encourage our pastors to stay single?
  2. How much of Hinduism do Adventists in India understand?  Why have we not developed a systematic strategy designed to reach Hindus?

 Arrival in Corinth
  1. Historical finds tend to confirm the veracity of the Bible.  How would you respond to a find that didn’t agree with the Biblical data?
  2. How far can one go in “meeting the people where they are” in order to attract them to the gospel?

Paul Reveals His Heart
  1. How advisable is it for a pastor (like Paul) to get so emotionally attached to a congregation that he thinks of them long after he has left them and is pasturing another church in another city?
  2. How would a church today probably respond to having a young pastor (like Timothy was) sent to preach strengthen and encourage them instead of having a seasoned minister come?

Monday, 2 July 2012

The Gospel Comes to Thessalonica

The Preachers Pay a Price
  1. Why do people resist the gospel and persecute the preacher who is trying to impart good news free?
  2. After how much persecution can a preacher be excused from further evangelism?  Would Paul have been exonerated from spreading the gospel after being jailed and whipped, etc.?

Paul’s Preaching Strategy
  1. Why did Paul reach out first to Jews when he entered a city even though they made it hard for him?  Are Adventists justified in reaching out to Christians first when they enter a city or should they target non-Christians with the gospel?
  2. Is it advisable to preach to non-Christians from their scriptures like we approach Jews from the Old Testament?

Two Views of the Messiah
  1. What would have been the result if Jesus came the first time as a royal king to deliver Israel from the Romans? Were the Jews justified in expecting the messiah to come as a delivering king?
  2. How is servanthood expected to be seen in a church administrator?  In what tangible ways can one understand that it has been achieved?
  3. Now we Adventists are waiting for Christ to come as a King, is there a chance that we are mistaken again about the nature of his coming?

Suffering Before Glory
  1. Is it possible that we might lose some potentially good leaders if we make them suffer too long (forty years in the case of Moses) before promoting them?
  2. How does suffering improve a person for leadership?

A Church is Born
  1. Since most founders of religions do not intend to establish anew religion, but only reform the old, how does a new religion begin?
  2. If all the members of a body convert together can they remain in that building?
  3. What does it mean to be ashamed of the gospel?  Are we ever guilty of this, and why? 

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

A Perpetual Ministry

Never-ending Witnessing and Evangelism

  1. At what point in life may one be excused from witnessing and evangelism? 
  2. What does Jesus' encounter with the Samaritan woman at Jacob's well teach us about the value of background knowledge in witnessing? Should we be doing more research into the backgrounds of our "targets" to discover their needs or anything else? 

A Nurturing Environment

  1. What are the advantages and/or disadvantages of waiting till a prospective new member is so "fully grounded" before baptism that no further nurturing is required? 
  2. How soon after baptism may a new member be involved in witnessing and evangelism? What are the conditions, if any? 
  3. We have baptismal classes for the young people who have grown up in our church: should we have a nurturing class for them after baptism? 

  Training Trainers

  1. Why are some seniors reluctant to train their juniors? How can you get a seasoned worker to share his knowledge with you? 
  2. How old should a person be before recruitment into witnessing and evangelism? 

Reclaiming Former Members

  1. What are some of the reasons why people stop coming to church? 
  2. If you were one of those who have stopped coming to church what would it take for you to start attending again? 
  3. If there are some members of your church who could be reclaimed, would you be interested in visiting and inviting them back? 

The Back Door

  1. Why are we more interested in the 'front' door than the 'back' door of our church? 
  2. Would you rather be posted at the front door or the back door? Why?

Sunday, 17 June 2012

Evaluating Evangelism and Witness

Why Evaluate

  1. How can evaluations of our local congregation, our church organizations, our church officers and leaders help their performance?
  2. How does the Adventist church / your local congregation measure in execution of the gospel commission to (1) go into  all the world (2) preach the gospel to every nation, (3) baptising them and (4) making them disciples?

