
Many Sabbath School class teachers either preach a sermon to their class or deliver a monologue on the whole lesson, going through it "day-by-day." The most rewarding sessions involve the members in discussion. These questions here are intended to stimulate the active participation of the members in your class. Of course pertinent information imparted by the teacher is also very valuable, for which there are many resources in print and on the internet. This site seeks to provide a resource for discussions.

If you are a member and not a teacher and your class is boring, try asking questions such as these in your class.

Sunday, 30 December 2018

Lesson 1 (Dec 29-Jan 4), The Gospel from Patmos

The Title of the Book
  1. What is the relationship of a book's title to its contents? Which is more important for a hymn, its title or first line?
  2. Can the preposition "of" signify both "about" and "belonging to" in the same context?
  3. If the book of Revelation did not have a title what would you title it?
The Purpose of the Book
  1. How do we know if a prophecy is fulfilled or is yet to be fulfilled?
  2. Does the book only reveal the future or anything of the past too?
  3. Why do people wish to know about the future which cannot be controlled or changed?
The Symbolic Language of Revelation
  1. Why would God want to tell us about the future? Why would He do it in symbols rather than plainly to remove all doubts and distortions regarding time and place, etc? Or is it intentionally shrouded so as to have variable application?
  2. How can one know what symbols mean?
  3. Are the events described in Revelation described in symbols to be understood as real or imaginary?
The Godhead
  1. Is there room to understand God the Father and Jesus as one and the same person (such as Jesus' saying "If you have seen me you have seen the Father)?
  2. Is the Holy Spirit more "spirit" and therefore more omnipresent than the Father or Jesus?
  3. Why is "love" associated with the Father, "grace" with Jesus and "fellowship" with the Holy Spirit?
The Keynote of Revelation
  1. What does the change in wording of the Adventist fundamental belief in the second coming from "imminent" to "near" mean, if anything?
  2. Are Adventists living in a delusion about the second coming being in one's lifetime?
  3. If you could choose a name for our denomination would you still choose the same name or another one?

Monday, 24 December 2018

Lesson 13 (Dec 22-28), Final Restoration of Unity

The Certainty of Christ's Return

  1. Why do other Christian denominations besides Adventists not speak of the return of Jesus?
  2. Why did the Adventist church at the last GC session change the wording of our fundamental belief on the second coming from "Christ's coming is imminent" to "Christ's coming is near?" What difference does it make?
The Promise of Restoration
  1. What, if anything, does re-creation have in common with recreation? 
  2. Why does God want to bother restoring this world and its people?
Restoration and Restored Relationships
  1. Can one go to heaven who has problems with relationships on earth, or do those have to be addressed before one can go to heaven?
  2. What kinds of changes can one expect when this mortality puts on immortality?
A New Earth for the Redeemed
  1. If there had been no sin would humanity have been less diverse in terms of cultures and races?
  2. How much uniformity will the New Earth bring in through unity? How much diversity can we expect in heaven?
Life on the New Earth
  1. With so much time in eternity why can't we expect boredom and temptation again?
  2. What will drive compliance in heaven?

Monday, 17 December 2018

Lesson 12 (Dec 15-21), Church Organization and Unity

Christ the Head of the Church

  1. Did Paul intend to use the Christ-Church relationship to teach how husbands and wives should relate to each other or vice versa?
  2. How can Christ be literally the head of the church, when obviously humans make all the decisions?
Servant Leadership
  1. Is it practical for a leader to be like a servant? Can a servant be a leader?
  2. Why do humans wish to be leaders in the church? Is it wrong to aspire to church leadership?
Preserving Church Unity
  1. What holds a church denomination together?
  2. How do false leaders bring disunity into the church?
  3. Will forcing compliance bring unity or disunity to the church?
Church Discipline
  1. Why should the church discipline members? For what kinds of things should members be disciplined? 
  2. Is discipline in the church increasing or decreasing? What are reasons for that?
Organizing for Mission
  1. Is the gospel commission given to church administrators, to clergy or to members or different parts apply to different groups?
  2. Are women included in the gospel commission?

Wednesday, 12 December 2018

Lesson 11 (Dec 8-14), Unity in Worship

Worshipping Our Creator and Redeemer

  1. What are the different emotions in "worship?" Why are some magistrates addressed "Your worship?" 
  2. Is worship a human response or is it a responsibility (requirement) ? 
False Worship
  1. Why does Satan want to be worshipped? Why do humans enjoy flattery?
  2. What do we mean when we refer to people "worshipping" money, fame, etc? Is that really worship?
  3. Why do some people wilfully worship Satan?
The First Angel's Message
  1. What is the connection between "fear" and "worship?" Can there be worship without fear?
  2.  Why is worship connected to creation? Why do some people resent having been created?
  3. Is it wrong to create people without their permission?
Bible Study and Fellowship
  1. What are the advantages of studying the Bible with others?
  2. What makes us think that we Adventists are "people of the book" more than other Christians?
  3. How can we know that we are interpreting the Bible correctly?
Breaking of Bread and Prayer
  1. Why did the disciples spend so much time eating together (daily)? 
  2. Should Adventists have potlucks more often? What holy purposes do our potlucks serve, if any?

Thursday, 6 December 2018

Lesson 10 (Dec 1-7), Unity and Broken Relationships

Restored Friendship

  1. If inspired leaders like Paul made mistakes of judgement, how can we know when to trust them?
  2. How can young pastors like John Mark know if they are fit for the ministry before spending years of preparation?
  3. Did Paul have to apologize to John Mark and Barnabas?
From Slave to Son
  1. Why didn't Paul condemn slavery outright and ask all Christians to release their slaves?
  2. Was Paul blackmailing Philemon by putting pressure on him to send Onesimus back to him?
Spiritual Gifts for Unity
  1. Are some kinds of competition okay for church--quizzes, temperance contests, preaching and singing competitions for children?
  2. How can we encourage the above without competitions?
  1. Is forgiving with words adequate even if we don't feel it in the heart? 
  2. Can we forgive even if the person who wronged us does not ask for forgiveness?
  3. If we don't forget does it mean we have not forgiven?
Restoration and Unity
  1. Why do we not bring personal problems before the church for discussion and consideration?
  2. Is the church too slow to discipline?
  3. If a person is not willing to reconcile, what does it mean?

