The Title of the Book
- What is the relationship of a book's title to its contents? Which is more important for a hymn, its title or first line?
- Can the preposition "of" signify both "about" and "belonging to" in the same context?
- If the book of Revelation did not have a title what would you title it?
The Purpose of the Book
- How do we know if a prophecy is fulfilled or is yet to be fulfilled?
- Does the book only reveal the future or anything of the past too?
- Why do people wish to know about the future which cannot be controlled or changed?
The Symbolic Language of Revelation
- Why would God want to tell us about the future? Why would He do it in symbols rather than plainly to remove all doubts and distortions regarding time and place, etc? Or is it intentionally shrouded so as to have variable application?
- How can one know what symbols mean?
- Are the events described in Revelation described in symbols to be understood as real or imaginary?
The Godhead
- Is there room to understand God the Father and Jesus as one and the same person (such as Jesus' saying "If you have seen me you have seen the Father)?
- Is the Holy Spirit more "spirit" and therefore more omnipresent than the Father or Jesus?
- Why is "love" associated with the Father, "grace" with Jesus and "fellowship" with the Holy Spirit?
The Keynote of Revelation
- What does the change in wording of the Adventist fundamental belief in the second coming from "imminent" to "near" mean, if anything?
- Are Adventists living in a delusion about the second coming being in one's lifetime?
- If you could choose a name for our denomination would you still choose the same name or another one?