Evaluate Kindly

  1. What is the difference between evaluation and criticism?  How much do you desire evaluation of your performances in your workplace, your performance as a parent, as a spouse, as a friend, etc.  Can criticism perform the same service?
  2. How can you evaluate a person without it seeming like criticism?  In what ways would you like a person to correct you or to make suggestions for improvement

What the Lord Asks

  1. When Jesus addressed the Pharisees and Saducees was it evaluation or criticism?  Are their times when criticism is in order?
  2. Can you explain the  meaning of Deut 10:12, 13, "And now Israel, what does the Lord your God require of you, but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in all His ways and to love Him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and to keep the commandments of the Lord an His statutes which I command you today for your good."

Evaluating for Spiritual Growth
  1. How do we understand the need to evaluate with the caution not to "judge" others?
  2. Since humans can see only the outside and not the heart, what does this mean in the context of evaluation?
Evaluating for Church Growth
  1. What effect does the "huge" number of people being baptized in our Division affect the spirituality of the church?  What are the advantages and disadvantages of waiting till baptismal candidates are thoroughly prepared over a long period of time?
  2. What should we do with evaluation or criticism that comes to us?

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Let the Church Know

A Biblical Principle

  1. Should our church be concerned with reports and statistics or should we just evangelize and never mind the numbers?
  2. John and Peter reprted to back to the disciples the problems they had faced.  Why do you think our leaders report only good things in committees and not the challenges they faced?

What God Had Done

  1. What are the benefits from hearing a good report of evangelism?
  2. What are the benefits of sharing the challenges being faced in evangelism?

The Importance of Reporting

  1. Some time ago we used to have reports before the church service on persons helped, meals given away, sick visited, etc.  Should we restore those reports in church?
  2. Have you heard mission reports that inspired you?  Have you heard reports that turned you off?  What made the difference?

Reporting and Motivation

  1. Why did Moses'ten spies give a negative report?  Why did Caleb and Joshua give a positive report?
  2. What is the difference between faith an presumption?  What would it have been if all twelve spies gave an encouraging report and the Israelites went ahead? Give reasons for your answer.

Giving Him Glory

  1. Can you give an honest sincere report and still have some people think you are boasting? What might give people that impression?
  2. Is some of the reports of results of evangelism untruthfull?  Can there be good motives for a dishonest report?
  3. What do you think of an evangelist who reports hundreds of baptisms and ends with "Praise God, I brought  more than 200 souls to Christ last year."

Sunday, 3 June 2012

A Love Response

Motivated by Love
  1. Do parents do things for their children more out of duty or out of love?  How can a child tell the difference?
  2. Which is more enjoyable, to give love, or to receive it? 
  3. Does God do things for us because He loves us, or because He wants us to love Him?

Not By Guilt
  1. The gospel commission to go and evangelize, is that a command or request? Are we sinning if we disregard it? Should we feel guilty if we are ignoring it?
  2. Is it wrong to witness because we feel guilty if we don’t?

Motivated to Serve
  1. Is it possible to love someone and not be motivated to do things for that person?
  2. How does a person performing chores out of love feel about it?

The Legalism Trap
  1. Does a Christian get credit for any of his actions (like fasting and praying)?  Will each soul brought to Christ earn him/her a star?  
  2. Does God’s infinite grace cover for all of one’s deficiencies to the point we don’t have to worry about anything as long as we profess to love Christ? If I have to do something that would be “works,” right?  So why should one act on the gospel commission?

Free to be a Slave
  1. What’s the difference in being a servant of the devil or a servant of Christ?
  2. What does it mean to you to be a “servant” of Christ? What is the problem if it becomes burdensome?  What is the solution?

Thursday, 31 May 2012

Releasing into the Ministry

Whose fault is it if your talents and gifts are not being appreciated?

Shared Responsibility

  1. What are some of the negative results when a pastor or leader attempts to do everything and does not share responsibilities?
  2. What is the result (for the church, for the pastor, for the individual) when one has certain abilities – such as leadership, and is not called upon to use it.?