Thursday, 29 November 2018

Lesson 9 (Nov 24-30), The Most Convincing Proof

Under the Cross of Jesus
  1. Why does the author state that "unity" is a gift? Who is responsible for the unity of the church, God, or the members?
  2. Does baptism carry with it responsibilities towards compliance with leadership?
Ministry of Reconciliation
  1. What kind of peace did Jesus bring to this world? What is his peace from?
  2. What obligations do Christians have to foster peace in the world, and in the church?
Practical Unity
  1. Are there any limits to the patience and grace that Christians are supposed to demonstrate?
  2. How united are Christians compared to members of other religious groups?
Unity Amid Diversity
  1. Why do some peoples consider other groups so unclean that they avoid fellowshipping and eating with them?
  2. What makes Adventists treat other Adventists closer than family members who are not Adventists?
Unity in Mission
  1. What does it mean that the disciples in the Upper Room were of "one accord?" How did they achieve that? The earlier discord was how much earlier? Did the discord change suddenly or gradually?
  2. To what extent should we ignore other people's mistakes? When should we not ignore them?

Monday, 19 November 2018

Lesson 8 (Nov 17-23) Unity in Faith

Salvation in Jesus

  1. Is belief in the Lord Jesus Christ in enough for salvation? Why did Paul say so to the jailor?
  2. Can non-Christians who have not heard of Jesus be saved?
  3. Since not everyone who says "Lord, Lord" will be recognized by Him, how can one know if his or her belief is genuine?
Second Coming of Christ
  1. What difference does the amendment at the 2010 GC session in the statement of belief on the second coming make which was changed from Adventists believe the "second coming is imminent" to the "second coming is soon?" Which is correct?
  2. How much do other Christians believe in a literal second coming of Jesus?
  3. What is the practical difference between the wise and the foolish virgins?
Jesus' Ministry in the Heavenly Sanctuary
  1. How important is it to believe that Jesus entered the Most Holy Place in 1844?
  2. If Jesus does not come for another hundred years, will that mean that our interpretation of the 2300 day prophecy is wrong?
  3. Why do no other Christians believe in the Investigative Judgement as Adventists do?
The Sabbath
  1. Why do most Christians keep Sunday as the Sabbath?
  2. Is it okay to keep both days Sabbath and Sunday holy?
  3. How can one know what is okay to do on the Sabbath? Can a thing be all right for one person, but not for another?
Death and Resurrection
  1. Since a person's fate is sealed at death, why does God not take the good ones to heaven immediately upon death?
  2. On what basis could Enoch and Moses and other people from the time of Jesus' resurrection be taken to heaven?
  3. How good is our name "Seventh-day Adventist compared to other denominations?" Who has the best name? 

Tuesday, 13 November 2018

Lesson 7 (Nov 10-16), When Conflicts Arise

Ethnic Prejudices

  1. Is it possible for a person to overcome feelings of caste and community? If so, how?
  2. Is the model of the Early Church, appoint people of one community to look after the needs of that community, the ideal model?
  3. Why were deacons appointed to look after widows and not deaconesses?
The Conversion of Gentiles
  1. Which is more acceptable, converting a gentile or eating pork? How do we know that Peter's vision was not authorization to eat all kinds of meat?
  2. Does the prohibition of unclean meat have medical foundations or ceremonial grounds?
  3. How can we know when the Holy Spirit has endorsed a new concept such as conversion of Gentiles, ordination of women, etc?
The Spirit is Leading
  1. How could eating with Gentiles possibly contaminate anyone? How did their thinking function?
  2. On what basis did the disciples accept that it was the same Spirit received by the Gentiles as they had?
  3. How might a multitude of converts in a very short time be perceived as a threat to the church? Imagine if a million converts from a single non-Christian religion joined the church, how might that impact the organization?
The Jerusalem Council
  1. How can one overcome prejudices and accept a new concept?
  2. Was the decision of the Jerusalem council accepted by all and implemented uniformly? Did it need to be?
  3. Does conversion of one issue make it easier to change one's mind about another?
A Difficult Situation
  1. Does participation in a council make it mandatory to accept the verdict voted by all?
  2. Was the decision in Jerusalem made by the group or by the chairman?
  3. How can we know if the decision is the correct one?

Wednesday, 7 November 2018

Lesson 6 (Nov 3-9), Images of Unity

The People of God

  1. What is involved in being "a royal priesthood?" What is our responsibility as such?
  2. What makes us believe that we are "the chosen people" instead of the Israelites?
  3. Why do we believe that we Adventists are more special to God than other Christians?
The Household of God
  1. Why do we refer to some people as "pillars" of the church? What must one do to qualify for that description?
  2. How do your church members correspond to other parts of a building--foundation, walls, roof, doors, windows, steps, etc? What would your church lack if you were missing?
  3. What effect does calling fellow church members "brother" and "sister" have on church unity?
The Temple of the Holy Spirit
  1. What does "you are the temple of the Holy Spirit" really mean? Does the Spirit actually dwell in us, or do we dwell in the Holy Spirit?
  2. What difference does it make that Paul used the plural "you" for the above statement?
  3. Who is responsible for unity in the church?
The Body of Christ
  1. What parts of the human body correspond to various members of a local congregation?
  2. How do the parts of a human body represent various departments of the church?
  3. How is our church structure related to the parts of a human body?
Sheep and Shepherd
  1. Why did Jesus select "sheep" to represent his people rather than "goats," "cows," "camels," or "dogs," which were also common in Bible times
  2. How does a flock teach "unity?"
  3. Why do some churches prefer the term "pastor" which means "shepherd" rather than "priest" or "father?" 

Saturday, 27 October 2018

Lesson 5 (Oct 27-Nov 2), The Experience of Unity in the Early Church

Days of Preparation

  1. What kinds of adversity bring a church together? What developments can we envision in the near future that will drive the church to unite?
  2. While waiting ten days for the Holy Spirit, how would the disciples have spent their time together?
  3. What will it take to get Adventists to spend whole days in prayer together?
From Babel to Pentecost
  1. Why do Christians not have feasts of celebration like the Jews had? Is it improper to celebrate like pentecostals in church?
  2. Why did the Holy Spirit come with a noise (of wind), when He could have come quietly? Was there some significance to that?
  3. Does the Holy Spirit bestow gifts of tongues today? How could that be manifested?
  4. Since several languages are dying out, is it possible that the world will be of one language again? What was the purpose of confusing languages at Babel? Do those purposes still exist or not?
Unity or Fellowship
  1. How was it possible to prepare three thousand people for baptism in one day? Can that be done today?
  2. Is it acceptable to baptise people first and then teach them later, or should all the teaching be done first?
  3. Is the breaking of bread more important than the wine at communion? Why is breaking bread mentioned more often?
  4. Should the Adventists church celebrate communion more often than once a quarter?
Generosity and Greed
  1. Should our local churches be sharing their wealth with each other like they did in the time of the Apostles? If not why not?
  2. In the spirit of sharing and caring in the apostolic era would it have been wrong for Ananias and Sapphira to keep back some of the proceeds from the sale of their land?
  3. What was the real sin of Ananias and Sapphira?
Remember the Poor
  1. Considering that people in the apostolic era and also those who lived in the 1840s sold their land prematurely and were left destitute when Jesus did not return in their life time, how will we know when it is really time for us to dispose of our properties?
  2. Since it is hard to know how much a person has saved, how can we know who the real poor are so we can avoid giving to those who might actually have more than we have?

Tuesday, 23 October 2018

Lesson 4 (Oct 20-26), The Key to Unity

Blessings in Christ
  1. Are adopted children like second-class family members? What could contribute to as strong a sense of "belonging" as biological members might feel?
  2. Why do some people believe that God has predestined some for salvation and others for damnation?
  3. Has God persevered more in saving some people and neglected some others?
Breaking Down the Wall
  1. Why were Jews against allowing Gentiles and women into the temple proper? What harm was there?
  2. What categories of people if any might be unwelcome in an Adventist church?
  3. Why do some Adventist churches in South India ban women and children from the main platform? Is this justified?
Unity in One Body
  1. Is the idea of "one caste" or "one class"included in any of the following listed by Paul --one body, one faith, one baptism, one hope? 
  2. What are ingredients of success in achieving unity?
  3. What are the advantages and disadvantages in organizing church conferences and unions on the basis of ethnicity and language?
Church Leaders and Unity
  1. Is leadership a gift one is born with or does it need to be cultivated?
  2. What are the qualities of a good Christian leader? Which ones, if any are peculiar to leadership of a religious organization compared with a secular one?
  3. Would Jesus accept a post as president in the Adventist church?
Human Relationships in Christ
  1. Why does poor relationships with others disqualify one for church leadership? What damages could result?
  2. How much importance is given to the home situation of a candidate when selecting church leaders? 
  3. How much involvement in evangelism can be expected of a conference president?

Monday, 15 October 2018

Lesson 3 (Oct 13-19), That They All May Be One

Jesus Prays for Himself

  1. Why did Jesus need to pray for Himself? Could He not do everything the Father could?
  2. How is knowing God eternal life? Can one know God through other gods?
  3. Why did Job say he knew God before his affliction through hearing and after his affliction by seeing? How serious is the difference? Wasn't his earlier knowledge of God sufficient for his salvation?
Jesus Prays for His Disciples
  1. Why did Jesus have reason to be concerned about his disciples? Why didn't Jesus address their disunity himself instead of praying to God for them to be one?
  2. Shouldn't unity come from within the group rather than from above? What is the attitude that leads to unity?
  3. What does it mean to be "not of this world?"
For Those Who Will Believe in Me
  1. Why was Jesus so concerned about unity of Christians? Would a united Christianity have been more effective than many smaller denominations working in different ways?
  2. How are the Father and Jesus in unity but not in uniformity?
  3. Why did Jesus make no mention of the Holy Spirit in the unity he shared with His Father?
Unity Among Christians
  1. Should Adventists participate in ecumenical movements to unite Christianity?
  2. Should Adventists engage in fellowship activities with other Christians?
  3. When Jesus used the term "not of this world," did he mean non Christians or non Adventists? 
Our Faith Shared in Love
  1. On a scale of 1-10 how united is the Adventist church?
  2. Is it possible to really love people we don't know intimately? Aren't there some people whom loving would be burdensome? If there are how is it more our problem than theirs?
  3. Is something wrong if it is necessary to sacrifice in order to love?

Sunday, 7 October 2018

Lesson 2 (Oct 6-12), Causes of Disunity

Return O Backsliding Children

  1. Why did the Israelites keep falling into idol worship when they knew from past experiences that they would suffer consequences
  2. Why did God tolerate their repeated failures for hundreds of years?
  3. Are those who are faithful to God rewarded consistently? Are those who are unfaithful punished regularly?
Right in His Eyes

  1. What was the cause for anarchy and chaos during the period of the judges?
  2. What are the benefits of belonging to a tribe? What are the curses of tribalism?
  3. What are Seventh-day Adventists known for in our community? What should we be known for?
The Division of the Hebrew Nation
  1. Why did God allow the ten tribes to be led by kings so wicked that eventually the kingdom had to be discarded?
  2. How successful was Solomon's reign from God's point of view? Had God granted him the kind of wisdom he needed and asked for?
  3. Why did Rehoboam prefer the advice of his friends?
Schism in Corinth
  1. To what extent can quarrels and disunity in the church be blamed on outstanding characters in the church?
  2. How can a pastor-evangelist or officer keep members of the church from getting too attached to him?
  3. How visible and/or important should a conference or higher unit officer be in a local church?
Wolves Will Come
  1. In today's scenario, who are the wolves who are a threat to the church?
  2. What do we mean by sheep's clothing? What are some examples of wolves in sheep's clothing?
  3. What are some trivial topics that are wasting the time and resources of the church in these days?
  4. If there is disunity in a local church how should it be addressed? 

Tuesday, 2 October 2018

Lesson 1 (Sept 29-Oct 5), Creation and Fall

Love as a Foundation of Unity
  1. Was love built into Adam and Eve or did it have to be developed?
  2. Were Adam and Eve created virtuous or merely innocent? What does it mean that they were created perfect? How could perfect humans fail?
  3. At what point did disunity enter, at the fall, before, or after?
The Consequences of the Fall
  1. How did Adam and Eve learn to blame someone else?
  2. Could Adam and Eve have defended themselves without blaming anyone else?
  3. How did sin influence the relationship between Cain and Abel?
Further Disunity and Separation
  1. What makes people launch out as pioneers in new lands? Why did the people not spread out after the flood?
  2. How could the people forget God after such a major event as the flood?
  3. How else could God have dispersed people besides confounding their language? What made the assault on language ideal for His purpose?
Abraham, Father of god's People
  1. Do Muslims and Christians worship the same God?
  2. Can it be argued that not all Adventists worship the same God?
  3. Why could Abraham's sons and Isaac's sons not remain united like Jacob's sons? Do two sons have a harder time getting along than a dozen?
God's Chosen People
  1. Why did God keep starting with one person at a time (Adam, Noah, Abraham), rather than with a group of people?
  2. What qualities in Abraham attracted God? What weaknesses did he have? Did those have to be overcome, or did some remain till the end?
  3. What makes Adventists believe that they are a chosen people, the remnant?

Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Lesson 13 (Sept 22-28), Journey to Rome

Sailing to Rome

  1. Did Paul observe the Jewish feasts and fasts or was he just commenting on them? Is it okay for Christians to celebrate the Jewish feasts/fasts? 
  2. Why would Paul agree to sail on a ship which was going to get wrecked? Had he been told by God about the risk or did he know it from the season?
  3. Why were they in such a hurry to sail in dangerous weather?
The Shipwreck

  1. How much comfort is it in a violent storm to be told by a prophet that you would survive a shipwreck?
  2. Why would God spare all the passengers on the boat when only Paul was important for Him?
  3. Why didn't God spare the ship and let them keep sailing? Could God have stilled the storm for Paul's sake?
In Malta
  1. Why did God let the viper bite Paul and then protect him from the venom? Was the reaction of the islanders who then thought he was a god, justified?
  2. Why didn't Paul take advantage of Luke's presence to treat all the sick people on the island who came for help?
  3. How is it that no conversions are mentioned on the ship and on the island even though there was so much evidence of Paul's divine protection?
Paul in Rome Finally
  1. Why do you think the Jews of Rome had not been contacted by the Jewish leaders in Jerusalem regarding Paul?
  2. Are Christians the most hospitable to fellow believers?
  3. Why do you think Paul was allowed to live on his own while in Rome?
The Victory of the Gospel
  1. Why did Paul quote from the Bible about the rejection of the gospel by the Jews? Wouldn't that turn them away more firmly?
  2. Why did Jews resist the message of Christ?
  3. Why does the book of Acts end here when there was so much more that the apostles did?

Sunday, 16 September 2018

Lesson 12 (Sept 15-21), Confinement in Caesarea

Before Felix

  1. Is it okay for a Christian to go to court in order to get justice? Does it make any difference if the accused is a Christian or not?
  2. How should a Christian respond to a lawyer who misrepresents the truth?
  3. What does the Bible say about giving and receiving bribes? Are both in the same bracket?
Before Festus
  1. Why were Roman rulers anxious to please the Jews? Why could Paul not trust the Jewish leaders? What was the attitude of the Jewish Christian leaders to Paul? Were they helpful or not?
  2. Was it worth two years of Paul's suffering in Caesarea to have an opportunity to witness to Felix and Festus?
  3. Does delay in court decisions benefit the plaintiff or the defendant?
Before Agrippa
  1. Why would King Agrippa come to pay respects to the governor Festus? Who was more powerful?
  2. How is it possible for young kings who are still minors to command loyalty from older statesmen?
  3. Why is it wrong for a Agrippa to marry his sister?
Paul's Defense
  1. Why did Paul repeatedly mention his Pharisaical background? Was he proud of that?
  2. How much did others believe Paul's report of his conversion experience on the road to Damascus when he described it to them?
  3. Should governments permit or ban conversion?
Paul Before the Leaders
  1. What is incompatible between immortality of the soul and the idea of resurrection?
  2. Why did Agrippa feel that one cannot become  Christian in such a short time?
  3. Why was it not possible to free Paul once he had appealed to Caesar? Had Paul made a mistake in appealing to Caesar?

Wednesday, 12 September 2018

Lesson 11 (Sept 8-14), Arrest in Jerusalem

Meeting the Jerusalem Leaders
  1. Is following the principle "when in Rome do as the Romans do," being a hypocrite?
  2. Why was Paul so anxious to "do away" with the Ceremonial Law? Was it wrong to observe those guidelines?
  3. Did Paul make any mistakes?
Riot in the Temple
  1. Is there anything one can do to avoid lynching by a mob?
  2. How can leaders of mob violence be punished so that such activity can be prevented?
  3. Why was it important to restrict entry to the temple only to those circumcised? What benefits could there have been if gentiles were allowed into the temple?
Before the Crowd
  1. Why should citizens of a country have more rights than others who are not citizens?
  2. What made Paul brave enough to address a crowd that had just attempted to lynch him?
  3. What is more powerful, theological sound arguments or personal testimony?
Before the Sanhedrin
  1. Citing his Roman citizenship why did Paul allow the Roman soldiers to imprison him, but not to flog him?
  2. Why did Paul regret abusing the High Priest considering the Jewish system was no longer valid?
  3. How could Pharisees and Sadducees using the same scriptures have varying beliefs on resurrection?
Transfer to Caesarea
  1. Why would make a group of forty men decide to kill a person who believed differently from them?
  2. What can God do about injustice from rulers and judges meted out to innocent people who may otherwise not be deserving of salvation? Is it enough just to punish the unjust or should the unfortunate person be compensated?
  3. When people take an oath such as "not to eat or drink," and the possibility to carry out their vow is beyond their control (such as Paul being shipped out in secret at night), are they justified in breaking the oath and eating and drinking again?

Friday, 7 September 2018

Lesson 10 (Sept 1-7), The Third Missionary Journey


  1. What was deficient with the baptism of John that those persons, even if they had been acquainted with Jesus, had to be re-baptized?
  2. Under what circumstances may a person be rebaptized?
  3. How can one know if he or she has been baptized only by water, and not of the Spirit?
  4. Why is Priscilla mentioned along with her husband and other wives not mentioned?
  5. Did God take any risks in healing persons who only touched the apostles' handkerchiefs and aprons?
  6. Why did Paul engage in helping victims of disasters?
  7. In times of calamities why do people reach out to persons of their own religion?
  8. Do idol makers believe in their images?
  1. Was Paul's night-to dawn-meeting on the first day of the week to "break bread" more likely on Friday night or Saturday night? How does this impact Sunday sacredness?
  2. How important was Sabbath keeping to Paul?
  3. How much should those who sleep during a religious meeting be condemned?
  1. Why was Paul not revered in Jerusalem?
  2. How can church members recognize false teachers? What is the objective of false teachers? Why do false teachers seem to have more financial support?
  3. In what ways do false teachers come in sheep's clothing?
Tyre and Ceasarea
  1. Was the prophet Agabus warning Paul not to go to Jerusalem or merely predicting what would happen if he went? How should Paul have reacted to the prophecy?
  2. How did Paul know that it was the Spirit "compelling" him to go to Jerusalem? What Spirit drove the members to restrain Paul from going?
  3. What is accomplished by praying for safety before embarking on a journey?