Risking for Success

  1. How much damage can an unprofessional do in witnessing the “wrong” way? 
  2. Will one who has a meaningful relationship with Jesus naturally be successful in witnessing?

Matching the Labourers with the Harvest

  1. Why were the first seven deacons who were ordained all Greek?  Is it because those who complained of being overlooked were Greeks? 
  2. Besides language and culture what other aspects should a pastor look into when selecting which members to use for which targets?

Spiritual Growth Through Ministry Involvement 

  1. How does witnessing strengthen one’s own faith?  
  2. Does it make a difference if the witnessing is “unsuccessful” or not to the faith of the one witnessing? Why or why not?

Bringing Harmony Through Involvement

  1. Is it true that Indian Adventists are the most disunited group? Is it true that Indian Adventists are the least involved in witnessing?
  2. Could involvement in witnessing be the solution to bringing unity in Southern Asia Division? Why or why not?
  3. Can disunity be used to actually advance the church better such as the differences between Paul and Barnabas? 
  4. If there is someone in church who has something against me without cause, whose responsibility is it to try to restore the relationship?

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Equipping for Evangelism and Witnessing

If Jesus didn't have an exam before sending out the disciples why should we require our pastors to do exams during their training? 

The Need for Training
  1. Will any harvest of souls be lost because the labourers were too few?
  2. What categories of people may be termed “fishers of men?” Is it more than pastors?

Learning by Observing
  1. Should young people try to copy the styles of older preachers?
  2. What kinds of things can a young pastor learn from watching experienced pastors?

Learning by Doing
  1. How much of what we know about our work came from our education? Why do we have to learn “on the job?”  Why don’t they teach those things in college?
  2. What did Jesus accomplish by sending out the 70 while he was still around instead of waiting till he had died?

Learning through Failure
  1. What are some reasons why even though we work hard we sometimes fail?
  2. Is it good that schools are not allowed to fail students till the end of elementary school?  Why or why not?
  3. What have you learnt from your failures in life?

Learning through Success
  1. How much satisfaction can one allow from successes in witnessing or evangelism?
  2. How do you feel about someone who announces that he “won” x number of souls for the kingdom “by the grace of God?” Why does the pastor often add “Praise the Lord?
  3. When was the last time your church organized a training programme for outreach activities? Would you be willing to join a training session?

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Corporate Evangelism and Witnessing

At what times do you like help, and when do you prefer to do things alone?

Letting the Right and Left Hand Know

  1. Some things are done better alone.  Is witnessing one of them?  
  2. If you have seen a public evangelistic campaign, list some of the different types of people that are needed – (greeters, songleaders, etc).  Which are the easy jobs, and which are the challenging ones?  What makes a part in evangelism something you won’t mind doing, or something you don’t want to do?

Planning Together
  1. What types of things could go wrong in a public campaign if planning is not adequate?
  2. Why is it that when only two or three are involved in the planning, that many of the others are not excited about participating?

Working in Teams
  1. I worked under a leader who seemed to do everyone’s jobs.  When I asked him why, he said that he used to depend on them to do it, but later found he had to do it all over. What was the problem?
  2. Does working with a team make one less or more responsible?
  3. Why did Jesus send out disciples in teams?  Couldn’t he have covered more cities if he sent them alone?

Every Part Does its Share
  1. Do you have people around you who don’t seem to do any work? What do people think of them?
  2. Do you have people in church who don’t do anything besides warm the seat? Why do so few have to do most of the church services? How can we change the situation?
  3. Is our church wasting time on discussing unnecessary topics instead of planning outreach activities?

The Need for Corporate Unity
  1. How soon after joining a church can new believers be recruited to participate in witnessing?
  2. Our study guide mentions different types of assistance needed in evangelism – to drive, to greet, to pray, to visit, etc.  Can you think of something else you might be happy to do to help? Can you think of how others can fit in and how can you help the pastor recruit them?

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Personal Evangelism and Witnessing

My God and Me

  1. What did people mean when they remarked that Peter and John had “been with Jesus?”  How does it show?
  2. If a person joins a church having been positively influenced by a close friend or relative, how will it affect him or her if that person leaves the church?

My Personal Mission Field

  1. How will it change a preacher’s attitude if he considers he is speaking to individuals in front of him, rather than to a congregation?
  2. When Andrew was convinced that Jesus was the Messiah why did he tell his brother first before telling anyone else?
  3. Is it easier to share the gospel with friends and relatives, with acquaintances, or with total strangers?

My Personal Potential

  1. Why, when a church leader asks the church for members to participate in witnessing, do most people look around for others to volunteer?
  2. Can you account for Moses' reluctance to respond to God’s call? Was it justified? Why or why not?
  3. Which is a better attitude to have “self-confidence” or “non-confidence?”

The Witness of a Righteous Life

  1. Why do we say actions speak louder than words?
  2. What factors make it easier or harder for a Christian wife to witness to an unbelieving husband?
  3. Does everyone need to know enough of the Bible to answer questions, or is directing them to a pastor enough?

My Contribution to the Whole

  1. What support from the pastor and the church would you like for your personal witnessing efforts?
  2. If you were the organizer of witnessing programs, how would you recruit bashful members? What does it mean to me and my opinion of my ability or lack of ability, that Jesus said “One sows, and another reaps?”  

Sunday, 29 April 2012

Sequential Evangelism and Witnessing

Is it unfair to the unsuspecting public for an evangelist to use psychology and strategies to lead them to the church?

Sequential Evangelism and Felt Needs

  1. Did Jesus heal and feed people just to win them, or out of compassion?
  2. Did people come to Jesus for physical needs or for spiritual?  What difference does it make?
  3. How can we determine the needs of the community we wish to take the gospel to?

Milk and Solid Food

  1. Is it wrong to live forever on milk, or is it just inappropriate?
  2. Does a growing child naturally want solid foods or must we force the child to transfer to solids?
  3. Is it enough to just understand the simple grace, or do we need to comprehend all the doctrines and deeper theology?

Testing Truths

  1. Why do you think that attendance at evangelistic meetings drops drastically when the topic of Sabbath is presented?  What other doctrines might cause people to stop coming to our meetings?  Why would this be so?
  2. What topics should be covered before we present “the Sabbath” in order to help them to keep coming?

Measuring Spiritual Growth

  1. Is it enough just to preach and give Bible studies or do we need to find out how the messages are being accepted?
  2. Are we interested in the salvation of an individual or are we content with just doing our “duty” to sow the seed?

Preparing a Harvest

  1. In a garden or orchard are we interested in harvesting grains and fruits or just in planting seeds?  What else must be done after we plant the seeds in order to ensure a good crop?  Is the sequence important or not?
  2. So are we more interested in the harvest or in the individual? What was Jesus interested in?

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Evangelism and Witnessing as a Lifestyle

Should we practice what we preach or preach what we practice?

Silent Sermons

  1. What are some ways in which we can identify a person (we do not know yet) as a Christian? What are some ways in which we can identify a person as an Adventist?
  2. Are we justified in labeling some persons as a hypocrites, or can we only judge ourselves?
  3. Are we justified in rejecting a message not practiced by the preacher, or should we overlook the life of the preacher and accept the message?

Having Compassion for People

  1. How do we define “need” in I John 3:17 (“But if anyone has this world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him?”)?  Is it something necessary for good health or only to save life; to alleviate hunger, or only to prevent starvation?  What kinds of clothes and education are "needs?"
  2. Is compassion an action or an attitude?

Walking in Their Shoes

  1. Should we attempt to give people (1) what they want?  (2) what they think they need? or (3) What we know they need?
  2. How far should we “do in Rome as the Romans do?”  Would the church of today approve of Paul’s “compromising” principle? 