Wednesday, 29 August 2018

Lesson 9 (Aug 25-31), Paul's Second Missionary Journey

Back in Lystra

  1. Once members are converted whose responsibility is it to keep them from backsliding?
  2. Why is Jewish descent through the mother rather than the father?
  3. Was Paul a hypocrite for having Timothy circumcised against his own beliefs?
  4. How can one know whether is it God closing doors or the devil?
  1. Is it wrong to spend Sabbath in nature or at home, when there is a church nearby? 
  2. Why did Paul not accept the earthquake and the open doors as a sign that God was rescuing them from jail?
  3. Was Paul manifesting an ego problem when he demanded that the magistrates come personally to escort them out of prison? 
  4. Why didn't Paul reveal his Roman citizenship at the time of beating rather than when he was being released from jail?
Thessalonica and Berea
  1. What is accomplished by beating leaders of religious groups? What effect does it have on the religious group?
  2. Why do prominent women join a religious group? Why could they not arrange for protection of Paul and Silas?
  3. Why did Paul insist on preaching in synagogues when he kept getting beaten for it?
  4. What made the Berean Jews so much more susceptible to the gospel?
Paul in Athens

  1. What are some dangers in adapting the gospel to a local culture? What are the boundaries for contextualization?
  2. Why is an idol called an image? Why is God against being worshipped through representations?
  3. What could the Greeks have meant by the term "unknown god?"
Paul in Corinth
  1. What are the advantages of requiring clergy to earn their own keep through some trade?
  2. Can pastors have a side business?
  3. Should husband-wife team ministry be encouraged?
  4. Should pastors' wives be paid a stipend so they do not have to have a job of their own?

Monday, 20 August 2018

Lesson 8 (Aug 18-24), The Jerusalem Council

The Point at Issue

  1. What impelled Judaizers to go around churches compelling converts to observe the Mosaic law? What was their motive?
  2. Was it wrong for early Christians to observe aspects of the Ceremonial Law?
  3. What kind of people today can be equated with those Judaizers?
  1. What is similar in the God-believer relationship to a husband-wife relationship that a local marriage sign (circumcision) was adapted to identify believers?
  2. Would Jesus have been circumcised if he had a choice? 
  3. Why did Jesus choose to be baptized? Does one have to be baptized into a denomination to be saved? If a person asked an Adventist pastor to baptize him/her, but who did not wish to join the denomination, what should the pastor do?
The Debate
  1. Is circumcision a doctrinal issue?
  2. Should doctrinal issues be settled by votes such as in a committee or a council?
  3. How was the debate in Jerusalem brought to a close? 
  4. What lent the conclusion enough weight that it was not challenged?
  5. Should the chairman always have the last word?
  6. Why did Paul not enforce the "food offered to idols" part while happily accepting the "circumcision" part?
The Apostolic Decree
  1. Were the dietary restrictions imposed by the Council a compromise with the Judaizers?
  2. Why did Paul allow converts to eat food offered to idols when the Council clearly forbade that?
  3. Should Christians today restrict themselves to Kosher meat which has the blood drained properly?
  4. If the dietary restrictions were temporary what makes the laws on fornication still binding?
The Letter from Jerusalem
  1. How is authority in the church determined after the passing away of the apostles?
  2. How well would the Judaizers have received the decree? Why did the decree not cause a split in the church?
  3. Why do people have different opinions in the church? Does the Holy Spirit speak differently to different people? 

Wednesday, 15 August 2018

Lesson 7 (Aug 11-17), Paul's First Missionary Journey

Salamis and Paphos

  1. Was the laying on of hands on Paul and Barnabas before they set out on the first missionary journey an ordination or commission? Who laid hands on them? What authority did they have to perform this ceremony?
  2. Why were the twelve disciples not "ordained?"
  3. Why is the Bible record silent about what happened to Elymas after he was struck with blindness? How probable is it that he was converted by that event as Saul/Paul was?
Pisidian Antioch
  1. Why do we think that order in lists (Barnabas and Saul/Paul and Barnabas), indicates primacy? Was James superior to John? What order do we use for the sons of Adam and sons of Isaac, and the sons of Amram, and what does it signify?
  2. How significant is a name? Why do persons change names? Why would Luke use the name Paul instead of Saul for his ministry years?
  3. Is a call to the ministry for life or may a pastor (such as Timothy), give up the ministry? 
  4. What is the purpose of including Paul's sermons in the history book of Acts?
  5. Does Paul teach more in support of the law, or does he seem against it? What influences his attitude to the law?
  6. How come Paul and other apostles were allowed to speak in the temple and synagogues?
  7. Can a person be both a Jew and a Christian?
  1. If the leaders of a community reject the truth and close their doors, are preachers excused from witnessing to that community? Is that how Paul and Barnabas felt indicated by "shaking the dust off their feet and leaving"?
  2. Despite so much persecution, why did Paul persist with preaching first to the Jews before going to the gentiles?
  3. Are Adventists justified in preaching to other Christians first or should we be taking the gospel to non-Christians first?
Lystra and Derbe
  1. If Paul and Barnabas had known that the city would eventually turn against them, would they have still healed the cripple?
  2. Should Paul and Barnabas have allowed the people of Lystra to believe they were gods and then convert them all?
  3. Why didn't Paul and Barnabas perform another miracle to dispel the crowd that was stoning them?

Sunday, 5 August 2018

Lesson 6 (Aug 4-10), The Ministry of Peter

At Lydda and Joppa

  1. How genuine and complete could have been the conversions of ALL the residents of Lydda and Sharon that resulted when they witnessed Peter healing a paralytic miraculously? What does "turned to the Lord" mean? Are people who need to see a miracle before they are convinced lacking in faith?
  2. Why would Peter who had healed the paralytic Aenas in full public view have wanted complete privacy for restoring Dorcas to life?
  3. Why did the widows show Peter all the clothes stitched by Dorcas? Did it help convince Peter to help?
  4. Why doesn't God perform more miracles through the Adventist church and pastors to convince the world that this is the true church?
At Cornelius's House
  1. What do you think prevented the Roman Centurian Cornelius from becoming a Jew officially even though he was a devout worshiper of Yahweh?
  2. Why did the apostles heal Jews also and not only Christians? Shouldn't charity begin at home? 
  3. What prompted God to help Cornelius? Would it have been his devout prayers or his service to the poor?
  4. Why did God direct Cornelius to Peter instead of teaching him directly?
  5. Are people in today's world all treated as equal? Whose fault is it if there are inequalites?
The Gift of the Spirit
  1. Why would the early Christians have wanted the gentiles to become Jews first before becoming Christians?
  2. What convinced Peter that the "tongues" the gentiles spoke in, was a result of the receiving of the Holy Spirit?
  3. How did the Jews hope to evangelize gentiles if they would not fellowship with them? How far can Adventists go in mixing with a group targeted for evangelism?
The Church in Antioch
  1. How would people have perceived that "the Lord's hand" was with the Christians who reached out to the gentiles also? How would that have been evidenced? When evangelism is conducted today how can we know if the Lord's hand is with them?
  2. What does it mean that Barnabas was "full of the Holy Spirit?" On what basis would people describe a person with those words?
  3. How would church members know if a person like Agabus was a true prophet or not? Does it show a lack of faith if one decides to see first if a prediction comes true?
Herod's Persecution
  1. Why would Herod support the Jews and want to please them rather than taking sides with the Christians?
  2. What would make God decide to deliver Peter when he had allowed James to be put to death?
  3. When the record states that the "Angel of the Lord" struck Herod and worms ate him causing his death, would the death have been by natural means or unnatural means?