A Hospitable Lifestyle

  1. Do people listen more to a caring person than to an uncaring one? If so, is this justified?
  2. Can we expect better responses to our witnessing from friends and family or from strangers?  Give reasons for your answer.

Widening Your Friendship Circle

  1. Why do we have to go out in search of lost sheep?  Why don’t the lost come in search of truth?
  2. Should Adventists have more non-Adventist friends than they do at present? If so, how can this be done?
  3. What does it mean to be in the world but not of the world?

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Spiritual Gifts for Evangelism and Witness

Are some spiritual gifts more valuable than others? Could one, for example, rank the following (from the memory text in Eph 4) in order of importance -- apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers?

Gifted Believers
  1. Are apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers to be (1) within the group of ordained ministers (2) spread out among all church employees, or (3) present in all church members?
  2. Are the lists of gifts mentioned in the Bible for spreading the gospel a comprehensive list of gifts, or could there be many more unlisted gifts?  Does every member have at least one gift?  Could mastery of technology be a gift for evangelism?  Can you think of other possibilities?
  3. Why do we call these abilities gifts?

The Spirit and His Gifts
  1. What will happen if a member attempts to serve in a capacity for which he/she has not been given a gift?
  2. Whom would you normally select to witness (and why):  (1) an obviously gifted person who  may or may not be willing to witness, or (2)  a person who does not seem to possess any qualities for witnessing, but who is eager to try?
  3. Which is easier for the Holy Spirit: (1) to make a person who is unwilling, willing to witness, or (2) to equip a person who is eager to witness but may not have the abilities?

Discovering Our Gifts
  1. Why does it seem easier to identify another person’s gifts than our own?
  2. Do we need to take an aptitude test, or see a counselor to determine our gifts?  What are some ways in which we can identify our spiritual gifts?

Other Gifts
  1. Why do we have deacons?  Why can’t the pastors do that work?  Does it imply that pastoral work is more important than what the deacons do?
  2. What kind of "ministry" is required to nurture new members?

Gifts and Christian Responsibility
  1. Which gifts (if any) may be used independently of the church and which (if any) should be used under the authority of the church?
  2. Under what circumstances (if any) might the Holy Spirit attempt to dissuade a person from witnessing to a particular person or community at a particular time?
  3. In what ways can we lose a gift that is not used properly?

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Every Member Ministry

A shepherd does not produce more sheep, only sheep can do that.  Does this apply to increasing the number in our flock?  Why or why not?
What do we mean by the “priesthood of all believers?”

Every Member Ministry
1. Are there any specific abilities one must possess in order to witness?  What talents, if any, are compulsory in order to minister to others?
2. What qualities or characteristics, if any, might disqualify a person from serving as s pastor?
3. Do we need to go out of our way to witness?

The Need for Labourers
1. Who is more important, the one who sows, the one who nurtures, or the one who harvests; The one who takes the ball near the goal, or the one who shoots it in?
2. Normally do we need more sowers or more reapers?  Give reasons for your answer.

Individuals but Together
1. Are the members of your church bound together into a single body like Paul describes the church?  If not, what needs to be done in order to achieve this?
2. Are some parts of your church body not functioning?  What can be done to get members active?
3. Have you experienced personally the joy of leading one to Christ?  What’s keeping people from doing this and how can that be addressed?

Working Together with God
1. Why would God want to involve us in evangelism when He could do it so much better and faster?
2. Is it possible that I could be more effective in reaching my friends than God?
3. Would you be willing to ask God to send honest seekers to you?
4. Would you be willing to ask God to equip you?

Reporting to the Church
1. How does one feel when presenting a good report to his/her boss? How can we keep reporting from becoming boastful?
2. How do you feel when you hear someone else present a good report (a) when you also have a good report to give? (b) when you do not have a good report to give?
3. Does “not letting the left hand know what the right hand” mean that one should not report to others what one has accomplished?