Monday, 30 July 2018

Lesson 5 (July 28-Aug 3), The Conversion of Paul

Persecutor of the Church

  1. What are the characteristics of a fanatic? Was Paul a fanatic? Are Christians expected to be fanatics for the gospel?
  2. Did Paul's Greek name and origin influence him against the Jewish influence on Christianity?
  3. What makes the difference between zeal for the church and zeal for the gospel? 
On the Damascus Road
  1. Why didn't God allow Saul's companions to understand the words of the voice that Saul heard or to see what Saul saw? 
  2. What made Saul sure he was not hallucinating?
  3. Between one's reading and one's conviction which are we bound to follow?
  4. Why would God strike Saul's eyesight rather than his hearing or his hands?
Ananias's Visit
  1.  What qualities did Ananias likely possess that God would send him to Saul?
  2. Why did God choose to choose another human to assist in restoring Saul's vision?
  3. Why does God not strike other non-believers so dramatically in order to convert them? Why did He do it for Paul and not for me?
The Beginning of Paul's Ministry
  1. What would be the benefits of dwelling in Arabia a while before going up to see the disciples of Jesus?
  2. Why do we not hear of Paul evangelizing in Arabia?
  3. Why did Paul choose to begin his ministry in Damascus?
Return to Jerusalem
  1. Why did Paul wait three years before going to Jerusalem to meet the disciples of Jesus?
  2. Why makes people willing to kill and be killed in the name of religion?
  3. Would Stephen believe it was worth dying for Paul to be converted?

Monday, 23 July 2018

Lesson 4 (July 21-27), The First Church Leaders

The Appointment of the Seven
  1. Why would Chirstians retain such distinctions as Greek Jews and Hebrew Jews among themselves?
  2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of recognising ethnic groups within a church body?
  3. What are the dangers and benefits of appointing Greek men to ensure that the Greek widows received a fair share of rations?
  4. Why would the early church not appoint deaconesses to serve the widows?
Stephen's Ministry
  1. What tasks are expected of a deacon?
  2. Why did Stephen have to criticise the Sanhedrin?
  3. How can one be firm in the faith and yet open to new light?
Before the Sanhedrin
  1. Why were the Jews so protective of the Mosaic law that they could not see beyond it?
  2. Didn't the Jews know how they had failed in the past and what their forefathers were guilty of? Why did they get angry with Stephen for reviewing that past?
  3. Should Stephen have been less condemnatory and could he have saved his life?
Jesus in the Heavenly Court
  1. Does having a genuine vision make one a prophet?
  2. Does speaking for God make one a prophet?
  3. What is the best way to deal with mob fury?
  4. Does Jesus presence next to the Father in the heavenly sanctuary indicate that He had already entered the Most Holy Place?
The Spread of the Gospel
  1. What is the significance of the Samaritans' need to receive the  Holy Spirit after their conversion? How important is this to Adventists?
  2. Why did the disciples not insist that the Ethiopian eunuch have a longer Bible study series than one session before baptism?
  3. Had the disciples covered the then known world with the gospel better than we have today?

Sunday, 15 July 2018

Lesson 3 (July 14-20), Life in the Early Church

Teaching and Fellowship

  1. Why does religion require fellowship?
  2. How does one qualify to become a teacher of religion? How does one who does not have the education acquire the right to teach?
  3. Why do people need churches for worship?
The Healing of a Lame Man
  1. Why did Paul and Peter remain Jews, attending the temple etc?
  2. What made them so bold and confident that the lame man would be healed?
  3. Are there fewer miracles now compared to the early church or more? What makes the difference?
The Rise of Opposition
  1. Why were the disciples allowed to worship in the temple?
  2. What gives the right to refuse worship to any individual?
  3. From where do religious leaders derive their authority, from God or from the people?
Ananias and Sapphira
  1. Why did Ananias and Sapphire feel they had to declare the sum they were donating was the total they had received from the sale of their land?
  2. What was sinful in  holding back a portion of their proceeds from the sale?
  3. Were the apostles responsible for their punishment or were they merely announcing God's response?
The Second Arrest
  1. What made people think that merely touching Peter's shadow could cure them?
  2. What would it have taken for the Priests and Sanhedrin to accommodate the teachings of the disciples of Christ? Was that possible?
  3. Was Gamaliel correct in stating that any religious movement not from God would fizzle out and die?

Tuesday, 10 July 2018

Lesson 2 (July 7-13), Pentecost

The Coming of the Spirit

  1. What evidence is there that the Holy Spirit is a separate individual and not just Jesus or the Father in spirit form?
  2. Why do you think the Spirit chose to appear with wind and fire?
  3. What was the significance, if any, for the Holy Spirit to come on the Feast of Pentecost?
  4. Why was the Spirit given to Jesus at His baptism. Is the Spirit given to us at baptism too? 
The Gift of Tongues
  1. Can we expect the gift of tongues (speaking in known languages), today as was manifest at Pentecost? Why was that gift given at that time and not now?
  2. is it possible that some speaking in unknown tongues (which cannot be understood by anyone) be genuine gifts of the Spirit?
  3. Why did some bystanders think the disciples were drunk if they could be understood?
  4. Is the gift of tongues the ability to speak other languages without having to learn them, or the ability to learn languages easily?
Peter's Sermon
  1. Was Peter justified in quoting Joel's prophecy as being fulfilled in the last days? When did the last days begin?
  2. What was so convincing about Peter's sermon that 3000 were baptized?
  3. How easy is it to believe in a resurrection?
The Exaltation of Jesus
  1. How can Jesus be at the "right hand of the Father" when he ascended after His resurrection, and still enter the Most Holy place only in 1844? Isn't the Father in the Most Holy Place?
  2. Why could the Spirit not be given till Jesus ascended into heaven? Wasn't the Spirit present on earth in the Old Testament times? What was different?
  3. Wasn't Satan defeated at the cross? Couldn't the kingdom of heaven be inaugurated at that time instead of waiting till Pentecost?
The Firstfruits
  1. How effective can a preacher be without the Holy Spirit? Can a human convert another sometimes or is conversion always the work of the Holy Spirit?
  2. Why do we refer to those converted at Pentecost as the "first fruits?" When is the latter fruits?
  3. What happens to sins then they are "remissioned/remitted?
  4. How important is baptism for salvation?

Monday, 2 July 2018

Lesson 1 (June 30-July 6), You Will Be My Witnesses

The Restoration of Israel

  1. Why are the prophecies of the Messiah in the Old Testament seemingly confusing and contradictory, such as He will be a Servant, He will be a king, He will be victorious, He will die, etc?
  2. Why were the disciples of Jesus themselves blind to the prophecies of the Messiah regarding Jesus' death and resurrection even after living with Jesus for so long?
  3. How did Jesus know so well details of His future death and resurrection, from Bible study or because He was God?
The Disciples' Mission
  1. How did Jesus prepare His disciples to be His witnesses? When did the preparation begin?
  2. Why did Jesus outline the sequence that He did for the disciples' mission--Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the ends of the earth?
  3. How well are Adventists following the above sequence of mission? Should that be the plan?
He Will Come Again
  1. Can we know in what direction heaven is? Was it important for the ascension to be hidden by a cloud?
  2. Why was it important for the disciples to witness the ascension?
  3. How is it possible on a round world for every eye to see Jesus' return?
Preparing for Pentecost
  1. Why did the Holy Spirit descend on Pentecost itself? Was the date significant?
  2. What preparation did the disciples make for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit? What was their purpose in gathering in the Upper Room?
  3. What factors could have divided the followers of Jesus in the days following the ascension, that they needed a time to bond?
The Twelfth Apostle
  1. Why did it seem important to have a successor for Judas? Was there any significance to the number? Would eleven have been incomplete?
  2. What qualified Paul to be an apostle? Could he have been the twelfth one if the disciples had not been in such a rush? Were they too hasty?
  3. Can lots be cast today to decide on leaders for the church? Is there any evidence that the method of selection and the result was approved by God?

Monday, 25 June 2018

Lesson 13 (June 23-29), The Return of Our Lord Jesus

The Day of the Lord

  1. Was the "Day of the Lord" something that the Israelites considered a "promise" or a "threat?"
  2. When will people know which side they are on? Why will some people not know if they are on the right side or not. 
  3. How much of the second coming or third coming of Christ did Old Testament prophets know?
Daniel and the Second Coming of Jesus
  1. Why was an image of a person in various metals an appropriate way for God to convey the successive kingdoms to come? What did the beasts, that represented these same kingdoms, add  to the prophecy?
  2. Why was the dream given to Nebuchadnezzar rather than to some earlier or later king?
  3. What about other kingdoms outside the empires of Babylon, Greece, and Rome? How are they affected by this prophecy?
Long-Term Prospects
  1. What is the benefit for me if a prophecy is going to take place hundreds or thousands of years after I die?
  2. Did Nebuchadnezzar's dream benefit him in any way?
  3. Is Jesus's coming really imminent or could it be hundreds of years away?
In the Clouds of Heaven
  1. How do we know that Jesus will return literally? 
  2. How do we know which images of the second advent are symbolic? Will Jesus return with a sickle, and will the angels blow real trumpets?
  3. Why is the second coming associated with clouds? Why does it seem that most Adventist prayers end with "the clouds of heaven?"
The Living and the Dead
  1. Did Jesus plan the death and resurrection of His friend Lazarus?
  2. Why are some wicked, those who participated in the crucifixion, raised before the other wicked dead?
  3. What is so wonderful about the righteous being changed in "the twinkling of an eye?"

Sunday, 17 June 2018

Lesson 12 (June 16-22), Babylon and Armageddon

The Wine of Her Wrath

  1. What is the difference between building the Tower of Babel and constructing a skyscraper today?
  2. Which was worse, Babylon or Rome? What did each do that made God and the prophets condemn them?
  3. Is the imagery of Jerusalem in the end better than Babylon considering all the advantages the city had?
Babylon is Fallen
  1. Can true worshippers be found in Babylon?
  2. When is the time to call people out of Babylon?
  3. Why is Babylon allowed to become Babylon?
  1. Why are secular people interested in Armageddon? Do they believe in it?
  2. Will God's people have to fight in the Battle of Armageddon, or will God fight for them?
  3. Is Armageddon a literal or spiritual battle?
Armageddon and Mount Carmel
  1. Why might the Revelator specify Mount Megiddo (Har mageddo) when Megiddo is a plain? If he meant the nearby Mt Carmel, why didn't he say so plainly?
  2. What does Mt Carmel have to do with the last battle? What was Elijah"s role on the mountain?
  3. Why did the Israelites turn to worship Baal so often?
  4. Why are there more false prophets than true prophets? Has the smaller group always been the true people of God?
  5. What makes false prophets think they are true prophets? Why did people think Baal was the true god?
  6. Has the battle of Armageddon started?

Tuesday, 12 June 2018

Lesson 11 (June 9-15), God's Seal or the Beast's Mark

God's Sign Identifying His People
  1. Why did God require of His people in the Old Testament such an awkward sign of relationship as "circumcision?" What would you expect such a sign more naturally to be a symbol of?
  2. Why doesn't God require a simpler sign of relationship with Him today than baptism, such as taking a vow in church, or signing a paper, rather than having to get totally wet? Which is more important: the assent to the questions on doctrine; the professing of love for Jesus; or getting immersed in water?
  3. Why did God sanctify a period of time as holy rather than identify a location such as the Garden of Eden as sacred where He could meet with people on any day of the week.
The Beast and False Worship
  1. What is the necessity of having marks and seals on people? Who gives the Mark of the Beast, God, the devil, the governments, or anyone else? 
  2. Can a person who worships on both Sabbath and Sunday have both the Seal of God and the Mark of the Beast? 
  3. Why is the devil anxious to counter Sabbath-keeping?
The Seal of God
  1. Is a seal permanent? When does this sealing take place?
  2. Will the Seal of God be visible? Why is the seal placed on the forehead?
  3. Is it okay to provide biometric details to the governments?
The Mark of the Beast
  1. Why does Paul say in Col 2 that no one should judge anyone regarding Sabbath days?
  2. Can a person who worships on the seventh day have the Mark of the Beast?
  3. Will everyone who worships on Sunday receive the Mark of the Beast?
The Sabbath as God's Seal
  1. Why is observance of the Sabbath such an appropriate sign of God's people, better than wearing some more visible sign such as a cross, a costume?
  2. Do Adventists have to make a conscious effort to remember God's creative activity on Sabbath to observe it as a memorial of creation? Are we failing in this?
  3. What is the purpose of God's calling humans to rest?

Sunday, 3 June 2018

Lesson 10 (June 2-8), America and Babylon

Deadly Wound Healed

  1. Why don't the books of Daniel and Revelation plainly state that the Papcy is the anti-Christ instead of using symbols like strange animals?
  2. Who healed the deadly wound of the papacy?
  3. Why would kings and leaders want to pay homage to the pope?
The United States in Prophecy
  1. How sure are we that one day equals one year in Bible prophecy when there are other texts that state that one day is like a thousand years? Why did Bible writers used symbols for time instead of stating clearly and exactly how many years it would be?
  2. Could Bible writers have made it more clear that America was being referred to in prophecy, or is it clear enough? Why would they have avoided naming countries?
  3. Why is an alliance with the US so important for the papacy?
An Issue of Worship
  1. Why does Satan want to be worshipped when it will not change what he is? BTW, why do we refer to Satan as "he" when angels "do not marry?"
  2. Is God too obsessed with worship? Why does he punish those who worship some other being?
  3. How might our worship be false without our knowing it?
Babylon the Great
  1. Why has Babylon been selected as a symbol of false worship instead of Egypt or Assyria?
  2. How successful were Daniel and his friends in witnessing to the Babylonians? 
  3. Will Nebuchadnezzar be in heaven?
Come Out of Her My People
  1. Did all the Israelites return from the Babylonian exile? Will those who stayed back be lost?
  2. What does it mean to be in spiritual Babylon?
  3. Can we be in the Adventist church and in Babylon at the same time?
  4. Are Adventist members doing enough to call people out of Babylon?

Saturday, 26 May 2018

Lesson 9 (May 26-June 1), End Time Deceptions

The Grandest Deception

  1. Does Satan prefer for us to believe that he exists or that he does not exist? What advantage does he have either way?
  2. If we saw Satan, what would he look like? How much has he changed since he was created?
  3. Is Satan aware he is deceiving us, or does he really believe he is right?
The Two Great Errors
  1. What does Paul mean when he blames Satan for masquerading as an angel of light?
  2. Does Satan have power to heal an afflicted person, or are some healings only an illusion?
  3. Have we sinned if we did wrong because we were deceived?Will we be punished for being deceived?
The Immortality of the Soul
  1. Why would God not want souls to be immortal?
  2. What does the Bible mean when it states that the "spirit" returns to God?
  3. How can we account for people who feel they died and left their bodies and then returned again?
Sabbath and the Theory of Evolution
  1. Since the Adventist church does not specify any age of the earth, only teaching a "recent" creation, how high can we go for the age of the earth and still claim to believe in a "recent" creation?
  2. If we abandon the six-day creation that the Bible describes, what do we lose?
  3. What relevance does the Sabbath have if the earth only evolved?
The Counterfeit Trinity
  1. Why is there so much discussion about the Trinity in the Adventist Church? What is to be gained or lost?
  2. Why is Satan and his cohorts described in terms of dragons and beasts?
  3. Would people willingly and knowingly worship the devil and his associates or would they do it only if they were deceived?

Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Lesson 8 (May 19-25), Worship the Creator

The Universality of the Gospel

  1. Do those nations, tongues and peoples who hear the everlasting and universal gospel have an advantage over those who have missed hearing it?
  2. Why has God entrusted the spread of the gospel to unreliable human beings?
  3. Is spreading the gospel of more benefit to those hearing it or those imparting it?
The Thief on the Cross and the Everlasting Gospel
  1. What leads people to a career of theft? Why is stealing wrong?
  2. What kinds of activities are included in theft? In what ways might modern people fbe guilty of theft in everyday life?
  3. What kind of characters did the thieves on the cross display prior to the one asking Jesus to save him? What made Jesus so willing to save him?
Fear God and Give Glory to Him
  1. What is the difference between being afraid of God and "fearing" Him? What is the relationship between "fearing" God and giving Him glory?
  2. Why do several Bible texts (such as Job1:1) connect "fearing God" with obeying Him and "shunning evil?" What does it accomplish if a person avoids sin?
  3. Why would Bible writers use the term "fear" for one who obeys God?
The Hour of His Judgment is Come
  1. In the judgment are humans the defendants (accused), or the plaintiffs (accuser), neither, or both? 
  2. In the judgment do we have to plead guilty or not guilty?
  3. When will/did the judgment begin and when will it end?
Worship the One Who Made the Heavens and the Earth
  1. What did the angel mean when he qualified God as the creator?
  2. Do Adventists truly keep the Sabbath as a memorial of creation? Is it necessary to think of creation on the Sabbath?
  3. Why does God wish humans to remember that He created them and the whole world?

Monday, 7 May 2018

Lesson 6 (May 5-11), The Change of the Law

The Promise

  1. What does Paul mean when he says "there is no condemnation for those in Jesus?' Is there anything that one needs to do to escape condemnation besides what Jesus did?
  2. What is a greater problem, doing what we know we should not do or not doing what we know we should do? What kinds of temptations would an apostle or pastor encounter, that Paul should make such a lament?
  3. What is "grace?" How does that word give hope?
The Law and Sin
  1. What is the relationship between "law" and "sin?" Can one exist without the other?
  2. What makes laws unpopular? What makes a law easy or hard to obey?
  3. Why do some Christians teach that there is now no obligation to keep the commandments? Why do they only refer to the Sabbath commandment? What about the other commandments?
From Sabbath to Sunday
  1. Why do Christians want to believe that the Sabbath has been changed to Sunday? 
  2. How much can the church amend doctrines to suit changing times and place? 
  3. How important is it to keep the particular day God appointed? Can a country dictate the day of worship such as in Nepal where every single Christian denomination has to worship only on Saturday?
The Seventh-day in the New Testament
  1. Did Jesus choose to be in the grave on Sabbath or was that a coincidence?
  2. Why was Sabbath-keeping still important to the disciples even when Jesus was dead? Would embalming Jesus the "Lord of the Sabbath" have been excusable on Sabbath? 
  3. Is it okay for us to gather by a riverside or meet in homes or rooms for Sabbath worship like the disciples did, instead of going to church? 
The Attempted Change of the Sabbath
  1. If you had authority to change a commandment which one would you change, and why?
  2. Why do Protestants who do not believe in the authority of the Pope still observe Sunday as the Sabbath?
  3. Why is the Sabbath commandment such an irritant for Satan? Which other commandments could he hate as much?